twenty four

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     It's Sunday so obviously, I wake up with the feeling of dreading church. The only positive is that I don't have to worry about Michael bugging me, in a bad way, anymore. I'm going to sit with him and not Zayn. I still don't think I'm ready for that.

     A lilac sweater, jeans and some converse should
be fine for the day. I make sure to bring a bag with a swimsuit and extra clothes for the lake.

     When I get downstairs, I make sure to eat some of the breakfast Niall made. It's just waffles and some berries but it tastes amazing. We have a different kind of syrup for waffles, it's strawberry flavored, and it just adds to the deliciousness.

     Michael's the one who's driving me there. Niall still assumes it's Ashton's car so he doesn't ask any questions. Soon enough, the horn outside lets me know that I need to go. I hug Niall goodbye.

     I climb into Michael's car, being greeted with a kiss. "You look lovely," Michael says to me.

     "Aww thank you," I smile.

     Michael drives us to the building. We park near some pretty flowers. Michal picks one and hands it over to me. I take the flower, holding it close to my chest. As we go in, I put it inside my bag so I don't loose it.

We get inside the building. I spot Zayn but someone else is also there. Louis.

What is he doing here? He never came here before now.

"Michael, look," I gesture towards the boys.

Michael's head turns to them, "Ignore it. He just wants to mess with us."

We sit in the pews behind them. I hope they didn't notice us. It's just a sermon today so thankfully there's no need to actually see them.

     My leg starts to bounce from my tension. Louis hasn't said anything to me yet I'm feeling myself panic. Michael's hand rests itself on my leg to help calm my nerves, it works. I don't feel myself slipping into a panic like I did the time I saw him in the hall. I'm just uneasy that he's here.

     "We can leave if you need too," Michael whispers to me.

     "I'm fine," I nod. I need to get over my nerves when I'm near Louis. I refuse to let a guy like him ruin events for me just because of his presence.

     Church ends, I try to rush out of the building but I bump into Zayn on my way out the door.

     "Sorry," I say quickly, not really wanting to stop and talk.

     "Dawn! It's been so long. What's happenin'?" He chimes.

     Looks like I'll have to talk for a little. "Not much. I actually have to get going somewhere soon," I nod.

     "Ah, where too?" Zayn asks. How is he being so casual?

     "Me and some friends wanted to go swim," I say, looking back to Michael.

     Zayn catches onto my look, "I heard you're dating him." He's gesturing to Michael.

     "I am," I confirm. Zayn looks surprised.

     "I've missed a lot then, geez. Here, just catch me up when you can so you don't miss out on that thing with your friends," Zayn smiles.

     "I will," I smile back.

     Finally, I meet up with Michael. We head to his car. Michael drives us right to Luke's house, asking every five minutes if I'm okay. Which I am. I've calmed down since taking to Zayn.

Although, seeing Louis did shake me up.

     We get to Luke's, going inside. Calum and Luke are already ready to go. Michael and I change in the bedroom. We finish getting ready quickly, meeting the others in the living room.

     The lake is walking distance away from Luke's house. We walk together, only bringing our bags and some towels. Luke still seems off like he was the other day. He still won't look at me.

     We make it too the lake. We're the only ones there, thankfully. We collectively decide to not get in the water yet. So, we sit on some towels. Luke still seems uneasy. Everybody can tell too.

     Finally, after about thirty minutes, Luke looks at me. "Dawn, can we talk?" He asks.

     "Of course," I say.

     We walk off to the side for privacy. Luke takes a deep breath in before going to explain everything.

     Luke goes on to tell me about Billie coming up to him during class. She starting talking about me and Michael. And apparently, she told Luke that her and Michael kissed the day Michael asked me out.

     "I don't really trust her but it's been bothering me," Luke explains.

     I'm taken back by the words. The way he told me seems like she was being genuine. I never got the player type impression from Michael. Even when I hated him. He never seemed like that guy to do something like that.

     "I understand. Thanks for telling me," I smile at him.

     "No problem. I feel a lot better now," He sighs.

     "Good. I'm glad you do," I nod.

     We head back to the rest of our group. I try not to act like Luke didn't just drop something like that on me. I watch Michael for the most part, trying to see if there's any sign that what Luke said he was told is true. It's a little crazy since there's no way I'd see a sign like that but I can't help it.

     I'm not really upset at the fact that there's a rumor like that. I, of all people, should know how easy rumors start.

     We stay there for a few hours. We decided the water was too cold to swim so we just hang out. I remain acting like there's nothing weird or unusual on my mind.

      The brighter side of today, after the news Luke told, would be that the girl Calum is talking to apparently wants to meet up with us. So, things seem to get getting more serious with them.

     On the drive back to my place, there isn't much talking. I keep thinking about what Luke said. It's weird to picture him kissing anyone else. Especially in the context of it being the day he got with me.

     "Bye, darling," he kisses my cheek once he's parked in my driveway.

     "Bye," I smile, kissing his cheek back.

     I head inside my house. The remainder of the day is uneventful. The only ideas that graze
though my head revolves around what Luke said. I'm probably overthinking. It's probably just a stupid dumb rumor to get me mad.

    And, it didn't work because I'm not mad. The thought just remains in my head. I trust Michael,  I really do, but I also don't think Luke would tell me if he didn't think it was possible.

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