Harry's P.O.V
I stayed the night at Zayn's and I had gotten endless calls from Caroline. They started last night, so I turned it on silent, then she texted me almost four-hundred times. I almost threw my phone at the wall because it wouldn't let me block her number. I eventually just left it on the balcony. Nobody needs me anyways, and if they did they would call Zayn eventually.
I was laying on my back, looking up at Zayn's ceiling. There was nothing interesting about it, just a flat surface, like the other four walls. But why was it on top? Holy crap, I stayed up all night thinking, and now I'm talking about ceilings? No.
I stood up and ran my hands through my curls. Zayn was sleeping, or at least I thought he was, so I went in the kitchen and got a glass of water. I drank it down, and went out to the balcony. I grabbed my phone and checked; Thirty-three missed calls and twenty-nine text messages since last night at midnight. I figured I might as well call Caroline before she calls the police station and files a missing person's report.
"Harold Edward Styles!" She screamed into the receiver, causing me to jump. ''I was worried sick!"
"Sorry. I stayed the night at Zayn's to discuss.. Stuff." I heard her huff from the back of the phone.
"Come home. Please?" She asked in a completely diffrent tone.
"Caroline, I will once I find Brooklyn, Sophie and Lux. I need them. Even if Brooklyn and me aren't together, I need my daughters." I hung up the phone and put I down on the table.
"You okay, mate?" Zayn asked, scaring the crap out of me.
"Holy sh- Give me a heart attack!" I screamed. Zayn laughed and walked over to the seat next to me. He sat down, and I could tell he knew something was up. I had told him a lot last night, but I couldn't explain the pain I was feeling with Brooklyn, Sophie and Lux being gone.
When Brooklyn and me separated during the X- Factor it was agony, but now that she has Sophie and Lux it's killing me. Brooklyn must know that, but I probably made her feel some what the same feelings that I'm feeling.
I broke a promise and I didn't even have a say. If only I could do something to make management stop. But I don't know what they'll do. I sighed and stood up.
"I'm going to her mum's house." I went inside, put on my shoes and walked out.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
"LIAM!" I screamed as he squirted whipped cream at me. We were in the kitchen making breakfast, but we were mostly just making a mess. My mum had taken Sophie and Lux to the park across the street from the neighborhood.
"Hey, this is my favorite white shirt!" Liam said, laughing.
"Well it's not white anymore." I squirted the last bit of chocolate syrup out of the bottle and looked at his shirt. It was like a breakfast tie-die color thingy. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Liam, I smell something burning..." I said, starting to look in the toaster, over and in the pans on the stove for the burning smell. Liam started looking around too, and he stopped the microwave.
"Found it." He pulled out the sausage and it was farther than burnt. "He threw the food in the trash and put the plate in the sink. "Well, I think all the food is done, so we need to shower." Liam said. I looked at my hair, and it was covered in eggs, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and I think strawberry jam.
"Yeah. Can you see any blonde left in my hair?" I asked. Liam looked at me and shook his head, causing some whipped cream to fly off of his head and to my face.
"Well, you can have my shower or my mums. Which one?" I said while me and Liam were walking up to my room.
"I don't care. Do you have any clothes?" He asked. I stood outside my door and thought about clothes.
"I think Matthew left some clothes here." I said, walking into the spare room that used to be my brother's. Sure enough I found a box full of clothes Liam could wear. I got a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt for Liam then went back to him."Here, and you can use my bathroom." He nodded and we walked into my room. I got a black and white striped tank top with short jean shorts.
I went into my mum's room and turned on the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't hold in my laughter. I was covered, and I mean covered in stuff. I finally stopped laughing and got in the shower. I took an extra long shower, and made sure to wash myself twice. When I got out, I got dressed and I heard the door bell ring. I think Liam was still in the shower, so I went downstairs to answer it.
"Hello?" I asked, opening the door. There stood the curly haired boy who lied to me. The curly haired boy who left me and broke my heart: Again.
"Br-" I slammed the door and locked it. I fell down against the door and started to cry. He lied, then has the nerve to come back. Does he think I'll forgive him like that? Well, if he does, he is mistaken.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...