Mallory's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and shot up from the thing I was using as a pillow. I guess I must've fallen asleep on Niall's lap because I felt his hand gently rub my back. It felt good, and calmed me down a little. I don't know why but I seemed to be scared when I woke up. Obviously Niall was used to it.
"It's alright, Mal." He soothed. I laid my head back on Niall's lap and heard loud banging noises coming from the other side of the wall. That was Brooklyn's new flat now. I didn't even think she was home.
"Uh?" I moaned, but Niall understood me. I knew he would. I always sound like this after I wake up. It's just one of my many quirks.
"Liam is helping Brook move in. She's not home right now, but she should be here any second. Sophie and Ava passed out playing Tea Party so they're asleep on our bed. Lux is with Mason on the balcony and I think that's it... Oh, and you fell asleep on my lap when we started watching Love Actually." I sat up and nodded.
"W-Wait. Why are Ave and Soph on our bed?" I asked. They fell asleep in Ava's room as far as I can tell. Why would he move them to our bed? Ava still has a crib, but lay them both facing up and down and they would fit.
"Because Ava's crib is too small. I have a smaller bed for her in my flat, but I can't bring it down without Mason's help. I didn't want to take them up either becuase that would most likely wake them." I nodded and got up to go check on them. I opened the door to my room and looked at the bed. On the left I saw Ava laying on her back with her samll arms and legs out to her sides. I looked over to her right and saw a small lump under the red and white duvet. I went over to it and lifted the duvet up a little. I saw Sophie and her messy curls.
I walked away and closed the door quietly behind me. When I got into the living room I sat down on Niall's lap as Mason came in. He was holding Lux's hands above her head and she was walking slowly. She had a big grin on her face and I could see her three little teeth.
"Hey, you're up!" Mason said in a sarcastic tone. I nodded and went over to him. Lux looked up at me and smiled bigger, so I took her in my arms and went over to Niall. I sat down next to him and watched Lux play with him. He was so good with little girls. Boys too, but he was better with girls just because of Ava and Sophie. He helped out Brooklyn a lot after she was born. I prepped him about babies before Ava was born, so he knew a lot about how to take care of babies. Even if it was only one month of experience.
"Say Niall." Niall cooed at Lux. She smiled and squealed. Niall laughed at her and made the N noise. "Say.... Mallory." He said, looking at me. She squealed again and made the Ma noise.
"Mawe!" She screamed. I laughed and kissed her little cheeks. She squealed again and I handed her to Niall.
"I'm going to check on Liam." Niall nodded then I walked out and to Brooklyn's new flat. I knocked and Liam answered the door shirtless and sweaty. "Hey. Is Brook b-"
"Hey, Mallory!" Brooklyn said from behind me. I turned around and smiled at her. "What are you doing here? Have the girls been okay? Did you bring them back over because they were being b-"
"No no no! Sophie is asleep in my room, and Lux is playing with Niall. She was out on the balcony with Mason for a while. She said my name! Well, a deformed version, but it was my name." She looked relieved and smiled.
"Okay good. One thing, where do you work?" She asked me.
"I'm a makeup artist at May Jenkins Modeling Studio. Why?"
"I got a job as a model there and you're my makeup artist!" She said, smiling widely. I was surprised. May is not normally a nice person.
"Awesome. When do you start?" I asked.
"Tomorrow at seven."
"I have to be there too. Can I walk with you?"
"Yeah. Why couldn't you?" She asked. I shrugged and went into the flat. I stopped halfway through, flabbergasted.
Brooklyn's flat had golden walls and brown granite in the kitchen. The first room was a full living room, kitchen and dining room in one, then there were two rooms to one side and a large master bedroom to the other side. It was the same layout as mine and Mason's flat, but Liam had polished the kitchen counter tops, painted the walls and had put up pictures of the girls all over the walls.
"Wow. This is beautiful Liam." Brooklyn said. It really was. Liam put the furniture in the right places so it was spaced out but not too much.
"Glad you like it, babe." Liam said, walking past me and into on of the two rooms. I heard some more banging and turned around to face Brooklyn.
"Hey, do you want to see if we can all do something together? Maybe the boys could play football and us girls could just talk. Ava and Soph could play together too. What do you say?" Brooklyn asked. It wasn't an awful idea, and I really wanted to get out.
"Okay! We'll be at the park around eight." She nodded and I went back to my flat. "Hey Ni, can you get Sophie and bring her over to Brook's flat? I'll get Lux." He nodded and handed me Lux, then went back to our room. I went over and gave Lux to Brooklyn, then Niall put Sophie in her bed. We went back and started getting ready for tonight.
At eight o'clock all of us gathered at the park. Ava and Sophie played nearby as all of us girls say around and talked. The boys were playing a two on three football game and were very competitive.
"Go Daddy!" Ava screamed from the sidelines. Niall smiled at her and kicked the ball into the goal. "Yay!"
"So, you're really pregnant?" LyLayn asked Brooklyn. She nodded sadly and looked down at Lux who was playing with a leaf.
"No baby, don't play with that." She took the leaf from Lux and set her on her lap. Lux started to cry because Brook took the leaf away, so I handed her Sophie the giraffe.
"Is it... Harry's?" LyLayn asked, still interested.
"N-No." She looked down at Lux sadly.
"Yay Dwaddy!" Sophie screamed when Harry made a goal. I looked over at Niall who had just gotten the ball back and watched him kick the ball once. Then, he fell to the ground holding his knee.

Those Curls
FanfictionBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...