Brooklyn's P.O.V
I woke up in Harry's grip. I was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to move. Harry was snoring quietly, and his curls were a mess due to my hand. It was tangled in them, just like I used to do before. My hand would always find it's way to Harry's mob of curls if we were sleeping or cuddling together.
"Mummy?" Sophie asked from down the hall. I knew she was outside my room. I looked at the door waiting for Sophie to come in asking for Harry, but she didn't. I didn't hear footsteps or anything else from her, so I assumed she went back to her room.
Harry shifted in his sleep and let go of me. His arms were close to his chest, so I got up and went out. If Harry wasn't holding me then why stay? I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I was in the same clothes from last night, so I put on some sweatpants and Harry's Jack Wills jumper. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. My jaw was purple and swollen really bad. I took out my foundation and out some on, hoping it would mask the purple. It did, so I took some of the pills the doctor prescribed to make the swelling go down.
I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. I heard soft humming coming from Sophie's room. It was in the tune of What Makes You Beautiful. I opened her door just a crack and listened to her. She knew the tune very well, and at the end she clapped for herself. I clapped too, and she turned around from her window seat.
"Mummy!" She said, dropping her new Harry doll and running over to me. She hugged my legs and her head was up to just above my knee. She was getting so tall. She let go and I knelt down to her height. She was in her favorite pair of pajamas, and I noticed you could see her belly button. I kissed her cheek and picked her up, walking to her closet. I picked her out a pink shirt with ruffles at the bottom and a pair of white leggings. I put her down on one of the chairs and gave her the outfit. She undressed herself and put it on. The shirt was up to her belly button, and the ruffles made it right above her waist.
"We need to go shopping for you baby. Your getting so big! And in February you'll be three!" I said, carrying Sophie out of her room and into Harry's. He was still asleep, but I would need him to come with me to watch Lux. "Go be nice and wake up daddy." I whispered in Sophie's ear. I put her down and she ran over to Harry's side of the bed.
"Dwaddy." She said. She placed her small hands on Harry's side and attempted to shake him. All she did was move his arm a little. I went over to her, and helped shake Harry awake. "Dwaddy! Wake up!" Sophie commanded. Harry opened one of his eyes and looked at Sophie. Then me, and a smile appeared on his face.
"Good morning, my beautiful girls." He said to me and Sophie. He picked Sophie up and laid her down on the bed next to him. Soph cuddled into Harry's chest and their curls made me laugh. They were so messy and tangled. Harry's was long, and Sophie's was down to her mid-back. I had straightened her hair once and it was to the top of her bum.
"Haz, we need to go shopping. Sophie's getting so tall, and half of her clothes are to short. Stand up Soph." I said, walking over to Sophie. She stood up and I pulled the ruffles on her shirt up. Harry nodded and sat up.
"Okay." He said before getting up and going into his bathroom. He came out in a different pair of jeans and his Ramones t-shirt. "I'll go get Lux." He said. "Whoa. Your chin looks awful.
"I'm fine. It doesn't even hurt." I said, somewhat lying. "You make the girls breakfast. I'll get Lux." I said, nodding to Sophie. He walked down the stairs with Sophie right behind him and I went to Lux's room. I opened the door quietly and heard soft gurgling noises coming from Lux's bed.
"Mu-Mumma." Lux said when I looked over the crib.
"Your so smart baby girl!" I praised, picking her up and spinning her around. "Harry!" I called downstairs. "Lux said something besides the deformed version of your name!" Lux had said 'Hally' before, and she meant to say Harry. All the boys thought it was cute because Harry spent so much time with her before they lost Lou and Tom.
"That's awesome! What'd she say?" He yelled up to me.
"Mumma!" I yelled back. I went over to the changing table and changed Lux's diaper, then dressed her in a pink dress with white polka-dotted leggings. I put a small bow clip in Lux's hair and walked down to the kitchen.
"Isn't my baby girl smart?" He said when he saw Lux. He picked her up and started feeding her, so I sat down next to Sophie and started eating my oatmeal.
When we were all ready to go, it was ten o'clock. Harry grabbed his keys and I got the girls, so we walked out to the car. I put Lux in first and then Sophie. I got in next to Harry and he started the car. I turned on the radio and Want U Back by Cher Loyd was on. Sophie sang every word, and so did Harry and I.
When we got to the store, Harry grabbed Lux and I grabbed Sophie, then we went inside. I grabbed a cart and we put Sophie and Lux in. We didn't take Lux out of her car seat, so we just put that in the bigger part of the cart.
"Where to?" Harry asked. I pointed to the back of the store where the toddler clothes were. We went to the back and stopped. "What all does she need?" Harry asked.
"Everything but hair things and shoes." I said, grabbing a dress and holding it up to Sophie. "Stand boo." I said to Sophie. She stood up in the make-shift seat and the dress was right below her knee. "Perfect. Get this size Harry." I said, showing him the size. He nodded and walked over to the t-shirts. When Lux started crying, Harry went to get her out and entertain her.
"Hey Lyn, I think Lux is mad at me." Harry said in a questioning voice.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Look at her face." I looked over and laughed, then retuned to my shopping.
"It's just gas."
I started looking at more and more clothes and by the time I was done, Sophie had a whole new wardrobe.
"Done!" Harry said while we were walking to the check out. I nodded and we started putting things on the belt. When everything was up there, I pushed the cart forward and started loading the bags back into the cart. "I'm paying." Harry said.
"No. I am. It was my idea to go shopping." I said. He shook his head and took out his wallet. "Harold Styles don't you dare." He flashed me a cheeky smile and gave the lady his card. I groaned loudly and put the last bag in the cart.
"Thank you." The lady said and we went out to the car. I put the girls in and Harry loaded the bags, so once that was done it was twelve o'clock. Harry and Sophie both were complaining about being hungry, so Harry drove us to a burger place.
When we finished there we got back in the car and Harry drove the completely opposite way from our house.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." Harry said with a smirk.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...