Brooklyn's P.O.V
"Brooklyn?" Liam asked, coming down the stairs. "Brooklyn, what's wrong?" He asked, seeing me then running the rest of the way down the stairs and over to me. He crouched down next to me and stroked my hair. I looked up at him, and I knew he could tell I was hurting inside. Harry knocked in the door again, and Liam looked up.
"Brooklyn, please let me inside. I need to see Sophie and Lux. And you." Harry said through the door. I could see the anger rise in Liam. I knew he hated it when I cried, but I couldn't help it this time.
"Go away Harry." Liam said, looking back down at me. I cuddled into his chest, and he started to rub small circles in my back. It relaxed me a little, but I was still crying. I took in the familiar scent of Liam, and it made me think of how it was before. Before love or hate ever played a roll in our lives. Before when we would get mad over someone taking our juice box or using our pencil without asking. Before everything was so complicated.
"Please let me in. I can explain everything." Harry tried again. I looked back at the door, but I just went back to Liam's chest.
"Go away Harry." I heard Harry walk off the porch and onto the sidewalk.
"Hope your mum doesn't get home before Harry leaves." Liam said, standing up and offering me his hand. I took it, stood up and wiped my eyes.
"Now let's go clean the kitchen." I said, walking in and grabbing two rags out of the closet. I handed one to Liam, and we cleaned the counters, did the dirty dishes and put all the food on plates. "Now, when mum gets home we can eat!" I smiled at Liam, walking back into the living room. I threw the rag into the laundry room and sat on the couch. Liam plopped down next to me, and I couldn't help but snuggle into him again.
"Am I a good pillow?" Liam asked, causing me to giggle.
"Yeah. Squishy." I said, squeezing his tummy. "Just kidding." I smiled up at him, and he smiled down at me. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and I couldn't help but get lost in them. Before I knew it, I was leaning towards him, and when our lips met it was like fireworks. It was like time stood still, and I never wanted it to end.
I pulled back from him and looked at him. He had a big grin on his face. I knew I had a big grin on my face too. I cuddled back into Liam's chest, and he draped his arm over my waist.
"Mummy!" Sophie said, causing me to shoot off of Liam's chest. "I found a wadybug!" She opened her hands and showed me and Liam the little red bug.
"It's pretty boo. Why don't you let it go outside now, so other little girls can catch it." She smiled, nodded and walked past my mum who was carrying Lux.
"Here's mummy." My mum said, handing me Lux. I took her, kissed her cheek and watched the smile spread across her face.
"Hi Luxy." Liam cooed, kissing her left hand. She smiled at him, and I stood up.
"Breakfast is in the kitchen." I told my mum and Sophie when she got back. We all walked in the kitchen, and I put Lux in her seat.
Once everyone was done eating and I was done cleaning off Lux, my mum went up to her office. Liam was in the living room with the girls, and I was doing the dishes.
"Hey Cookie, I have an interview to go to. I have to go, but I'll be back in an hour or two. Unless you want to come." He offered. He knew it wasn't a good idea, and so did I, but something was telling me I should go.
"Umm.. Okay.. Should I bring the girls?" I asked, closing the dish washer and turning it on.
"I think the girls need to see Harry." Liam told me. I sighed, nodded and walked into the living room.
"Come on girls. Let's go see daddy." I picked Lux up and went up to her room. "But I need to change your outfit first." She smiled at me as I laid her down, and took off her dress. I threw it in the hallway and grabbed a little pink and white dress, slipped it over her head and sat her up.
"Ready?" Liam asked from the door. I turned around, nodded and walked downstairs. I slipped on my Toms, and I went out to the car that was waiting for us.
"Here we go." I said, getting into the car. Liam joined me and the car started to drive to the studio.
When we got there, Liam had Sophie's hand and I was holding Lux and right as we rounded the corner we got mobbed by paparazzi. Sophie started to cry, so Liam picked her up.
"Your making her cry. She's two. Give us some space!" Liam yelled at them. The paps didn't listen to him, and just took pictures of us together. We got to the front of the studio and went inside. Sophie was still crying, so Liam let her cuddle into his chest like I had done.
"Hey Liam hey- Brooklyn?" Louis asked. I smiled at him and he came over to hug me. "I missed you. Where did you go?" He asked.
"My mum's." He nodded and we started walking to the set. When we got there, Zayn and Niall jumped up when they saw me. Harry wasn't there, or at least I didn't see him.
"Why are you here?" Zayn asked, giving me a hug. Niall did the same, and I stepped back.
"The girls need to see their dad." I told them. They nodded and the door swung open, revealing Harry and Caroline.
"Brooklyn?" Harry asked, and Caroline glared at me.
"Yeah." We was all I said.
"Dwaddy?" Sophie asked, teary eyed.
"Hi princess." He took her from Liam and she clung onto his neck. I went over to Liam and whispered in his ear.
"Thank you. I knew she missed him." He smiled and put his arm around my waist.
"Okay, everybody but the boys off set!" The host said to me and Caroline. Harry put Sophie down, and she followed me off the set. We sat down, and watched the boys do their interview.
When the interview was almost over, the host asked the boys to sing. All the boys nodded and got up. The manager of the show handed them microphones and the music for What Makes You Beautiful started playing. I looked down at Sophie and she was singing every word.
"Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you.
Baby you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smiled at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know-oo, You don't know your beautiful-ul.
That's what makes you beautiful." Harry stopped singing and looked at Sophie. He motioned for her to come to him, so she ran onto the stage.I watched Sophie and Harry sing on the stage, and it was really cute. It was even cuter since Sophie sang every word.
"Tats what makes you bwutiful!" Sophie finished, causing the boys to have smiles on their faces, and Niall to laugh.
"Come here boo." I said, motioning to her. She came back to me, and I looked up at Caroline. She was watching me with a very uncomfortable glare. I looked away just as the host thanked the boys for being on the show, and the interview was over.
Niall came straight over for Lux, and Louis went for Sophie. Zayn was in the middle of them, and I thought it was too cute.
"Hey." Harry said from in front of me.
"Hi. I was thinking you could have them every other week, or weekend." I told him. His face fell, but he nodded in agreement.
"Okay. When do I get them next?" He asked.
"You can have them on Monday." I said. That would give me three days to get the girls what they would need.
"Come on Haz. I want to go home." Caroline interrupted us. Harry looked annoyed, but he went out of the studio and I went over to the girls. He didn't even tell the girls goodbye. What kind of person did he think he was? I knew I was right from the beginning. Soon, he won't even want the girls every week.
"Wanna go get some lunch?" Niall offered. Zayn, Liam, Louis and me nodded, and we went to the car.
"To Nandos!" Niall announced. We all groaned, but that's where we ended up going.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...