Chapter 13

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-Grace's POV-

"I can't believe you're making me get a wand," Grace squabbled with her brother.

"I don't care, no matter what, you're getting one," Aidan pulled her around Diagon Alley.

It seemed like he knew what he was doing.  He was insisting to make her take part of this 'wizardry'.  It was starting to get on her nerves.  "Yea, yea, yea," Grace gave up.  It wasn't worth fighting for. "So tell me," Grace decided to poke fun at him.  "Do you have a girlfriend?" She teased.

Aidan stopped in his tracks and stared straight ahead.  Grace could tell that his heart was broken.  

"I don't want to talk about it," he murmured and began to move again.  

"Sorry," Grace patted his back.  She was already beginning to feel close to him.  He was her twin brother after all.  "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked gently.

"It's fine," he took a deep breath.  "I had a thing with a girl, but she ran off..."

"Why?" Grace pryed.

"I don't know," Aidan confessed.  "But I don't know if I ever want a girlfriend anymore... too much drama."  

"Well, don't give up yet," Grace said hopefully.  She was thinking of her own experiences and the crush she had on Leo for forever.  "I haven't..."

"Oh well," Aidan sighed, defeated.  "This is it."  Grace followed Aidan into a small shop, where a single wooden desk stood in the front of several rows of what appeared to be bookshelves, but Grace doubted they held books. The shop was empty, or at least that's what Grace thought.

"Aidan Thompson.  Hazel. Twelve and a half inches.  Unicorn core. Flexibility: Hard," an old man materialized out of the shelves.  He wore glasses and lost most of his hair.  You could tell that he was extremely old and week.  

"Mr. Ollivander," Aidan greeted him.  

Ollivander pushed some boxes away from the center of his desk.  He didn't even seem to notice Grace.  "What brings you here today?"

"My name is Grace.  I'm Aidan's long lost twin sister," Grace said immediately, without hesistation. 

"It's a little late to get a wand," Ollivander pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and glanced between Aidan and Grace.  "But, none the less, come with me dear."

Grace didn't want to move her feet, but Aidan shoved her forward.  "Okay," Grace bit her lip.  

Ollivander handed her a medium length wand, gray in color, and twisted toward the front.  Grace, not knowing what to do, flicked the wand and sent electricity sparks flying towards the back of the shop.  "Whoops," she passed the wand back to the old man.

"How about this one," Ollivander gently gave Grace a wand from the next shelf over.  It was much longer, black and almost plain.  There were a couple of ridges where the fingers went.  Scared of her actions, Grace once again flicked the new wand, but it nearly flew out of her hand.  "Not this one," Ollivander murmured as he pushed aside several boxes from the furthest away shelf.  He smiled as he snatched a box that held a gorgeous brown wand with twisted lines on the bottom, and a small bump separating the top from the bottom towards the handle area.  Grace swished the new wand in the air, and felt an air of familiarity.  A small breeze ran over Grace's face.

"I think I'll take this one," Grace handed Ollivander the wand and watched him put it back into the black box.  

The old man gave her another toothy smile and returned to the desk.  "Twelve inches.  Hazel. Phoenix core.  Slightly flexible.  It's almost identical to Aidan's wand.  That will be seven galleons."

Aidan dropped a few gold coins into her hands.  Grace turned them over and looked at the designs.  They were unlike any currency she had seen before.  "Here you go," Grace paid for her wand and left the shop with a friendly goodbye to the shop owner.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Grace demanded to know.  

Aidan shrugged.  "Well, I suppose I could teach you some first year transfiguration and charms..." He said in his cheesy British accent.  Grace didn't understand what he meant at all.  She couldn't wait to go all child of Demeter on his ass.  "Grab onto my arm," Aidan ordered.

Grace gripped his arm tightly without question.  "What are you going to do?"

"Just don't let go, understand?" He didn't really answer her question.  


With a loud crack, the twins disappeared from the lonely street of Diagon Alley.

What they didn't know, was that the giants were close on their trail.  "Shall we attack the castle yet, master?" A deep, menacing voice asked.  

"Soon, my children," a voice from no where spoke.  "Very soon."


-Thalia's POV-

Thalia Grace had been through some hard times.

She spent a lot of her life running from monsters with her best friend Luke and some time along the way, Annabeth.  

Thalia was so close to being safe when she decided to sacrifice herself.  She then became a pine tree instead of dying.  Several years later, she was turned back into a normal teenager with the assistance of the golden fleece.  And before she turned sixteen, she avoided the great prophecy by turning into one of the hunters of Artemis.  

Since then, she had been on many life threatening adventures, but also enjoying her immortality.  Life was good.  That was until she was kidnapped unexpectedly by creatures foreign to her.  The creatures called wizards.  They took her when her sisters weren't watching, well, did the lieutenant needed to be watched? Gods, no.  She was lieutenant for a reason.  

None the less, she was now in danger.  Her immortality could end if she died in battle, or fighting.  She feared for her life.  

Thalia sat alone in a dark chamber.  They had taken her bow and locked her into a dungeon without any restraints at all.  They must have been crazy.  

She didn't think too much of them until one of the hit her with a flashing green light the time she had tried to escape.  The light caused her body to erupt in pain and sent her curled up in a ball.  Thalia hadn't been that weak in years.  In addition to that, they rarely fed her.

She couldn't escape, she tried summoning lightning, but her powers were faulty there for some reason.  

That's when Thalia began getting scared.  She didn't even understand what they wanted to do with her.  That is, until she heard them say the name she had been dreading, Gaia.  The earth Goddess, the murderous Goddess, the next possible Apocalypse, good ol' mother Earth.

In order to find her, or even know about her, they had to be involved with the Earth Goddess.  She had to warn the others, despite her own problems... but how?


A/N: So, I know I promised more wizarding shtuff... but I had to write in Thalia's stand point.

I felt like I had to fill you in on that.

Sunday's planned view points: Leo


and Draco Malfoy (this gon be geerd)

So please please please, remember to vote, comment (review) and fan!

Remember, I love you all even if you're just reading this.

This week's question: What's your Percy Jackson OTP or just favorite real or (Drarry... esqe) ship(I might change view point to incorperate some looove stories in!



Jason/ Piper - Jiper? 

Haze./ Frank - Frazel!! Me gusta mucho!

Clearly Percabeth... :)

and the new ships.

So we have Leo/ Grace - I don't even know XD

Aidan/ Emily: Emidan? Gods, no. I need help! :P

See you guise later, Em

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now