twenty five

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Monday, the beginning of the school week. Monday's are a drag. The only thing making them lighter is the fact Michael and I are okay.

I get dressed and ready for school. There isn't much difference to this morning that any other day. It's just plain. I hope today isn't like Friday.

The only not-so-plain thought is the reminder of what Luke said. I feel bad for even thinking that it could be true. I can't help it though, I tend to overthink anyway.

My beginning classes go by okay. For once class, my teacher lets me hang out in the library since there isn't much to do in her room. I don't really need to be in there but it's nice to get away from everyone. Maybe I'll be able to clear my head from what Luke said yesterday in there.

     I make my way to the library. I notice a familiar figure towards the back. I get closer for a better look.

It's Michael.

Better yet, Billie is there too.

I notice her catch a glimpse of me. She moves closer to Michael, leaning into his neck. Her arms draped around his shoulders. What it looks like is that she's giving him some kind of love bite. It obviously upsets to me see this so,

I walk up to the pair of them.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" I cross my arms.

Michael pushes the girl off of him, "Dawn, Hi."

"What was that? Don't pretend like I didn't just see her all over you," I feel myself getting upset already.

"Dawn, it was nothing. We were just," Michael gets interrupted.

"Dawn, clearly, Michael is more interested in what we were doing so can you get us get back into it?" Billie chimes in. I shoot her a look.

Michael stands there, seeming as if I didn't just catch them doing whatever it was.

"Are you going to explain yourself or what?" I ask Michael. I'll just ignore Billie for right now.

He bites his lip, "It's hard to explain."

This ontop of the thought of them kissing before Michael and I made it official leaves me fuming. It takes away all my patience.

"It's really not. You were letting her be all over you while you have a girlfriend. What the fuck? Was this part of some elaborate plan to mess with my head? Let me guess, you don't really like me and you just wanted to get my hopes up that you're actually not a piece of shit. Because if that's the plan then you got me," I roll my eyes.

I don't even know where all this is coming from. My subconscious? Maybe I don't trust Michael like I thought I did.

"Dawn, no," Michael walks closer to me, "That's not it at all."

     "Whatever, Michael. I'll see you later. Have fun doing whatever that was," I turn away from him.

      I can hear his footsteps coming after me then stopping after a few paces. He calls out my name but I keep moving. My chest is burning, my head is clouded. I don't think he's ever made me this upset before.

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