The Next Day
Brooklyn's P.O.V
I woke Sophie up early and told her to get dressed. I needed to call Harry and make sure he was up. And we needed to talk about something else. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the contact that I never deleted from my phone, Hazza. It started ringing, and a sleepy sounding Harry answered.
"Hello?" He sounded like I hadn't even woken up yet.
"Harry, we need to try again. For Sophie. I don't like this one bit, but for Sophie's sake we have to try." I could just imagine him sitting there in shock. Or was he? I knew he never got over me from the talk we had yesterday, but I hadn't seen him in two and a half years.
"Okay. And it won't only be for Sophie. I've changed Brooklyn. I have. I'm glad your giving me a second chance." FOR SOPHIE! I was giving him a second chance for Sophie. But I guess I could be giving him another chance for me too. He seems like he has changed.
"Okay. We'll make a date later, but get up. Sophie's almost ready and we'll be over in ten minutes."
"Okay. I'll see you in ten minutes then." He said like he had been up for hours now. Just because I said we should give it another try he has suddenly been up for hours.
"Okay. Bye." I hung up the phone and went into Sophie's room. She had the cutest sundress on. I had bought her the dress a few weeks ago when I got a really big paycheck, and I knew it would look adorable on her.
"Mwmmy, cwan you do my hawr?" I loved doing Sophie's hair, just for the fact that I loved Harry's hair.
"Sure boo. Come on." I picked her up and took her into her bathroom. I sat her down on the counter and did her hair up in a high ponytail and put a pink bow in it.
"It wooks pwetty." Sophie said, looking into the mirror.
"Okay, lets get going." I walked into the living room, grabbed my dance bag and headed down to the lobby with Soph following behind me. Steve wasn't working today so we got in and out of the lobby fast. I got to the doors and saw that it was pouring outside. Great. I didn't have my umbrella because I left it at Louis' flat.
"Mwmmy, its waining." Sophie told me.
"I see. I guess we'll have to run. You ready?" She nodded and I picked her up, put my dance bag over her, then started running. Harry's house was seven blocks away from my flat, so I was soaked by the time we got to Harry's house. "Harry! Open up!" I yelled into the door. Harry opened up and I ran in. I was freezing, but Sophie was mostly dry.
"Is it raining that hard?" Harry asked taking Sophie from me and handing me a towel. I dried my hair as best as I could, and sat down on the couch. Harry sat down next to me with Sophie and looked me up and down.
"What?" I asked, looking at him.
"Your going to get a cold if you stay in those wet clothes." Then, right on cue I let out a sneeze. "To late. Let me get you some clothes." He went back in his room, and came back with a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "Here." I took them and went into the bathroom to change. I came out and sat back down on the couch and grabbed my phone.
"You, Sophie and Louis can go do something and I'll go home. I'll call in sick. I don't think I can dance today, and its just a rehearsal. We've been doing for three months anyways. Just call me when you get home and we can decide what to do from there."
"Okay, but let me drive you home." He stood up and grabbed Sophie off the floor, then grabbed his car keys. I stood up and followed Harry to his car.
"Harry, Sophie doesn't have a carseat in here. Louis has a carseat for her." I got in and Harry handed me Sophie.
"Just let her ride in your lap for three blocks, then w'll pick up Lou and get Soph's carseat."

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...