twenty three

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It's Friday, thankfully. It feels as if the days just mush together sometimes. I do my usual routine for getting ready for school. Something more simple this time.

Niall should be coming home later today so I clean up a few things. The house doesn't get painfully messy while he's gone but it definitely isn't as tidy. I have no idea how he manages to clean all the time.

I meet Calum outside, as usual. Today feels suspiciously normal. I'm not complaining though. I could use some normalcy after how my life has been.

     The day goes by painfully slow. I only get to see Michael in between classes since he wants to walk me to my classrooms. It's a sweet gesture. Sometimes, he offers to carry my bag around but I never let him.

     Lunch feels off though. Luke and Michael sit with us again but that's not the weird part. The entire time, Luke seems like he has something that he wants to say. Like something is really bugging him.

     "Everything okay?" I ask him, genuinely worried.

     "Uh, yeah. I'm okay," Luke nods. He can't even look at me.

     I look at Michael to see if he sees what I do. He obviously does by the worried look on his face. Michael leans in towards my ear.

     "I'll ask him later. He gets shy sometimes if he thinks it's embarrassing," Michael explains. I nod my head.

     I don't know Luke as much as I wish I did. Him and I just don't have any opportunities to hang out during school. We have none of the same classes. Maybe we'll talk some at the lake.

     English goes by well. I sat with Michael again. Harry's new partner is Kendall now that she's back. They seem to get along very well, which is nice. I help Michael with some homework. Michael helps me out with some art project.

     History goes just as smoothly. Since there was a sub, Michael sat next to me. We just chatted about little things. Michael brings up that he wants another tattoo. He was thinking of getting some quote but he wasn't sure yet.

"Would you ever get one?" He asks me, rubbing the area on his arm where his one tattoo is.

"Maybe. I just haven't ever thought about it," I shrug.

Michael nods, "I get it. I don't want too many but I know I want another and for the next one to have a better meaning."

Michael takes me home after final bell. We sing along to the songs from Michael's phone. The first being Good as Hell by Lizzo, surprisingly. Seeing him sing along causes me to laugh like crazy. He's not a bad singer but he's definitely not a dancer.

Niall's already home when I get there. Michael gives me probably a hundred goodbye kisses while I try to leave.

"Text you later, darling," He says, waving goodbye.

I go inside my home to find Niall dressed up like he's going somewhere. He happily turns to me.

"Dawn, how was your day?" He asks me.

"Pretty average. Yours?" I ask him, walking up to him.

"Same," He shrugs, "I was thinking we could have that dinner tonight."

I completely forgot that I skipped out on dinner the other day. I feel kinda bad but I don't regret it one bit. I look down at my school outfit.

"Let me change first," I say, running up the stairs.

I change into some baggy jeans and a cropped shirt, air forces to put it together. I don't think I could go wrong with outfits like this. So simple that it's hard to mess it up.

I go back downstairs to meet with Niall. We head out, driving to my favorite. Amy's. Niall hasn't been there in forever and neither have I.

He gets a hamburger while I get a chicken sandwich. Niall starts telling me about some gossip with people I've never met before. But apparently he thinks it's interesting enough to share so I won't stop him.

"Anything interesting going on in your life?" He asks me, biting into his meal.

There are a lot of things going on, that I won't be sharing. In the past, I never kept many things from Niall. But it's different now. So much is changing and so much has changed. It'd be a lot to explain.

"Nope. Life's been plain as hell," I shrug. Niall's eyebrows raise at the swear but he doesn't say anything.

We both get quiet, the two of us just eating. Niall seems to have remembered something that makes him uneasy. His expression seems a tad worried.

"I have some news," He says, wiping off his mouth.

Oh god.

"Which is?" I reluctantly ask.

"I talked with dad while I was gone. He said he wanted to talk with mom before trying to talk with you," He explains.

That was honestly the last thing I was expecting.

"Mhm. Let's see how long that takes before he actually does," I shake my head, "There's no point in trying, Niall. He'd show effort if he wanted too."

"I know. But I just thought it'd be nice of him to at least acknowledge us," Niall says, "It's up to mom though."

I remain silent. There isn't much else to say. I don't ever think about talking to dad unless you catch me in a vulnerable moment. Niall and I finish up eating. The weird silence after the dad conversation didn't last long. Pretty soon it went back to Niall and I giggling and cutting jokes.

We get home pretty late. I shower and get ready for bed. Today was nice and normal. It hasn't been like that in a while.


     Saturday. I didn't have much planned for today. Niall is home so no party. Michael and I haven't planned anything. Same for Calum and I.

     The day remains boring until around lunchtime. I get a text from Harry. He's asking me if I'm still down with hanging out this weekend. I say yes because what else is there for me to do.

     I get dressed in my usual. Obviously, I have to drive since he doesn't know how to get around. I pick Harry up from his house. It's a nice two story house. His parents seem very well off.

     Harry comes out wearing a button up, that's barely buttoned up, and some black jeans. We drive around for a while. I point out different stops and parts of town, naming them out.

     We pass by a Dairy Queen, which Harry admits he's never had before. I pull though the drive through, getting us both blizzards. He looks genuinely surprised when the worker flips over his ice cream and it doesn't fall. His reaction is quite cute to watch. He goes on about how amazed he is for a few minutes while I find us a place to stop and eat. Eventually, I find us a park to sit at.

     Harry and I chat while eating our ice cream. He's a nice person once he opens up to you. He's also so funny. He loves telling puns and little off the wall jokes. You can tell he's about to tell one because he can barely get it out through his laughter.

     I drive him home around five. After the ice cream, it was mostly just more driving and talking.

     The rest of the day finishes of just as it started, boring. Sunday should be fun though. Maybe that'll make up for today.

authors note.
sorry if this one was boring, 24 & 25 will make up for it definitely. that'll probably be another double update.

i did an early update on these two so wednesday's is interesting.

how has everyone been lately? has everyone been doing alright?

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