Harry's P.O.V
"Caroline will you bring me Lux?" I yelled down the hall. I was in Sophie's room dealing with her tantrum while Caroline was supposed to be playing with Lux. She had finished her interview and now we were supposed to take the girls to the park, but Sophie was freaking out with Caroline here and not Brooklyn.
"I'm busy." She said walking past Sophie's room with her hand over to phone receiver. I rolled my eyes and Sophie kept screaming for her mummy. I felt bad for her. She didn't know what was going on and she was to little to understand. Even if I tried to explain it to her she wouldn't understand.
"Sophie please stop!" I begged. She shook her head causing her little brown ringlets to bounce everywhere.
"I want mummy!" She screamed, letting a new set of tears stream down her face. I took her in my arms and walked down the hall to Lux's room. I found Lux on the floor playing with Sophie the giraffe. I can't believe she's almost one.
"Hi Luxy. Ready for your nap?"
Caroline wasn't going to help me take the girls to the park so I needed to put them down for a nap. Maybe Sophie was just tired.
I knew she wasn't tired.
She wanted Brooklyn, and I couldn't do anything. As far as I know Brooklyn and the boys are at the beach somewhere. That's according to her Twitter at least.
I put Sophie down on the ground and picked up Lux. She smiled happily up at me and I put her down in her crib. She laid down and I covered her with a soft pink blanket. I gave her Sophie the giraffe and kissed the top of her head.
"Night night baby girl." I left the crib and walked back over to Sophie. She had quieted down, but she was still sobbing. I picked her up, turned Lux's lights off and walked out.
"I want Mummy and Uncwle Li." Sophie said, squirming in my arms and screaming bloody murder again. I stopped walking and put Sophie down. She ran into her room and go onto her bed. "I want Mummy and Uncwle Li!" Sophie cried.
"Will you shut her up!?" Caroline asked from behind me. I turned around to face her.
"I'm trying but you're absolutely no help! I've asked, but Caroline I'm only eighteen. I'll admit Sophie and Lux screwed up my life, but I love them with all my heart. I was stupid and I still am for raising two little girls, but I don't care. You're thirty two and I need your help! You know more than me, and I can't do this by myself." The look on her face was full surprise.
"If you hadn't banged that girl then we wouldn't have this problem. And why would you take in another little brat when you had one already?"
That was it. I had had it.
"Get out of my house and stay away from my family. I love them all, but I will never love you, Caroline. Out now!" I yelled at her. She stormed into my room, grabbed her bags and pushed past me. "We're over!" I yelled as she opened the door and left. She slammed the door behind her and I stood there, pretty please with myself. Now just to get Brooklyn back.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
"Hi. I'm Mallory." The girl Niall had with him said. She held out her hand and I shook it.
"Hi. I'm Brooklyn." She smiled widely at me, and I couldn't get over the fact she was almost perfect. She had brown, wavy hair about to the middle of her back, and gorgeous aqua blue eyes. She was thin & curvy with long legs. She was quite stylish and had white, straight teeth. I couldn't help but notice she had a beautiful necklace with an M on it. It was gorgeous.
"Let's go to the beach beach!" Louis sang, mocking Nicki Manaj's Starships. Mallory and Niall got in and Louis started driving.
"So?" I asked, looking around the car. "Let's get to know each other a bit better." I said because I didn't really know anything about LyLayn or Mallory. I knew a bit about Eleanor, but not as much as I would like to know.
"Okay. Liam, you first." Niall said. Liam nodded and smiled at the new girls.
"I'm Liam, I'm nineteen years old, I live in London and I love spending time with my friends and family."
"I'm Zayn. I'm from Bradford and I pretend to be a boy boy but I'm all actuality I can't even swim." We laughed and Lylayn went next.
"I'm Lylayn and I'm from London. My mum and brother were the only ones in my house hold because my father died when I was little. Me and my brother are really close, but me and my mum aren't really. Um... I don't have a job, and I have a flat right under Zayn's." We nodded and Louis went next.
"I am the one and only Louis Tomlinson. Don't get confused. I have five sisters, Lottie, Georgia, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy. My girlfriend is Eleanor and I love her. And carrots. I love carrots." We laughed and Niall started talking.
"I'm Niall and I'm Irish. I love food. Thank you." Then it was Mallory's turn.
"Hi. I'm Mallory and I'm from London. Um... both of my parents died about years ago. I have one older brother, Mason. He basically raised me. He's now 22 and he's very protective. We're extremely close and we've been told we look almost identical. Niall is my best friend and has been for my whole life. He's very supportive of me. His mum helps my brother and I a lot as well. I live in the same flat building as Niall in downtown London. I share the flat with my brother. Mason and I get on quite well. He's more than my brother, he's basically my rock. I tell him absolutely everything because I know I can trust him. I have a little girl and named Ava Elizabeth. She lives with me and Mason, and she looks just like her dad." A smile grew on her lips and she looked around.
"Do you have a picture?" I asked. She nodded and pulled out a picture. I looked at the picture, then up at Niall. Back at the picture, then to Niall. Something isn't right here. I passed the picture to Liam and he did the same thing I did. So did everyone but LyLayn.
"Um, she looks just like Niall, but girl version." Louis said when he got the picture. Niall looked at Mallory and she had a confused look on her face.
"You didn't tell them?" She asked, her cheeks flushing red. I looked between Niall and Mallory.
"Tell us what?" Liam asked for the rest of us.
"Ava is his daughter."

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...