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The morning passes through like any other morning would. I get ready for school and banter with Niall until Calum comes to get me. The middle days of the week always feel so weird. They're really just fillers for between the weekend and the beginning of the week.

"How did yesterday go?" Calum asks while I get inside his car.

"It went really well. I had a lot of fun," I smile. I remember that I haven't texted Zayn since he dropped me off yesterday, I should do that.

"What'd you guys even do?" Calum starts to drive to school.

"We went to that old lookout. We just talked though. He offered a drink but it was too early for me," I shrug, looking out the window.

I hear Calum chuckling so I look over at him, "What's so funny, Cal?"

"Zayn clearly had other plans for the two of you. He definitely wanted to fuck," Calum continues chuckling.

I smack his arm and make a shocked face at him, "No. Some people just like drinking earlier than I do."

"Dawn, he brought you too a lookout, alone, and he offered a drink. Perfect formula for two teens to, you know," Calum shrugs.

I roll my eyes and turn my body back to the window. "So, when you, Ashton, and I all go out there to smoke, that's your guys plan?" I chuckle.

"Nope, that's different. We're just your friends," Calum says, "Trust me, I can sense when a guy has alternative motives."

We arrive at the school so Calum and I make our separate ways. I think about what Calum was saying about Zayn. I never got that impression from Zayn but Calum also understands boys better. I mean, I wouldn't mind if Zayn wanted to, you know, but I don't see where Calum is coming from.

Classes pass by just as they normally would, making today feel boring. Everything is going by so plainly.

Lunchtime rolls around so I start looking forward to at something interesting happening. It's just Calum and I by the looks of it. Calum and so walk over to the table we've been eating at since the first time we met. You would think that would be enough to mark our spot there.

"What are you doing in my seat?" I roll my eyes and the guy sitting in my spot.

"Didn't see your name on it and ours was taken," Michael smirks at me. He's annoying me and he knows it.

"There's probably a hundred other spots that you could've picked and you chose this one because it's mine. Are you like obsessed with me or something?" I raise my brows at him, trying to provoke him.

"Definitely not. I just think it's funny when your mad," Michael says.

"Whatever, I'll find a new seat. Come on Calum," I grab onto my friends arm and walk away.

We eventually find a seat at one of the tables. I'd much rather be sitting in the booth where we normally sit though.

"Can you see why I hate him now? He's so aggravating," I sigh. I open up my lunch bag, taking out what I plan on eating.

"I mean it was just a seat, Dawn. No biggie," Calum shrugs.

"But it was our seat. I'll convince you that he's awful soon enough," I take a bite out of my wrap.

Calum gives me an unconvinced "mhm" and continues eating. I have no idea how he can't see that Michael is probably the worst person at this school.

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