Brooklyn's P.O.V
"What?" Harry asked. His tone was somewhat confused and angry. The angry part scared me more than anything.
"Yeah." I looked down at Sophie. She looked up at me and pointed to Harry, then pulled one of her curls.
"Dwaddy?" I felt my eyes tear up, but I didn't want Harry to see me cry. I nodded to Sophie and watched her head rise from my neck.
"Yes boo." I started walking through the door again when Harry grabbed my arm. I winced in pain but Harry didn't seem to care.
"Where are you going?" I looked back at him. His emerald green eyes never failed to make me lose myself in them, even when they were full of anger.
"I have dance." I said firmly, pulling my arm from his grip. Harry just glared at me.
"What are you going to do with her?" Harry referred to Sophie. She looked curiously at Harry and then up at me.
"She has a name Harry." I didn't answer his question because I was thinking about that myself. He couldn't take care of her. Unless I was dead, and then he could.
"I wouldn't know it because I didn't even know I had a fucking daughter!" Harry screamed at me. When he said that Sophie burst into tears and Liam took her from my arms.
"Stop. See, this is one of the reasons I didn't tell you about her. You aren't ready to be a father, but for me, well I had no choice." I took my cold glare off of him and ran down the hall to the stairs. I knew Liam and Louis would keep Harry away from Sophie because I told them if Harry ever found out to keep him away, and they promised me.
"Stop Brooklyn!" Harry yelled from the top of the stairs. I didn't want to, but I did and I didn't know why. I heard Harry run down the stairs and he grabbed my arm again, but this time, softer. I turned my head and felt a tear roll down my face. "Why didn't you tell me Lyn?"
"We both know you weren't and aren't ready to be a father, and I have many reasons why you shouldn't be one if you can't think of any." We both knew I had loads of reasons. Harry let go of my arm and sat down on the bottom step.
"I have some time. Tell me."
"Yeah. Harry you may have some time, but I have to get to dance. I have to make money to feed your daughter and pay my rent." I turned away from Harry but then remembered something. "And don't try to see Soph. I made Liam and Louis promise not to let you see her." I ran down the stairs and I could hear Harry stomping back up the stairs. I walked out into the lobby and ran to dance.
"There you are!" Sarah said when I got into the dance room.
"Yeah, I ran into someone." She jumped on my back and I walked over to my spot.
"Tell me what!" She yelled. "I mean who!"
"Fine. But get off of me first." She did and I looked at her. "Okay, Harry was over at Liam's flat, and he saw me with Sophie. Liam made me tell him she was his." She sighed.
"So he wants to be in her life?" She asked curiously.
"I don't know." I shrugged and walked over to my spot as the director walked in the room. "It doesn't matter anyways. He's not going to be."
Liam's P.O.V
I took Sophie from Brooklyn's arms when she started crying and brought her into the living room where Louis was.
"I knew she should've told him." Louis said when I handed him Sophie so I could go make her a cup of juice.
"Lou, you told her to keep Sophie away from Harry." I said when I got the juice out of the fridge and poured it into Boo's sippy-cup.
"Maybe, but I always knew he would find out." He said matter of factly. I sighed and grabbed Sophie from Louis and heard the door slam.
"Are they gone?" I asked going over to the couch. I handed her the juice and she took it from me. I turned back to Louis.
"Yeah. I don't hear anymore yelling." Louis stood up and walked back into the main room. I followed with Sophie and sat her down next to Louis. She kept drinking her juice until it was gone. I had taken a seat next to her, and when she had finished she gave the cup to Louis and laid her head down on my lap. She fell asleep almost instantly. I picked her up and took her back into my room and laid her down in her crib. I grabbed Ella out of Sophie's bag and put the elephant right beside Soph. I walked out and closed the door quietly.
"I don't think she slept well last night." Louis said when I got back from my room.
"I know. But she sleeps here so that works." I focused on the TV show, even thought I didn't know what we were watching. Everything was quiet until I heard very loud knocks or bangs at the door.
"Liam let me see Sophie!" Harry roared from outside the door. I had never heard or seen him this angry before. I stood up and went to the door.
"I can't. I made a promise. And stop being so loud. I just put her to sleep." I said into the door and walked back to the main room. The beating of the door continued until Sophie started crying from my room.
"Stop Harry!" Louis yelled at the door while I went to go get Sophie. Louis, like me, was very protective over Sophie.
"What's wrong Boo?" I scooped her up and wiped the tears off her face. She pushed my hand away and buried her head in my chest. "It's okay." She just kept crying. I walked to the door where Louis and Harry were yelling at one another and swung the door open.
"Finally." Harry said and reached out to grab Sophie, but I pushed his hand away.
"No, Harry. You made her cry. You yelled at Brookie and now you banging on the door has made her cry more." Sophie's cries were just little whimpers now, but is still broke my heart.
"If you would let me see her I wouldn't have to knock on the door." Harry said angrily, like I should've known that.
"Brooklyn doesn't want you seeing her, and you left her when she tried to tell you. You walked away and you broke her heart. You could have been a part of Sophie's life, but you chose not to be. Me and Lou have been a major part of Sophie's life, and that proves you could have been too." I slammed the door in his face. That boy did so many stupid things, and I knew he considered Brooklyn a stupid thing, but he was wrong. So wrong.
(Shout my book: Those Curls out and I'll follow you! Just tag me! I'm entering it into the Watty's and it needs more attention! Please help me!)

Those Curls
FanficBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...