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I almost kissed Michael Clifford yesterday.

Of all people, why him? Why the person that I'm trying to keep things normal with? I know that I willingly asked him to take me home but I wasn't expecting us to get that close.

Worst of all, I wanted to kiss him. His lips looked soft and they have a pretty pink tone to them. My hand was on his face, just like how I'd kiss anyone else. I notice he uses a lot of chapstick. I wonder what the flavor could be.

I want to taste his lips, I wanna taste him.

I can't believe myself. I'm actually gushing over the thought of his lips on mine. Michael Clifford of all people. I'm supposed to hate him.

Calum's here to pick me up. I rush out the door to see him. I climb inside the big car, fixing my skirt since it came up some when I sat.

"I see we've brought the normal short skirts back," Calum comments on my outfit.

After the past two days, I've decided that I'm not going to let what Louis did rule over me for the rest of my life. I'll wear short skirts if I want. I won't let him or his hands hold anymore power over me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to try out the longer style for a bit," I shrug.

"I think you look great either way," Calum smiles at me, "So, how'd you get home yesterday? Sorry I left so early."

I am NOT telling Calum about Michael. He'd press me into telling every detail. Calum would imply that he "told me so" and that I like Michael, which would not be true.

"Niall left school to come get me," I lie.

"Well, that was sweet," Calum says. He looks like he knows something. First Michael and Luke are bickering about telling me something and now Calum looks like he knows something I don't. Maybe he can just se through my lie and figures I rode with someone else.

We arrive at school. I'm nervous to see Michael today. What if he asks me about yesterday? I don't want to talk about it. The thought is already stuck in my mind, replaying the scene over and over again.

My first for classes go buy just as expected. I try to force the thought out of my head. The thought of what if I had kissed him. He's probably good at it. He's so smooth with his words, calling me the pet names and things like that. The parts of my fingertips that barely reached his hair felt the softness of it. My palm felt the smoothness of his cheek. I remember licking my lips, thinking about him.

There I go again. Gushing over Michael. I need to go to a doctor and have my brain checked out because this isn't me.

Lunch time. It's just Calum and I today. I'm a little bit happy about that. I'm over Ashton but I still feel somewhat guilty when I think over other people like this. We were together for so long that it feels weird to interact with others like we did.

"So, any new people in your life? Or crushes, I should say," Calum says, completely out of the blue.

"What?" I ask, thrown off by his question.

"Well, I have Carmen. Ashton's been talking to this one girl, Natalie, I think. So, I was curious if there's anyone like that in your life right now," Calum raises his brows at me.

Okay, he definitely knows something.

"Uh, no? I wouldn't say I have a crush on anyone," I respond.

"Mhm, I'll ask again in a few days," Calum smiles at me. I want to dig into this knowledge of his but how do I go about that?

Lunch seems to fly by. It always seems to do so when I don't want to go to my next classes. I say goodbye to Calum and head that way. I see Michael and Luke, walking ahead of me in the hallway. They look like they're arguing about something. Or not really arguing, it seems like Luke is trying to explain something but Michael isn't having it.

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