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smut warning!
     It's Saturday. The rest of the week from Tuesday flew by with nothing interesting happening. Michael and I have been acting like there was no almost kiss. Which, I'm not complaining about.

Niall is off in Florida at some beach this weekend with some of his friends from school. Meaning, I've got this place to myself. I told Calum and Ashton to come around this afternoon to help me set things up for the party. Make food, hide things that don't need to be broken, and lock off Niall's room.

They both come over around 7. Giving us around an hour and a half before people should be coming. Ashton is the one who brings the alcohol. Tonight's options: vodka, whiskey, and wine coolers. Calum makes the food. Nachos, tiny sandwiches and the cake pops he made earlier.

I get changed into some party wear. I haven't had one in a while so I might as well spice it up. I put on a black lace long-sleeve with a sage green skirt. I do some makeup, my usual except with winged lined added. Finally for hair, I fix it up simple but still looks nice with my outfit.

I come downstairs to see Calum and Ashton in the kitchen. They both smile at me as I join them.

"You look great, Dawn," Ashton compliments me.

"Absolutely stunning," Calum giggles.

I feel my cheeks start to hurt from smiling too hard, "Thank you guys."

It feels nice to be confident after what happened with Louis. I'm pretty good at faking it by wearing my usual school attire and talking like someone with confidence would. But deep down, it's been hard. Trying to look at myself or my body without thinking of it seems impossible at times.

But, that won't be on my mind tonight. Tonight is about fun. I'm going to have a good time, no matter what.

People start showing up around 9. It's a small crowd at first but eventually it turns into a bigger one. My kitchen and living room are filled with people that I know from school along with their friends, some of which I don't know.

I'm standing in the kitchen, sipping on a mixture of vodka and sprite when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see Luke, standing there with a smile on his face. He's wearing the flannel that I accidentally stole from him, a band tee and some black skinny jeans. I could've guessed that'd be his style.

     "Hey, Luke. Wanna drink?" I motion at the cups, smiling at the tall boy.

     "Yeah, two. One for me," Luke smirks and nudges my arm, "And one for Mikey."

     I set my cup down on the counter beside me. I reach over and grab two cups and the liquid to pour in them.

     "Michael came?" I ask while pouring the first drink.

     "Yeah, he's over on the couch if you wanna see him," Luke smiles.

     I finish off making the drinks. I pick up my own and keep the second one in my hand, "Sure. I'll follow you there."

     Luke leads me through the crowd of people. It's not hard to follow him since he's noticeably a little taller than most people here. We get to my couch and I see Michael sitting there.

     He's wearing a black sports tank and some black jeans, with a backwards hat to top it all off.

     I hand him his drink, his face lights up as I stand there.

     "Here you go, I made sure to spit in it since it's yours," I chuckle.

     Michael takes the drink from me, observing its contents. He takes a sip out of the drink, not wincing at the strongness.

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