Brooklyn's P.O.V
No. No. No! This can't happen. This can't be right.
It just can't!
It's Liam's,too. It has to be his. I never did it with Harry but that week we got Sophie. Now I did with Liam a few times and I get another one? But.. I can't have three kids. Two I didn't think I could handle, but I've been doing good on my own.
I can't do three kids. I'm only eighteen. I shouldn't even have one kid, but I have two with one on the way.
"You're scaring me Brook..." Louis said, staring at me from the end of the hall. I was sitting with my back to the open door in the bathroom. He started walking closer and when he got to me, I pointed to the counter. He looked over and then back at me. "I'm so sorry Brook."
"Why are you sorry? I was stupid, and so was Liam. You didn't do one thing." I said. He shook his head and got down on the floor next to me. I crawled into his lap and he put his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry, mostly because you have a decision to make. You either have the baby and tell Harry it's not his, then tell Liam it is his. Then the risk of the paparazzi finding out its Liam's baby, and Harry might leave you. Liam said not to come back to him. Or you could not tell anyone else and get an abortion." I cringed at the word. I could never, and I would never.
"I would never do that. I mean it would help if I wasn't pregnant, but I will never, ever get an abortion. That's murder. We both know it, and if your stupid enough to get pregnant then you should keep it. Not kill it." I was getting teary eyed just taking about it.
"Don't cry, babe. I know you'd never do it, I just thought I'd say it. I'm sorry. Now how are you going to tell Liam and Harry?"
"You can't tell either of them. Promise me you won't." He didn't say anything, so I said it again. "Louis promise me! You have to promise me, Louis." He nodded and I leaned my head back on his shoulder.
"I promise Brooklyn."
Harry's P.O.V
It had been a week since Brooklyn and I decided to try it one more time. I had been over at her house a few times and things finally seemed to be working out for us.
"Br-" I stopped when heard gagging coming from inside her bathroom. I went to the door and knocked. "Babe, want me to hold your hair?" I heard more gagging then she said something barely above a whisper.
"Yes. Please." I opened the door and found Brooklyn, pale on the floor, hunched over the toilet. I pulled her blonde curls back and she started again. She had been doing this lately, and I was starting to get worried. She didn't seem to be losing any weight though, which I found very odd.
Once Lyn was finished, she brushed her teeth and flushed the toilet. We walked out of her room and down to the living room where Sophie and Lux were.
Sophie was playing with Ashlie, her doll, dressing her in all sorts of outfits and trying to braid her hair. Lux was sitting in front of the TV watching some show were they took five minute pauses after they asked a question. I found it extremely annoying, but Lux obviously found it very interesting.
"Ashlie, do you like pink or wellow better?" She asked her doll. Her speech had been improving very much, but she still had a very bad speech impediment. Me and Brooklyn both had ones when we were little, so the odds were Sophie would have one too.
"I like the pink better princess." I said, walking over to her and squatting down. She smiled and grabbed the light pink dress out of the bucket. I watched her put Ashlie in the dress and re-braid her hair. I thought that it was amazing that Sophie could braid since she was only two, almost three sometime in February.
"Like tat?" She asked. I nodded and stood up, then picked Sophie up. I went over to Brooklyn and she looked at me.
"Where are you going mister?" She sassed. She's been spending a little too much time with Louis. It kind of made her hotter, if that was possible.
"The store. Need anything?" She nodded and looked over at Lux,
"Will you get Lux some hair ties and me some pain killers and lolly pops?" I nodded and gave her a strange look when she said lolly pops.
"Why lolly pops?" I asked. She shrugged and laughed.
"I have cravings. Just go!" She pretended to shoo me.
"Okay. Do you want anything Soph?" I asked, walking out.
"Baby doll!" I laughed and so did Brooklyn.
"Okay, you'll need the practice for when Mummy decides to have another baby eventually." I looked at Brooklyn and she faked a smile.
"Uh.. Yeah." I walked out and went to the store, but Brooklyn's face never left my mind.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
I still hadn't told Liam about the baby. Actually, I hadn't talked to him at all. Liam was one of those people who needed time to get over things. He had full right the be mad, though.
I knew I needed tell Liam soon, but I didn't know how.
I went over to Lux who was playing with her little piano and sat down. I opened Liam's text messages and sent a short text to Liam that would tell him everything.
I'm pregnant...

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...