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     I wake up and Calum isn't in the bed beside me. I could tell by the smell of pancakes that he was making us breakfast instead of waiting on me to get up. I check the time on the clock.

     7:30 a.m.

     I hate waking up this early. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have to go to this church thing. I don't even know why I have to go. It's not like mom is ever there to see me do the activities.

     I crawl out of bed and throw on a hoodie before I go downstairs. When I get there, Calum is flipping some pancakes while my brother, Niall, sits at the bar.

     I get on the stool next to Niall. I rest my head on my hands and watch Calum finish off the the rest of the batter.

     "Good morning," Calum says, a smile creeps on his face. He turns off the eye and starts cleaning up the mess from cooking.

     "Good morning Cal," I hop up off my seat. I take two papers plates and begin making Calum and I's plate. I would've made my brothers but I'm not sure how he likes his pancakes.

     I am a more traditional person when it comes to pancakes, syrup and maybe some butter if I feel like it. But Calum? He puts grape jam on his pancakes. It isn't bad, just odd.

     "Wow, I'm just chopped liver huh?" Niall giggles and gets up to make his own plate.

     "Well maybe not chopped liver. But you're close enough to it," I giggle, handing Calum his plate.

      We make our way to the table to eat our food. I still haven't been able to convince Calum to go with me in about an hour. I should get on that.

     "So, any plans today," I start to feel nervous. The worst that could happen is he says no but I don't want Calum to do that.

"Luke and I were gonna go hang while you and Michael had that church stuff," Calum says.

I forget that Calum is still friends with Luke. Luke isn't a bad guy. He's a semi-stupid, buff but really sweet guy. I have no idea how a loveable guy like Luke can stand to hang out with a douche like Michael. If it weren't for Michael, I would probably be good pals with Luke.

That being said, there's no way I'll convince Calum to ditch Luke for me. They are like brothers. They've been friends since before kindergarten. Calum always takes the opportunity to hang out with Luke since he never can while I'm with him and while Luke is with Michael. So, I give up on my quest to make Calum join me.

"Oh, cool. Tell Luke that I said hi," I focus back on eating my meal.

"I will, but you know that if you just squash whatever stupid beef you have with Michael-" Calum says but I cut him off with annoying "shush" sounds.

"Don't wanna hear it. Michael and I will never get along. Ever," I roll my eyes. I wish Calum would put this whole thing of trying to be friendly behind him.

I finish my meal and check the time again. 8:00. Great, only thirty minutes until I have to see the second thing closest to hell, first is school.

I give Calum a goodbye hug before rushing back upstairs to change. I put on some mom jeans and a navy crewneck for my top. I only wore mascara and concealer for church, the older people in there tend to fuss if you wear any more than that.

I do the finishing touches on my look and head out. I have Niall drive me there. I don't hate driving, I'm just no good at it. Driving also makes my anxiety go through the roof so I'd rather have someone drive me around.

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