Brooklyn's P.O.V
I walked over to Harry who was at the door frame. He just looked at me. "What?" I said blushing, I was getting a little insecure. He moved a hair out of my eyes which sent chills down my spine. He slowly leaned in and when our lips touched it was just like before. I knew I still loved him, it was impossible not to. I just didn't know if he would stay or leave like he did before.
I pulled away and looked down at the ground. He pulled my head up with his index finger.
"You are beautiful." He said and pecked my lips one more time before he moved and went down the hall. I just stood there for a while thinking everything over. Then I remembered Liam. I have to talk to him. But there was one problem, I had no idea where he was. Then it hit me. He was probably were he always goes when he's angry. I grabbed my coat and keys and headed out the door and gently closing the door so I wouldn't wake the babies.
Liam's P.O.V
I sat under the tree in the park that I always go to when I'm angry. It always helped me think clearly. I was a little chilly so I pulled my coat closer to me. Why did she have to love him? I wish she was mine. I wouldn't leave her and I could help with Sophie and Lux. Sure I wouldn't be the real father but I would be close. What was I thinking? Harry was Sophie's real father and she needed him and so did Brooke. I should be a little more supportive of her. She's in a tough spot and we'll be leaving for the tour and she will be alone again.
I heard someone come up behind me. I turned to see Brooklyn. She came and sat down next to me.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked.
"Your my best friend, I know where all your hiding spots are." She said with a smile. She leaned into my chest and I put my arm around her. "I think I still love Harry." She said. My heart dropped, becuase I knew I would always love her. "And even if I don't, I have to."
"That's great." I said, trying to hide my emotions. I felt a tear fall down my face and wiped it away immediently. Brooklyn looked up at me and gave me a simpathetic smile.
"I'm sorry Li." She kissed my cheek and stood up. "Now let's go get some ice cream." She held out her hand and I took it. We walked to the nearest ice cream shop called 'Cloud Nine Ice Cream'. Brooklyn and I loved this ice cream place the most because you could make it what ever you wanted.
We finished our ice cream and walked back to Brooklyn and Harry's house. We stopped in front of the gate and I looked at Brooklyn. She looked up at me and I got lost in her sea-blue eyes. They were so beautiful.
"Bye Li." She said, opening the gate. I grabbed her hand and stopped her.
"Wait." I walked up to her and kissed her cheeks. I saw flashing around us. Great, the paparazzi found us.
"Liam!" She screamed, pulling back. I knew she was with Harry, but I couldn't help myself. She pulled her hand from my grip and ran inside the gate, locking it. She ran inside and I could see her slouch down against the door. I ran home, avoiding the papazrazzi the best I could.
Brooklyn's P.O.V
I ran inside and fell down against the door. I didn't try to hide the tears. I wasn't mad at Liam, but the whole paparazzi knew me and Harry took in Lux, and that we were dating. Now I looked like a cheater with Liam.
"What's wrong?" Niall asked from the couch. I looked up and saw him standing up. He got down next to me and gave me a big hug.
"Nothing. Go back to sleep Ni." I stood up and ran to my room. I fell on my bed and cried into my pillow. I finally fell asleep, but woke up thirty minutes later to Lux crying. I got up and went into her room. I turned on the light and picked her up.
"Baby, don't cry." I tried to soothe. I sat down in the chair and looked down at her. I heard someone come in and looked up. Harry was standing in the door way.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"She woke up." I told him.
"No, with you. Why have you been crying?" He started walking towards me.
"No reason. You'll probably see in the morning." I told him. I handed Lux to him and went back to my room. I fell asleep again, and kept having the same nightmare, that Harry left and Liam was right all along.
Niall's P.O.V
I woke up and smelt food. I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry cooking with Lux on his hip. She was fussing and he was trying to cook and clam her down. I walked over to Lux and she looked at me with fresh tears in her eyes. She started to fuss again, and Harry looked at me.
"Let me take Lux." I said, and Harry handed her over. She stopped crying a bit so I sat down on the counter.
"Dwaddy!" Sophie screamed from the stairs. She ran to Harry and he picked her up. He pecked her cheek and she smiled at him. "Where are mwummy and wuncle Lou?" She asked. Harry set Sophie down on the counter next to me and kept cooking.
"Their asleep princess. And so is Uncle Zayn so be quiet." He said, putting some eggs and toast on a plate.
"Okway." Sophie whispered. Harry smiled and handed me a plate. I stood up and put the plate down on the table, then went to get Lux's bouncy seat. I grabbed it from her room and went down to my food. I put Lux down and ate, then went and put my shirt from yesterday back on. I pulled Lux's bouncy seat to the couch in the living room and turned on the TV.
"Hey Ni." Eleanor said from behing me. I looked up at her and smiled.
"Morning El!" I cheered. She laughed and walked into the kitchen where Louis and Harry were talking. Sophie was sitting on the table eating, and her mob of curls were a mess just like Harry's. "Guys, I'm gonna go out and get some starbucks. Anyone want anything?" I asked, standing up. Eleanor jumped up and smiled.
"Yes!" I took everyone's order and put on my jacket. I walked into the kitchen one more time and Sophie was jumping up and down on the table singing What Makes You Beautiful.
"Sophie sit down!" Harry said, but Sophie didn't hear him over her singning. I went over and gabbed Sophie which set her off into fits of laughter.
"Want to go with me?" I asked. She nodded and her messy curls bounced up and down.
"Yeah!" She said. Eleanor took her from me and went upstairs to change her. I went back to Lux and she was looking up at me.
"Okay. You can too." I said, picking her up and changing her upstairs. I got Lux's stroller and put her in, then went outside to wait on Sophie. She came running out side in a green and white pant and shirt outfit. She had on a white hat and white sandals.
I started walking with Sophie and Lux when I stopped at the sight of a magazine. It had Liam and Brooklyn on the cover- Kissing?!

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...