Brooklyn's P.O.V
"What are you thinking? Nothing good can come from this Brooklyn!" Liam screamed at me, pacing around the tree. We were outside the flat building and I had been yelled at for the past ten minutes straight. I finally decided to speak up for myself.
"I-I'm sorry Liam." I apologised. He gave me a stern look and looked away towards the road.
"Brooklyn, I don't care that you're moving in with one of your friends. I care that your friend is the father of two of your kids and he's Harry. Can't you understand where I'm coming from?" I nodded. "And I can see you, nine months pregnant with two little girls going out to find somewhere else to live once Harry does something stupid. It just worries me because I care."
"But Li, I'm not to going to get involved with Harry. We've already talked about it. He wants to see the girls more and I need somewhere for the twins. I'll be closer to you too, so once the twins come then you can come over and see them. I know Harry is the way he is but once he finds a girl then he'll realise he doesn't want me." I said and Liam looked back at me.
"He already found a girl. He found you." Liam sighed, looking at me. "But you run every time he does something wrong. I just don't think you need to move in with him. Le-" I cut him off.
"Liam, you can't change anything I'm doing! What's done is done. You don't rule me! I'm moving in with Harry and that's that." I yelled, storming off into the building. I went up to my flat and found the rest of the boys pulling boxes out of my old flat. I went in and almost all of the boxes were out. All that we was left were the couches, beds and dressers.
"We're almost done, love. Why don't you sit down?" Zayn said leading me to the couch. I gave him a strange look but he didn't see. I watched the boys pack and when they were done I went to get the girls from Mallory.
"Hey, Mal. We're packed and ready."I said, walking in. The living room was empty and so was the kitchen, so I started walking to to the two rooms in the back. "Mallory?" I called out. I heard some shuffling in the back and Mallory came out with Sophie, Ava and Lux.
"Sorry, bit of a painting accident so I have Lux a bath and ended up giving Sophie and Ava ones as well." She laughed. I walked over to her and took Lux from her arms. She buried her tiny head into the shoulder of my shirt and shivered a bit.
"Okay, well we're about to leave. Will you go get Niall so he doesn't come to our house and hurt himself some more?" I asked, and she followed me out holding Sophie and Ava's hands.
"Hey, babe. Ready?" Harry asked, meeting me at the door. "And what did I tell you about holding the girls? You don't need to do that. Let me have Lux." He said, holding out his arms.
"Harry, I'm fine. I swear. Just leave it alone. And yes, I'm ready. But the little Irish prince over there isn't going!" I laughed, pointing at Niall. He looked over to me and looked shocked.
"Why not? It's 'cause I'm Irish, isn't it? I can't help it people!" Niall ranted.
"No, it's not because you're Irish, it's because you're hurt and Ava wants to spend time with her daddy." Mallory said. He sighed and walked over to her on his crutches. Harry took Sophie from Mal and they went into her flat.
"Let's go! Wait, can I talk to you Lyn?" I haven't have someone call me Lyn in a long time. It made me smile as I handed Lux of to her Uncle Lou and Harry let Sophie go play with Uncle Zayn. Me and Harry went down the hall to where the vacant flats were.
"What?" I asked, sort of curious as to why he wanted to talk to me.
"How did Liam take the news?" He asked.
"Oh. Well, you can say he took it good in some ways. Like in a parallel universe kind of way..." I trailed off.
"But your still doing it right?" I nodded and we walked back to the others.
"Ready now?" Zayn asked, laughing. We both nodded and went down to our cars.
Here we go.
When everything had finally been unloaded and put away where it went all of us sat down in the living room and talked. Niall and Mallory came over after everything was done and made Mason watch Ava even though she was asleep. Lux and Sophie were also asleep, so we sat around like old times, even though things were very different now.
"So, have you or Liam though of any baby names?" LyLayn asked, flipping her long blonde hair out of her bright blue eyes. She was sitting in Zayn's lap on the floor so her hair hit his face, causing all of us to laugh.
"We haven't actually." Liam said from beside her. Liam, Zayn, LyLayn Louis and Eleanor were on the floor and me, Harry, Niall and Mallory were on the couch.
"But I like the name Adriana. Maybe Addy for short?" I suggested. Everybody nodded and smiled.
"Adriana Grace?" Eleanor suggested. I looked at Liam who was smiling wide.
"That's cute. What about a boy?" I asked.
"I've been thinking about this one. I like Christopher James." Liam said. I could tell he wanted a boy from the beginning, so I figured he had a name picked out already.
"That's precious." LyLayn, Eleanor and Mallory cooed.
"It's perfect." I said. "But let's get everybody two slips of paper and write down a name for a boy and a girl. Just to see all the suggestions." I said, starting to get up before Harry put his hands on my waist.
"I'll get it, babe." He stood up and got two pieces of paper, then cut them into eighteen strips of paper. He came back and handed everyone two strips and a pen. We all wrote the names down. Mine were Adriana (Addy) Grace Payne, and Christopher James Payne.
When I was done I put my pen down and looked up. Everyone but LyLayn and Louis were done. When they finished we started saying the names we wrote out loud.
"I like William Nicholas for a boy and Faith Nicole for a girl." Zayn said, putting his strips of paper on the table. LyLayn was next.
"For a girl I put Kennedy Grace and for a boy I put Owen Gabriel." She put her slips of paper on the table along with Zayn's and we went around the people. When it got to Louis who was the last person he looked like he had given it a lot of though.
"For the girl, I put Chloe Elizabeth Payne, and for a boy I put Christopher James like Liam." He put his slips of paper on the table and I felt torn. Torn between Chloe Elizabeth or Adriana Grace. I also really love Faith Nicole, but the boys name is going to be Christopher James. Now just to find his sisters name.

Those Curls
أدب الهواةBrooklyn was the girl everyone wanted to be. Smart, popular, sweet. That was until she got knocked up at sixteen. Now, two years later she has a beautiful little girl who favors her father's looks. Her father, though, isn't just anybody. He is Harry...