Harry's P.O.V
I was taking Brooklyn, Sophie and Lux to a carnival I had found about ten miles from our house. Brooklyn was looking out the window anxiously and Sophie was humming happily to herself. I was pretty sure Lux was sleeping.
"Harry please tell me where we're going." Brooklyn pleaded. We were almost there, so I flashed her a smile.
"We're almost there." I said, seeing the top of the ferris wheel barely visible. We drove in silence until we got almost to the carnival.
"Oh, I heard about this." Brooklyn said with a smile. She loved carnivals, and I knew that. We went on our very first date, and I tried to win her a stuffed frog, but I failed. I have very bad aim, so I missed the bottles with all three balls.
We got out, and I grabbed the now awake and smiling Lux. We went to the ticket boothe and got fifteen tickets. We all started walking in, and as soon as we got to about the middle of the place, girls were coming up to me. I didn't mind it because they weren't mobbing me or anything, so I signed it, maybe took a picture and they left.
"Let's do the ferris wheel!" Lyn said when the sun started to set. I nodded, and with our last four tickets we got on the ferris wheel. It started to go up, and Sophie looked out the metal bars. I was glad it was a caged up pod instead of one you get strapped into because I was sure before we started moving Sophie would fall out.
"We stwopped!" Sophie said when we got to the top. I looked out and the sun was setting at the perfect time.
"This is perfect Haz." Brooklyn said, looking at me and smiling. We started to move again, and this was the perfect end to our last day together.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
"Morwin!" Sophie said, prancing into my room. I could see the sun was up, and I wasn't really tired like I usually was in the morning.
"Hi boo." I sat up and Sophie crawled in the bed with me. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. Her curls were a mess as usual, and I couldn't help but think of Harry. I bet he was packing by now, and almost ready to go. He needed to be at the airport by twelve, and it was probably about ten.
"Babe?" The all to familiar british accent asked into my direction. I couldn't see him, but I could see imagine his expectant face waiting for my reply.
"Come in." I said. Harry pushed opened my already cracked door and he was just in his boxers. "Have you packed yet?" I asked him. He nodded and looked pretty proud of himself.
"Everything is packed and done!" He said, walking over to my bed and getting in next to Sophie.
"Okay, well you have to be at the airport by twelve, so why don't we get a late breakfast?" I suggested. Harry nodded and leaned towards me. He used to do this all the time and I smiled, leaning in too. We kissed, and pulled back.
"I'll go dress Luxy, and you get Princess." Harry said, getting out of my bed and going down the hall to Lux's room.
"You heard daddy. Let's get you dressed!" I threw the duvet off of me and onto Sophie, causing her to go into a fit of laughter. "Come on boo." I picked her up and we went into her room. I picked out a yellow shirt with a puppy on the front, and a pair of pink, flowy pants. I gave them to Sophie and she got dressed, so I took her into my bathroom and put her chocolate brown curls into a pink head band.
"Donwe!" Sophie said, getting down off my counter and going into Lux's room. I picked out a loose, beige colored shirt and a pair of white shorts with a thick brown belt. I got dressed and braided the front of my hair out of my face. I added a big necklace and a thick bracelet, and I was done.
We got the girls ready and when Harry was ready, we went out to a small breakfast restruant and ate. Harry had packed his things in the car before we went to the restraunt, so we drove straight to the airport.
"Cookie!" Liam said with a little too much excitment. He engulfed me in a hug and I hugged him back.
"Liam!" I said jokingly. We let go and I helped Harry get his things out. When everything was out, Sophie got out of the car and ran to Harry.
"Down't go." She begged. It broke my heart, but I couldn't cry. I went over to Lux's side and got her out. I went back over to Harry and handed Lux to him.
"Bye baby." He said, handing me back Lux and picking up Sophie. "Bye princess." She had tears in her eyes and I could tell she was going to miss him. I would too. They would all be gone and I wouldn't have anyone to help me with the girls.
Harry put Sophie back in her seat, and I put Lux in hers, then we had our time to say goodbye. He put his arms around my waist and I buried my head in his shoulder. To be honest, I was really scared. Last time he left, he cheated on my with Caroline.
"Come back for me and the girls?" I asked in a hushed tone so only he could hear me. I saw his emrald green eyes look at me, but I didn't meet them.
"I promise Brook. I will come back, and I will have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world and the most wonderful daughters waiting for me." He kissed my nose and I lifted my head off of his shoulder. I crashed my lips into his and we kissed. It was the last I would get in a while, so I made it worth it. We pulled back and I smiled at him.
"I love you." I told him.
"I love you too. Now I have to go. Tell the girls I love them one more time." He kissed me one more time before letting go and walking with the other boys into the air port. I got in the car and started driving home. I just hope he keeps his promise.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...