Harry's P.O.V
Brooklyn, Liam, Niall, Lux and Sophie had just gotten back home, and I had stood up. Louis told me about the kiss, but I wasn't mad. I couldn't be because I still hadn't told Brook I was leaving for a little while.
"Starbucks!" Eleanor yelled from behind me. Liam took the drinks from Niall and brought them to the kitchen table. I watched Niall get Lux out of her stroller, and I did a mental 'Awww'. It was so cute. The food loving Irish boy I once knew did have a soft side for babies.
I grabbed my drink and Brooklyn came over to me. She nodded her head to me and I knew what that meant. During the X-Factor she did that all the time so we could get away from the boys and everything else. She put Sophie down and we walked out to the front porch.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"So I'm guessing you found out about the kiss?' She asked like she was scared. I nodded.
"Yeah, but I'm not mad. But before you say anything, I have somehting I have to tell you." She nodded, but looked very confused. "We are going on a tour around Europe, and I'll be gone for two months." Her jaw dropped open.
"Harry! No! I can't take care of two babies by myself! And last time you left you promised me something that you threw away. God, I knew this was a mistake! Liam was right. I should've just moved to America when I found out I was pregnant." She rambled on. I took her by her shoulders and she looked startled.
"Look, this time I swear nothing is going to happen. I have Sophie and Lux now. And you Brook." I placed a kiss on her forehead and she looked up at me. I knew she didn't trust me, and she had no reason to. I let her down because I wanted a career.
"Fine." She said, storming back into the house. This was going to be awful.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
I can't beleive this! I can understand if he needs to leave, but I have two babies to take care of. Now by myself. And who knows if Harry will come back and still be Sophie and Lux's father. I keep thinking the worse, mostly because of that stupid look on his face the time he left me for Caroline. He looked like nothing was wrong, and he was perfectly fine with it. Not like he said and Managment made him. I'm not calling him a liar, but I still don't believe it.
I stormed up to my room and locked my door. I threw myself on my bed and buried my head in my pillow. Why did Harry have to leave now? And he acted like he cared about me. I shouldn't have been so naive in the first place. I let him come back and care for the little girl he hasn't cared or known about for two years. Now he just comes back and gets to be in her life? I let him do that. And now I have Lux too. She was hurt, an she'll never know how great her real parents were, and I'll have to raise her by myself with the help of the boys again. Harry's just going to leave and never come back for Sophie or Lux. Then I'll have to tell them why their dad never came back. But I have Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn. They'll help, and I know Zayn will because he loves Lux and Sophie so much.
"Brook? I'm sorry. I can't help it. I have to leave. Just, please try to understand." Harry pleaded through the door. I stood up and walked over to the door. I unlocked it and swung it open.
"I do understand, but obviously you don't! You left me when I was pregnant for Caroline Flack, then when you saw me again with Soph you just decided, Hey I think I'll be a dad today. Then what? We got Lux and your leaving again. And who the hell knows if you'll come back for me and your daughters?" I slammed the door in his face and fell down against it. I felt a few tears fall down my face and heard Harry say something one time before he left.
"What you don't understand is that I love you." My heart stopped when he said that. His voice made it come out in the way it gives you goosebumps.
"I love you too." I said even though I knew he couldn't hear me.
I got up and wiped my eyes, then went into the bathroom. I washed my face and checked myself over. My hair was a mess, but not too bad. I decided to leave it and went downstairs. I got weird looks from everyone but Eleanor when I walked in. She would know why I was so mad. I mean, not the exact reason but Louis leaves her. At least he comes back for her. Right after I had Sophie the boys had a few performances to do, and I was so scared without Liam there. I thought I was going to break her to be honest. I called her so many times, and I felt so bad about doing it. In the end, though, she was always a good sport about it.
"Let's do something tonight." Liam suggested. I nodded in agreement and went over to Louis who had Sophie.
"Mummy." She held out her arms and I took her from Louis. I kissed her cheek and held her small body close to me. She laid her head in the crook of my neck and I could feel her little ringlets on my shoulder.
"Nandos?" Niall asked quietly. He was bouncing Lux up and down on his knee. She seemed to like it because she was smiling and giggling.
"Yeah. Everyone okay with that?" Liam asked. I nodded and the others agreed as well.
"Then a sleepover?" I suggested. We had a big house, and all seven of us had never had a sleep over before. Just six of us. Harry had never been to a sleepover I was at.
"Sure. What about Soph and Lux?" Harry asked. I looked at him then back at Sophie.
"I'll get my friend to watch them. She won't mind." I said, referring to Sarah.
"Okay. Well, we'll go out to dinner around six, then sleepover here!" Zayn said, summing up our plans. I walked out of the kitchen and went up to Sophie's room. I put her down with some of her toys and I grabbed my phone out of my room. It was still across the hall, so I was comfortable having Sophie in the same place as before.
I dialed Sarah's number and she answered immediately.
"Hey, Sarah. Can you do me a favor?" I asked.
"Sure, Brook. What?" She asked.
"Can you watch Soph and Lux tonight?"
"Sure. Bring them whenever." She told me.
"Okay. Be there in twenty minutes. Bye."
"Bye." The other end of the line went dead so I hung up. I put my phone down and started packing Sophie. I picked out a dress, and some white leggings, then a green t-shirt that says I'm as sweet as sugar. I stuffed them into a bag and got Ella out of Sophie's bed. She was done, so I picked up Sophie again and took her or Lux's room. I got Lux a yellow polka dotted onsie and a pink dress. Then just in case I packed a sea blue onsie with a giraffe on the front. I grabbed Sophie the griaffie out of Lux's crib and put it in the bag as well. I know Sarah has diapers and things like that, so that's all she'll need. I took Sophie back downstairs and put the bag on the couch.
"Girls will be gone in an hour." I told them.
"Okay. What movie are we going to watch tonight?" Louis asked.
"Horror." Harry said.
"No." I shot down. "I am a big baby. No." I repeated.
"Fine, the smurfs?" He asked.
"No! Scarier than a horror movie!" I practically yelled. Everyone but Niall and Liam started laughing at me. "Yes, I'm scared of the smurfs." I admitted.
"Okay, then we can watch.... The Vow or... This Means War!" Eleanor exclaimed. I laughed and nodded.
"The Vow is so sad though! How about This Means War?" I asked.
"Okay." All the boys and El said. I put down Sophie and walked over to Niall. He handed me Lux and I walked over to the door with Sophie following me.
"I'm going to take the girls now. Bye." I walked out to the car and buckled Lux in, then picked up Sophie and put her in. I got in on my side and drove off to Sarah's flat.
"Hey! Where's my Sophie Bug?'' She asked, bee-lining straight for Sophie. Sophie let out a loud squeal when Sarah started tickling her. I laughed and unbuckled Lux, then grabbed the bag. We went inside, and once I was sure Sarah had gotten everything, I left.
When I got home, I went straight up to my room. I changed into a tan tank top and khaki shorts, then some flats. I grabbed my bracelets and my purse, then went back downstairs. Everybody was ready, so we headed out to Nandos. Tonight should be fun.

Those Curls
أدب الهواةBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...