Harry's P.O.V
We had been shopping for the past hour and a half, and I was getting tired. Sophie had woken up when we got here, so I was holding Lux in one arm, and holding Sophie's hand with the other. Everything on our list was pretty much crossed off, but the big things we still needed to get.
"I'm sorry it's taking so long. Want me to put Soph in the cart?" Broolyn asked for the millionth time. I finally decided to put her in there.
"Yeah." Brooklyn stopped and picked her up. She sat her down in the little seat thingy Louis uses to hold his 'special items'. "So all we need it a crib, mattress, changing table, and a bassinet?" I asked, hoping this would be over soon.
"Yeah." Broklyn said looking it the basket of the cart. We walked to the aisle with the big things and picked out everything, plus a bouncy seat and a stroller.
"Done?" I whined. We walked to the checkout counter and Brooklyn started putting the small things on the counter.
"Yes, now help me with the heavy stuff." She held out her arms and I gave Lux to her. I put the big things on the belt and letting the older woman price them. We finished and went out to the car. I set up Lux's car seat in the parking lot and Brooklyn strapped Sophie in.
"Done with the car seat and you can put Lux in." I said. Brooklyn got out of the passengers seat and put Lux in. She opened one of her eyes and let out a long cry. "Don't cry Luxy." I picked her up and tried to soothe her. She was so beaten up. She stopped crying and Sophie crawled over to Lux's car seat.
"Who is twat?" She asked, pointing to Lux. I looked at Brooklyn and she picked up Sophie.
"Sophie! Don't' say that!" Brooklyn said in pure terror. I was laughing hysterically at what my two year old had just said. "Baby girl, this is Lux. She is you new baby sister." Lyn explained. Sophie looked at Lux and smiled.
"Why is shwe huwrt?" Sophie asked, pointing to the biggest bruise on her wrist.
"She got hurt and her mummy and daddy got hurt. That's why she is our baby now." I said, bouncing Lux up and down so she wouldn't cry again.
"OMG MY GOD IT'S HARRY STYLES!" A fan screamed from behind us. Sophie heard it and buried her head in Brooklyn's chest, and Lux started crying. The fan walked up to us and I wasn't in my best mood.
"Can I have your autograph?" She squealed in my face. Lux cried louder and Sophie started crying.
"I'm a little busy right now." I snapped at her which made her jump.
"Fine, but don't have anymore kids. Your only eighteen and you have kids with that slut?" She looked at Brooklyn in disgust. Sophie cried even harder and I got mad.
"Having Sophie with Brooklyn was the best thing I have ever done." I practically yelled at her. She gave me a bad look and stomped away.
"Shhh...Don't cry boo." Brooklyn tried to soothe Sophie.
"Luxy it's okay." I tried to soothe Lux. She kept crying, so I decided to put her in her car seat and let her soothe herself. Sophie stopped crying, so Brooklyn strapped her back in and we went home. The boys and Eleanor were at the house when we got there, and they helped me set up the nursery. When we were done it was past midnight, and Sophie was asleep. Lux was up every hour, so we put her in her crib and let her sleep.
"You guys can stay, but three of you will have to sleep on the couch." Brooklyn said.
"I call Harry's bed!" Zayn said sleepily. He walked up to my room and went to sleep.
"Now only two." Brooklyn said, rubbing her eyes. She was so exhausted.
"We'll sleep on the couch." Niall and Liam said. I got up and grabbed some blankets and pillows from the closet. I threw them to Liam and Niall, then went up to my bedroom.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...