twenty seven

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"Dawn, you know you could've said something before now, right?" Calum says. He looks more upset by the news than I would've imagined.

"I know but I didn't want you guys to get really upset and do something stupid," I shrug my shoulders.

"You let Michael fight him. If Ashton and I had known them we would've joined in," Calum says.

I can imagine the two of the doing something like that. They would've probably killed the guy had they jumped in while Michael was beating Louis up.

"I know and that's why I didn't want to tell you. You never get into fights and Ashton would loose is spot on the football team if coach found out," I respond, "And Michael shouldn't have done that either. I didn't know he was going to." I'd feel awful if anyone, but especially Calum and Ashton, got into trouble because of me.

     "Fair point, I guess. Are you going to tell Ash?" Calum asks me.

"I plan on it. I was hoping we could all skip tomorrow and talk about it," I shrug. Calum doesn't like skipping an entire day of school since his classes are hard so I expect a no.

Calum looks down at the bed, nodding his head periodically as if he was thinking about something. "Fine. I'll text Ashton," He grabs his phone from the dresser.

     "I'll text Michael too. I think he should be there," I say, texting my boyfriend the plan.

     Calum and I fall asleep after he's turned his alarm off for the morning. Calum's arm stays wrapped around me, in a friendly way.

     We both get up around nine. Calum and aj go downstairs to make us some breakfast. French toast and green tea to wash it down with. Not a common combo but that's what they have at Calum's house.

     We hear footsteps coming from the stairs. I anxiously look at Calum. His parents would flip if they knew we were skipping. They're pretty strict about that.

     "Oh? Hello guys," His sister says once she's in the kitchen, "Wasn't expecting to see you this morning."

     She greets us both with a "good morning" hug, stealing some of the toast from Calum's plate.

     "Oh, you can have it. I wasn't going to eat that piece anyway," Calum rolls his eyes, yet chuckling.

     Mali-Koa smiles, ripping off a small piece of the french toast and popping it into her mouth. "You guys don't have school today?" She asks while covering her mouth.

     I look over at Calum and he shrugs at me. "We decided not to go," I explain.

     "Ah, just don't get caught. Mom would probably never let you stay over on a school night again," She advises.

     "We won't. We're headed to Ashton's so I'll just come home after the time school is supposed to be out," Calum explains.

     Mali-Koa nods, "Don't forget to pack a uniform and change into it for when you're coming here."

     Calum's sister stays and talks with us while we eat. Apparently, she has a date today. She won't say with who but she seems excited. Good for her. Hopefully, they're a good person to her.

     Once Ashton and Michael are awake, we get ready to go to Ashton's house. Calum packs a uniform just like his sister said to. I send Michael the address and we head that way.

     I'm a little nervous to tell Ashton. He's a peaceful guy but I know how protective he is. Inside, he'd want to beat Louis worse than Michael did. But, he'd never do it.

    We get to Ashton's, Michael isnt here yet. I think that's a good thing since I planned on telling Ashton everything as soon as I got here. And I don't think it'd be a good idea for Michael to be sitting there while Ashton hears about his dumb choices.

     Ashton lets us in the house, leading us to the living room once we're inside. The three is us sit down, a sigh leaving my lips.

     "Based off your guys expressions, I can tell you're not here to smoke so what's up?" Ashton says, looking at Calum and I.

     "I've got something to tell you," I say, my leg bouncing.

     "Lay it on me," Ashton reaches over, resting his hand on my bouncing leg, "I'm listening."

     I take in a deep breath, then going on to explain. I tell him everything that I told Calum. I've said the details enough to where it doesn't make me cry when I say it. It's more of a numb, repetitive feeling now.

     Once I'm done, Ashton pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry," he whispers into my ear.

     "It's fine," I whisper back, pulling away from the hug, "I just felt like it was time to tell you guys."

     "Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you waited until you were comfortable," Ashton smiles.

     A knock on the door causes all of us to turn our heads. Ashton gets up to open it but I grab his arm to hold him back for a second.

     "Don't be harsh on Michael. He's doing better, I promise," I say.

     "Fine, but if he makes you cry again then I'm having a talk with him," Ashton nods.

     I let go of his arm so he can let Michael in. We all already figured it was him at the door since he's the only other one we invited. Michael and Ashton join us back on the couch.

     I fill Michael in on the situation. He nods as he listens to it all.

     "Okay, are we here to try and think of a solution then?" He asks once I finish.

     I hadn't really thought of that. I do want a solution to all this drama. But I didn't come here with that intent. I just wanted to fill my best friends in on my life.

    "Well, I would like to find a solution," I shrug.

     "Then let's think of one," Calum adds in.

     The throwing around of ideas is done mostly by the three boys. Calum and Michael agree on the idea of them just beating up Louis again but Ashton doesn't agree. He wants a more peaceful approach.

     Ashton explains why he doesn't want the violence, which mostly boils down to he doesn't want us getting in trouble and we al leave where a fight got us last time.

     He somehow gets the other boys to agree with him on the issue of being civil to Louis.

     "So, we need to have a talk with Louis," Ashton says, "With no fighting this time."

     The thought puts my stomach in knots. I couldn't stand being in the same room as him when he's not near me so how would I last holding a conversation with him. Maybe it'll be better since my friends are coming.

      "Who's going to get him though? He wouldn't want to talk to any of us," Calum shrugs.

     He has a point. Louis isn't that stupid to where he would blindly meet up with us. Especially considering that Michael would beat him up if given the chance.

      An idea glosses over my head. It mights sound crazy but it's worth a shot.

     "Let's get Billie to get him to meet us. She can tell him to meet her somewhere and really we'll be there," I chime in.

      The boys all turn to me. They don't seem to like my plan very much. It's understandable though. Billie hasn't shown herself as being trustworthy. So why try now?

     But, if I'm willing to give her the chance then they should be too.

     She does owe me after all.

authors note
sorry for the short chapter, i was unmotivated to write over the weekend so i didn't have much to work with today

i may do an update tomorrow to make up for it!

do we think billie will agree w the plan?

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