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     Today's the day.

     I have to see Louis again.

     I know that I'm not completely ready for this moment. Being with him face-to-face still shakes me
up some. But, I'm stronger than to let him keep me from ending all this drama.

    Niall already knows where I'm going. He wanted to tag along but I stoped him. Knowing Niall's temper, he'd act just as Michael did at the party if Louis started throwing insults around. He did say to call if anything escalated since he isn't coming.

     Ashton's driving us all there. He's already picked the other boys up so he's now on the way to get me. Billie texted me that Louis is already waiting there.

     Luke: ashton said to tell you were almost here :) also, if you aren't comfortable going anymore then i can tell them for you

     Me: okay! and thanks luke, but i'll be okay :)

     Ashton's car horn goes off from outside. Niall pulls me into a hug before I leave. "Good luck. Please remember to call if it goes bad," He whispers.

     "I promise, I won't forget," I pull away, "But I think we've got this."

     I make my way out to Ashton's car, climbing in the backseat once I'm there. I have to sit in between Luke and Michael, which isn't bad except the lack of room. We drive up to the spot where Louis is waiting. Ashton goes over the plan for what we will say over again.

     First, he want to confront Louis about what he did to me in the hallway. Ashton doesn't think the fight or the small confrontation was enough to drill what actually happened into Louis' head.

     Then, he wants to go over all the stuff Louis has been doing to mess with Michael and I. Louis can explain why he wanted to break us up so badly. And why he can't just leave us alone.

     Finally, he wants to find a resolution. An ending that allows for everyone to be content with the results.

     We pull into the spot. Everyone's eyes shift to me. I already know what they are checking for. "Guys, I'm fine. Let's go," I reassure them.

     We step out and head to where we see someone standing there. The fact he's playing with a soccer ball kind of gives away who it is. Michael holds onto my hand as the five of us walk up.

     Louis looks at us, obviously confused. He picks the ball off the ground, looking at all of us. "I'm assuming you guys aren't here for a game of footie?" Louis laughs.

     "No. We're here to see what your problem is," Ashton says, calmly.

     Louis suddenly looks more serious, and tense. "Oh, yeah? Are you referring to my problem with them?" Louis' head nods towards Michael and I.

     "Yeah we are. Look, it's getting ridiculous at this point so we need to find a solution," Calum joins in.

    "They started it. Dawn was teasing me at my house and when I tried to get what she owed me, this dude stopped me," Louis gestures towards Michael again.

     Owed him?

     Louis saying that I owed him a piece of myself all because I kissed him makes my head hurt. I squeeze Michael's hand tighter. Michael takes this as a sign to pull me closer.

     "Louis, that mindset is an awful one to have. You're gonna end up really hurting someone," Michael says.

     "Yeah, what Michael said," Luke adds one, probably just to be part of the conversation.

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