Brooklyn's P.O.V
I was awaken by soft whimpers coming from Sophie's room. I threw the duvet off my legs and walked into Sophie's open door.
"Sweet baby girl. It's alright. Mummy's here. Don't cry." Sophie was two and a half, but she woke up every night. It wasn't like when you have a newborn, but she would wake up crying. I think she had nightmares, but everytime I asked about it, she would close her mouth and cross her arms. She was too much like her father.
"Mwumy?" She cried. I picked her up and pulled her close to my chest. She wrapped her arms around my neck and played with my blonde curls.
"Yes baby. Are you okay, Baby Boo?" I asked. Liam had given her that nickname when Louis got the nickname BooBear. I know what your thinking. Liam and Louis from One Direction? Yes. Liam has been my best friend since forever. When I met Louis we immediently clicked. They were my two best friends and I knew I could trust them with anything. That's why they have known about Sophie since I found out I was pregnant with her.
"Yes. I twied. Can I sweep with Mummy?" She always ended up in my bed one way or another. I didn't have to respond for Sophie to let go of my neck and grab the miniature stuffed elephant Louis bought for her at the zoo.
"Yes, but Mummy has to get up early so you have to go straight to bed." I could see her nod in the dim light so I walked back into my room with Sophie holding on to me.
I could hear the fan above my bed making a slight clicking noise, and I knew before we would go to sleep Sophie would ask about it.
"What is that noise?" She asked right as I put her down on the bed. I walked over to my side of the bed and slid under the duvet. I turned to Sophie who was still sitting up because I hadn't answered her question. Way to much like her father.
"The fan boo. Now go to sleep." Right after I answered her question she slid under the covers and turned towards me. I kissed the top of her forehead, and she kissed my nose. She fell asleep almost instantly after that, and I could hear her breathing steady. I relaxed and let sleep overtake me.
The sounds of my alarm clock stopped and I opened one of my eyes to see that Sophie wasn't in the spot I had left her. I turned my head and saw my small daughter propped up on my nightstand. She was on top of the alarm clock, and my guess was she had gotten tiered of hearing the constant beeping.
"Morning Soph." I sat up and she jumped onto my stomach. I kissed her forehead and she kissed my nose again. "Will you go get dressed please?" I asked her. She nodded and hopped off of my bed and ran into her room across the hall.
I threw the duvet off of my legs and went over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of black Adidas shorts and a thick pink tank top top. I slipped them on and grabbed a pair of green socks. I put them on and grabbed my worn-out white Converse. I slipped them on and out my hair in a high bun. I put a sports headband on and look myself over in the mirror on more time. I was ready for dance. I was a backup dancer for a company that had me do whatever the needed me to. Today I was rehearsing for a music video for some singer that I didn't even know existed.
"Aww weady!" She was two and a half and still couldn't say ready right. Or all for that matter. I loved that. She was the most adorable thing ever.
"Okay." She had done a good job dressing herself and she grabbed the bag with Ella the elephant, her pink blanket and a change of clothes I had packed last night. I had taught her well if I do say so myself. "Are you ready to go to.." I pulled out my phone and opened Louis' text messages. "Uncle Liam's house while Mummy goes to dance?" She love going to Liam's house and he was pretty much her father. He was the only father figure in her life besides Louis. I hadn't had a boyfriend since Soph was born, so it was just Liam and Louis.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...