Chapter 36

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Mallory's P.O.V

"Hey, Brooklyn." I said, walking over to her and grabbing Lux's car seat from her. I could see she had tear stains down her cheeks and I could tell she had been crying.

I don't blame her actually, but I would've talked to Harry before I left. She's pregnant, out of a job and has two baby girls. I had something waiting for her in the new flat though, and I think it will help her.

"Hey, Mallory. Where's the new flat?" She asked. I motioned for her to follow me and started walking down the hall to the flat next to mine. I handed her the key and she unlocked the door. The flat came furnished, so everything was in there when Brook went in. I waited for her to gasp or something at what was waiting for her, but she didn't.

"Brooklyn?" I heard sobs and ran to the living room. I stopped at the door frame and saw Brooklyn crying into Liam's chest. Sophie was on the floor looking up at them, so I went in and grabbed her from under them. "I'm taking them to my flat." I walked out with Lux and Sophie and went into the flat I shared with Mason.

"Hey, babe!" Niall said, running to me once I opened the door. He took Lux's car seat from me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey, Nialler. Where's my little Ava?" I asked. Just as I said that Ava and Eva came running around the corner. I scooped Ava up and kissed her cheek.

"Mummy! I missed you!" She gave me a peck on the cheek and I smiled.

"I missed you too baby." I set Sophie and Ava down and they ran into Ava's room.

"Where's Brooklyn?" Niall asked as Mason walked in.

"Next door. She's had a hard day." I sighed and went to check on the girls. I heard little talk coming from Ava's room and an occasional bark. I would hate to be Eva right now. "Ava?" I asked, opening the door. I looked across the room to the little table we had bought for Ava. She had little plastic dishes set up at each chair, and in one of the chairs Eva was strapped in and dressed in a pink dress. Sophie was sitting next to Eva in a purple dress that was three sizes too big and Ava was sitting by Sophie in a pink dress that was two sizes too big.

"Wanna play Mummy?" Ava asked, taking a sip out of her cup.

"No, but you need to let Eva go." I told her, then laughed. "But not before Daddy sees." I poked my head out to the hall and yelled for Niall. "Hey Ni, come here!" Niall came down the hall and to the door frame where I was.

"Yeah?" He asked. I pointed to Eva and he burst into a fit of laughter. I couldn't help but laugh when he did and soon all four of us were laughing. Eva even barked at us once or twice which made us laugh harder.

After we were done with our laughing fits Ava and Sophie let Eva go and the continued on with their tea party. I thought it was so cute how they played because they put their tiny pinky fingers up when the sipped from their cups. I knew it wouldn't be like this forever, though. I just had to cherish these moments while they lasted.

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I couldn't help but cry when I saw Liam. I knew he was mad at me, but he was my best friend. Yes, I did go to Harry again just to come running back to him, but I didn't know what else to do. I think living by myself with the girls will be better for me. I just don't know how much more of this relationship stuff I can take. I love both Harry and Liam so much, but I can't tell which me is better for me.

"Brooklyn, I want you to know I'll be by your side through this all. The morning sickness, the birth, and everything after. Even if we aren't together, this is my baby. And you are my best friend." He kissed my cheek and I looked up at him

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