Chapter 9

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-Harry's POV-

"Will everyone please pay attention!?" Harry called out impatiently.  He wasn't having a good day.  Being attacked by giants and nearly breaking up with your girlfriend can do that to a guy.

On top of that, everyone was freaking out, talking in loud voices to each other in small groups or full our running around from person to person asking them what's going on.  He wanted to put a crucio charm on them to make it stop.  The worst part is that it wasn't all demigods, in fact there was the one Annabeth girl going around trying to make people settle down, but she couldn't stop them.  Even Harry's friends were going around starting fights with everyone.  He was getting a headache.  Loosing his temper, Harry put his want up in the air and sent a reducto charm flying at a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling. 

Several girls screamed, but it worked and everyone sat down.  "Thank you," Harry muttered and put his wand back in his bag.  "Anyway, Hermione was saying that we should get started, and we should, especially since we were attacked earlier. I suppose I should introduce myself," Harry sighed.  "I'm Harry Potter."  None of the demigods seemed to recognize him, so he shrugged and sat back a bit.  It was nice not getting so much publicity for once.  

Annabeth stood up and gestured to herself.  "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena," you could hear the pride ringing out of her voice as talked.  "I look forward to working with you," she said politely. Harry nodded, getting slightly bored. He always had such a short attention span.  

"I'm Percy Jackson," the boy with the black hair and green eyes said lazily.  He sounded like he was going to pass out.  "Son of Poseidon."

"What, Percy Jackson?" Hermione sounded shocked.  "You're the crazy muggle boy who blew up a bus a couple years back and recently you've done some other things worthy of international news?" 

"I'm sorry, what's a muggle?" Percy sounded as if he was about to burst into laughter. 

Hermione stayed calm.  She was always much better than Harry at keeping her cool.  "It's mortal, a non wizard."

"Huh," Percy chuckled softly.  "Anyway, yep that crazy American boy wanted by the cops is me," he took a small bow before sitting down."

The demigods went through their introductions as they sat on the long wooden bench. It was big enough to accommodate every single one of them surprisingly enough.  So, they were seated in the order of Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank,Grace, Leo, Grover (who hasn't talked much and pretty much just became noticeable when he gave his introduction...).  They all seemed sort of obnoxious, but very serious at the same time.  Harry's friends introduced themselves as well, unexcitedly.

Once they were done, Percy asked, "Are you okay with us staying here for us to train with you?"  

Harry shrugged.  "Probably," his scar was beginning to burn.  "If you excuse me," Harry rushed out of the Room of Requirement by his self and started wondering down the halls. He needed to talk to Dumbledore.  The idea dawned on him again that Voldemort had cheated death once again.  How could the Dark Lord be truly defeated?


-Hazel's POV- 

Frank rubbed Hazel's arms lightly as she shivered in her spot.  She got hit pretty hard by one of the giants and nearly blacked out.  She was thankful to be awake and conscious.  

Thankfully, Frank knew not to say a lot, seeing that Hazel was truly out of it and wasn't in the mood.  He comforted her enough to calm her down.

Hazel pretty much tuned out while people made introductions.  She mumbled her name as she stood up and almost inaudibly said her name.  She couldn't help but stare at the one wizard that looked exactly like Grace.  It was almost as if they were twins...


-Aidan's POV-

 "Aidan!!" A carefree voice lightly sang into his ears from behind.  

Aidan's heart started beating faster and faster as he turned around to face her beautiful face.  "Hey, Em."  You could hear the enthusiasm in his voice.  Emily flipped her hair to one side and smiled.

They walked side by side down the great hall, hands lingering close to each other.  It was just them in the wide room. "What's the deal with these new kids staying in the extra Hufflepuff rooms?"

Aidan shook his head. "No one important."  

"Huh," Emily looked as if she knew that Aidan was hiding something, but switched the topic.  "So how have you been with your 'chosen one' roommate?"

 "It's alright.  It just kind of makes me feel normal..." Aidan admitted.

Emily grabbed his hand and looked at Aidan in the eyes.  "But you're special."

Aidan stopped in his tracks and gripped Emily's hand tightly.  "But I'm not."   Emily stepped closer and closer to Aidan, until they were face to face.

"You are," Emily said dead seriously, without even a hint of a smile.  Aidan slowly lowered his face to hers until their lips met.

Aidan lightly kissed her, with his arms around her waist, his eyes closed, his heart beating in ecstasy.  Suddenly, she pulled apart and took a few steps back while covering her mouth.  "Aidan..." A red tinge covered her cheeks.

Without saying another word she ran out of the commons, tears streaming down her face.

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now