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     Harry: good morning!! can't wait to see you in english xx

     I read over the text throughout the morning. I can imagine his smile as he typed out the text. The dimples in his cheeks would've been showing prominently.

     Me: good morning harry <3

    I plan on keeping my guard up for longer than I usually would in the past. It's seems as if when I let anybody new in, they hurt me. First Louis and now Michael's hurting me, in a less harmful way obviously.

     I go downstairs where Niall is waiting for me. He has a bowl that's filled with what looks like a smoothie. He grabs a spoon, handing the bowl over to me.

     "Try it," He orders.

     I sniff the food to make sure that I don't smell anything awful. I take up a big spoonful of the substance. I pause to take in the taste. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and a banana. I can taste the different flavors, then opened containers on the counter tell me I guess right.

"I like it. Could use some toppings tho," I say, taking another bite.

"I figured you'd say that," He chuckles, "But I'm glad you like it."

Calum's horn goes off from outside. I grab my bag to head out but Niall catches my attention before I get out the door.

"We're gonna go out for dinner tonight. We got a catch up on some stuff because it's been to long since we had us time," He says, a smile on his face.

"Alright, Niall. Love you," I say as I walk out.

I hear Niall shout back a "Love you too" before I shut the door. I run out to the car. I climb inside, my playlist already loaded up. Dancer in the Dark by Chase Atlantic seems like a good starter.

"So, are we just gonna speed past what you admitted yesterday?" Calum asks, a smirk on his face.

     "What are you talking about?" I respond. In all honesty, I tried forgetting all about yesterday.

      "You have a crush on Michael," Calum nudges my arm.

"Yeah, but I obviously need to get over it since he has Billie. You know she basically told me to back off right?" I sigh, slouching down in my seat.

     Calum looks over at me in my slouched state, rolling his eyes, "She's just intimidated by you. Michael obviously likes you instead of her and she doesn't like that."

     "Well, obviously he must like her somewhat. And if she's trying to get with him then I've lost my chance," I sit up straight, looking out the window.

     "I know what could help," Calum says, pulling into the school's parking lot.

      "Yeah? What?" I ask him. I feel a little hopeful that he'll have an actual solution.

      "Tell Michael how you feel. Tell him that you like him and then you two can be happy together," Calum shrugs his shoulders.

     The two of us get out of the truck, making our way into the entrance. Calum's voice telling me that Michael obviously likes me rings through my head. It's not that I don't believe him. I just don't know what to do about Billie.

      If I tell her off, I might come off as jealous or just possessive. But if I do nothing then she gets Michael.

The part of the day before lunch seems to float by. Not much goes on inside my head besides thinking of Michael and going home.

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