Brooklyn's P.O.V
"Mummy wake up! Daddy!" Sophie and Lux screamed, running into Harry's room. Harry sat up and pulled both girls up onto the bed. Lux crawled over to me and planted a kiss on my nose.
"Take up Mummy!" Lux said, smiling. I sat up with the help of Harry and pulled her close to me.
"I'm up. Now, do you want to go see what Santa Clause brought you?" I asked, knowing the girls would jump up and down.
"Yes!" They both screamed at the same time. I laughed and got out of bed.
"You both stay with Daddy while I go see what Santa left you." I said, grabbing my robe and putting it over my tank top and Santa Clause pajama bottoms.
I walked downstairs and saw all of the presents we had for Sophie, Ava and Lux. Everything was in place, and all that we had to do was wait on the boys arrive. As if on queue, someone knocked on our door.
"Brooklyn! Open up! It's cold out here!" Louis yelled. I laughed and went to the door.
"Really? Why don't you test it a little longer until one of the other boys get here? I can let El in though." I said, smiling.
"Let us in. Please my toes are freezing."
"You should've worn socks." El said in a sassy tone.
"Please Brook!" Eleanor said as I unlocked the door. Louis ran in and Eleanor came in after. "Hey beautiful. All the boys are on their way." She said, giving me a hug.
"Okay. Sophie and Lux are upstairs waiting with Haz. And Liam said he'd be a bit late and to let the girls loose." I said, laughing at how Liam had sent the text message.
"Ok-" Louis started to say before someone else knocked on the door. I opened the door and Zayn, LyLayn, Niall and Ava came in. Ava was still on crutches since the accident but she looked as happy as could be.
"Take Ava upstairs to Harry's room!" I said, trying to block Ava's view. Niall nodded and picked up Ava after handing me a bag. I closed the door and looked at the bag.
"What is it?" Louis asked, being nosy as always. I shrugged and opened the bag.
It had a tag on it that said, From Mallory. I opened it a bit more and saw some lolly pops, tank tops, Kleenex and a pink teddy bear. I smiled and went upstairs to my room, setting the bag down on my bed.
"Brooklyn! Almost ready?" Niall yelled from Harry's room. I closed my door and went into Harry's room.
"We're ready.'' I said, smiling as Sophie ran out of Harry's room with Lux following and Ava limping on her crutches to the stairs. "Lux! Stop right there!" I yelled, running as fast as I could over to her and picking her up.
"I cwan go down by myswelf." She pouted. I shook my head and Harry came up next to me.
"Let me carry her." He said, taking Lux from me. I nodded and we started walking down the stairs, Niall right behind us.
"Let me go!" Sophie squealed as Louis held her upside down so she wouldn't get to her presents. Zayn was holding Ava under her arms and she was giggling.
"Be careful Zayn!" Niall said as Zayn put Ava down carefully.
"Go ahead. Put them down." I laughed as Harry put Lux down and she ran to her presents. Sophie and Ava were put down and they went to their presents as well.
"Barbies!" Sophie said, looking at the twelve barbie dolls Harry had bought her. She also had four tiny baby dolls, cribs for them, clothes for all of the barbies and baby dolls, a doll house, some dress up clothes and a little slip of paper with something written on it.
"Kitchwen like Mummy's!" Lux said, smiling at the mini kitchen set Harry and I bought her. She had a baby doll, dress up clothes, a little grocery cart with fake cans of food and a slip of paper with something written on it.
"Clothes!" Ava said, picking up some dresses and shirts. She had baby dolls, clothes for them, some fake bottles, jewelry and a wallet, and one little slip of paper.
"What's this?" All three girls asked she. They got to the paper.
"Let me see them." Louis and Zayn said as Harry, Niall and I smiled. Zayn, Louis and Eleanor read the notes and looked over at us like we were crazy.
"Really?" Eleanor asked. Harry and Niall nodded and went back into the laundry room to get the girls their last gifts. They came back with three big crates. I could see the curiosity and excitement on the girls faces, and when the boys out the crates down the girls were ecstatic.
"Puppies!" Sophie screamed, running to the crate that had her name on it. Harry opened it for her and revealed a tiny bulldog puppy. The puppy ran into Sophie's arms and started licking her face.
"Pippy!" Lux said, looking into the crate next to Sophie's. Harry opened up the door and nothing came out. Lux put her head in the crate and then her arms.
"Lux don't do that." I said as she came out with her Golden Retreiver puppy who was fighting her to stay in the crate. The puppy finally gave up, and snuggled into Lux's lap, making her giggle. The poor thing was petrified.
"Is mine a puppy?" Ava asked, peering into her crate. Niall nodded his head and opened the crate. Ava moved closer to it and she moved back at once, looking up at Niall. A small black and white puppy known as a Cockapoo poked it's head out, then ran to Ava and knocked her over, licking her face.
"Daddy, can I name mine Cubby?" Sophie asked, rubbing the bulldog's back. Harry nodded and she kissed his head. "Come on Cubby. Let's go to my room!" Sophie said, standing up, grabbing one of her baby dolls and running to her room with Cubby following.
"Mine's name is Blondie... Like uncle Ni!" Lux said, standing up and waddling to the stairs. I trusted her to go up stairs by herself, so she continued to walk with Blondie right in front of her.
"I like being Blondie!" Niall screamed, sending all of us into fits of laughter.
"Can mine be Hiccup? Eva will have a friend!" She said, smiling and laughing as Hiccup started licking her again.
"Yes. Now go upstairs with Sophie so we can have adult time." Niall said, pulling Hiccup off of Ava and helping her go upstairs.
"Open up! It's cooold!" Emily said, knocking on the door once Ava went upstairs. Niall went over and opened the door. "Thank god!" She said, running in and taking off her coat. "Liam's getting the gifts from the car. He'll be here in a minute." Niall was about to close the door when Liam came up with presents stacked high.
"Wait! Let me in!" He yelled, crashing into the door and knocking Niall down. "Oh, sorry Ni." Liam said, setting the presents down by the tree and helping Niall up.
"Close the door!" Emily screamed, jumping on the couch and cuddling in Eleanor and Louis for warmth.
"Okay. Sorry, babe." Liam said, closing the door and taking off his coat. He went over and sat by Emily, looking at all of us.
"Well, present time!" Louis said, jumping up and grabbing the stack of presents he had brought to our house in advance. He handed them all out. Everyone else grabbed their presents and handed them out, then we opened everything.
I ended up getting a sweater from Eleanor and Louis, some earrings from Zayn and LyLayn a new phone case from Niall and Ava, and a sweatshirt from Liam and Emily.
"Thanks everyone." I said, giving them all hugs.
"Actually, there's one more thing..." Harry said, reaching under the tree and pulling out a small white box. He handed it to me and I opened it, gasping at what was inside.
A small ring with an beautiful diamond on it and the words Forever and Always engraved on it. I looked over at Harry and he was down on one knee.
"Will you marry me?"

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...