Chapter 12

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-Annabeth's POV-

The ants bored into her eyes, leaving Annabeth in the dark.

She didn't stay in the darkness long, however.  Her mind still drifted off, she could never get a good night's sleep, even if she was forcefully unconscious.

Annabeth floated in the sky, as if she was part of the clouds.  It was bright and sunny, fluffy white balls surrounded her.

It was peaceful.

But suddenly everything changed.

The sky became stormy and gray.  Rain and wind flew around Annabeth.  Lightning illuminated the clouds. Cracks of thunder shocked her ears.

Panic swelled up in her as she could feel herself falling out of the sky and into an over sized mansion.  She just went right through the glass ceiling and into a large living room.

A group of dark looking people sat around a table, looking serious and like they were in deep conversation.

At the end was a a blond man, with shortly cut hair and a possessed look.  "Dolohov, please retrieve our prisoner," he gestured with an evil grin. The short man with the long brown hair obliged and scurried out of the room.  

Annabeth shuddered, realizing it was the same voice that came out of her. But the guy seemed to be about in his forties, maybe even a tad younger.  The voice didn't match his appearance, it was much to old and snake like.  His eyes glowed a sickly green color, lighting the room and darkening it each time he blinked.  

"What Potter doesn't know, is that we have one of his new 'allies' captured," his eyes flicked up to Annabeth.

"Little demigod, don't you worry," the man spoke to her.  His orbs pierced into her very soul.  "You're troubles will be over soon."

Dolohov came back with a teenage girl, her wrists bound and her silvery dress torn.  Annabeth's heart sank and she screamed, but no sound escaped her lips.  Thalia. 

The hunter was beaten and ragged.  She had dark circles under her eyes. "You have until the end of the month, Annabeth Chase," the man's eyes bore into Annabeth again. How did he know her name?

Then, everything went dark, but Annabeth could still hear the hissing laughter.  

The awful laughter soon turned into pleads, but the darkness remained.

"Annabeth, please wake up." Feeling returned to her hands, and she could feel another hold hers tightly.  She recognized the voice. "Please, Annabeth," Percy begged, quietly.

Annabeth gasped and sat upright suddenly.

"Percy?" She glanced around at her surroundings.  It appeared as if she was in a hospital, but not exactly.  It was much like the one at Camp Half Blood.  A woman wearing a long black and white, not to mention loose white dress with long sleeves hurried into the room, holding a glass of what appeared to be medicine.  "Where am I?"

"You're in the infirmary, dear," the lady handed her the glass. "Drink this."

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Annabeth asked before sipping the drink.  She was expecting it to taste like ambrosia.  Gods, was she wrong.  It took all her will power for her to shove it back down her throat.  That drink tasted worst than Percy's attempts at cooking.

The lady shoved a thermometer in her mouth.  "I'm Madame Pomfrey, Miss Chase.  You were unconcious for three days."

Annabeth scrambled around trying to find a calender or anything, without luck.. She gave up and tried to focus on something else, until... "PERCY. THALIA!" Annabeth gasped out, suddenly remembering the danger her best friend (like a sister) was in.  

"She's with the hunters, she's fine-" Percy tried telling her.

"No," Annabeth tried to stay calm, but her hands were shaking, and her mind was going a mile a minute.  "No.  My dream," she muttered, "evil snake dude.  They have her! They have Thalia! We only have until the end of the month..."

Percy looked at her like she was crazy.  Annabeth slapped his arm, feeling anxious.  "We have to save her, Percy, you have to trust me."

Annabeth pleaded with her eyes.  Percy sighed and sat down at the end of her bed.  "Are you sure?" His blue eyes found her stormy gray ones.  Annabeth nodded.  "Okay, well let's get more information.  You should talk to-"

Madame Pomfrey pulled Percy's arm.  "She has to rest, go on now Mr. Jackson," she shewed him out.  

Annabeth tried to get out of the bed, but her body felt too weak.  She slumped back in her bed.  "Percy, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" 

Percy argued with Madame Pomfrey until Annabeth couldn't hear them anymore.  She let herself rest, but let the dreams come back again.


-Grace's POV-

"I'm a witch," Grace straightened her shoulders.  "I'm a witch," she said louder.

Demeter nodded her head.  "I must be going now, Gaia won't rest," she said the second part quietly.  "Goodbye children." Demeter rose into the ceiling and disappeared, leaving a trail of flowers from her path of travel.  

Grace's head was spinning.  She was in absolute disbelief... again.  Aidan was absolutely shocked as well.  They just sat down and let it all sink in.  They were demigod wizards, possibly a couple of the most powerful beings... ever to walk.   "No one else can know," Aidan approached Grace with a solemn look.

"I agree.  They might think we're dangerous..." Grace was worried about how Leo would react if he found out.  He sometimes was hard to read. 

"You need a wand," Aidan told her persistently.

Grace shook her head.  "I don't need to learn magic."  She just wanted to be a demigod, she didn't want to be some all powerful mumbo jumbo.  "I'm fine."

"If we want to survive and save everyone, we will both have to learn," He tried again.

"Fine.  Let's go get me a 'wand'," Grace muttered.


A/N: Crap. Ran of out time again.  I'll make it up with an update on Wednesday, happy :) (Mainly wizardy stuff, since this was all about dem demi gods)

Remember to vote and comment and fan if you likeee :)

So tell me, any of you read Mark of Athena yet?


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now