twenty six

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     I get out of bed to check myself in the mirror. My mascara stained my cheeks and my clothes are all wrinkled. I change into something comfortable. Sweats and a tee, Michael's tee to be exact. I hate him right now but a part of me just wants to be held by him.

     I go downstairs. Mom and Niall are talking about something but stop when they see me.

     "Everything okay, dear?" My mom asks me.

     I nod my head, slowly making my way to the couch. I curl up next to my mom, my head resting in her lap.

"I told Michael to pick me up at seven so we can talk," I say, not really directed to anyone.

"That's fine. Talking is probably best," My mom caresses my cheek.

     I check the clock on the wall, 6:00. Just one hour before I have to talk to Michael. I already know what I want to say. I don't want to breakup with him but if he doesn't have good reason for what I saw then, what is there for me to do?

     Just forget it? Suppress my feelings? I don't think I could do that. I know what I saw and I know what it looked like.

I don't plan on changing into anything special for this. We're just taking after all.

     "Dawn, do you need a break from school? Maybe take the rest of the week off?" Niall asks me.

     It's tempting, it really is. But I don't think I could last a week of being alone with just my thoughts based off right now. Sure, Niall would ask to do things with me but I don't feel like going anywhere.

"I'll be good," I sit up, "I always am." I shrug my arms. There isn't much that I can't get over so this should be fine.

    While I'm not changing, I do freshen myself up. I take off my ruined makeup. I look myself in the face. I look for so long that I start to see a distorted version of myself. It's like I'm looking at someone else.

     Maybe I should skip a day of school.

    7:00 o'clock. Michael should be here any minute. It makes me a little anxious. What if he leaves me? What if he really does like her more?

    I go downstairs to wait for him. Mom smiles at me when she sees me.

    "You're so beautiful," Her expression feels genuine. She looks soft. I've missed her so much.

    "Thanks mom," I smile as genuine as I can.

     There's a knock at our door. We all already know who it is. I start walking towards the door.

     "Good luck," Niall says, a sigh leaving his lips.

    "Thanks Niall," I nod, opening the door.

     Michael is standing there, red-faced as if he's been crying. His eyes look puffy and his lips are shaky. I walk out of my house, now standing next to him.

    We get inside his car. Michael begins driving to nowhere in particular.

     "Do you wanna start?" I ask softly. The car is filled with a silent, painful ambiance.

    "Sure," He breaths in, "I know what it looked like. She wasn't doing that before she saw you. I promise, I wouldn't let someone who isn't you get that close to me."

I look over, seeing a small tear roll down his rosy cheeks. I reach to wipe it off for him.

     "Then what about that was so hard to explain? You could've said that right there," I say, looking at home while he looks at the road.

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