twenty two

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Louis POV:

"Shit, I'm gonna be late," I exclaim, getting out of bed as fast as I can.

How the hell did I sleep though my alarm?

I quickly throw on some plain white tee, pairing it with black jeans and checkered vans. I grab my school bag and toss it over my shoulder.

"Lou, I thought you were gone already," My mom says once I reach the kitchen.

"I should be. I slept late," My eyes roam the counter to find something to grab.

"Here baby, take my granola," My mom hands me an unopened package of Nature Valley. I slowly take the bars from her.

"You sure?" I hesitantly ask. I'd hate to take food from her.

"I'm sure. Now, run along before you're late. I love you," My mom smiles at me.

"Fine, just make sure you eat something. I love you too," I smile back before rushing out to my car.

I hate being late, especially while soccer is still in season. Coach gives us so much shit for being late. Plus, I don't feel like running the extra laps as what would be my punishment today.

I chew on the granola bars as I drive. Crumbs go everywhere but that's an issue for later. I speed into the parking lot. Somehow, I made it on time.

     The only interesting class I have is soccer. Everything else bores me to death. It's not like I'll actually need most of the things I'm learning right now. Most of it will just be forgotten.

     Lunch is okay. I usually just hang out with some friends from the soccer team. We talk about soccer or girls. You know, the typical teenage boy stuff.

     Things start to get interesting after lunch. I usually catch Dawn or Michael in the hallways around this time. I saw Dawn walking with that new British kid. They seemed quite friendly. I figured my whole plan with Billie was working out.

     Speaking of Dawn and Michael, they are just an annoyance. Michael humiliated me at that party. I let him win, so really I didn't loose. It was my choice not to beat his ass. And as for Dawn, she's just been overreacting to what happened between us. I didn't even actually touch her anywhere private for Christ's sake. Sure, I was a little handsy but some girls like it rough.

     I personally think things will go my way. But we'll see as the plan unfolds.

     The bell for our last class rings. I make my way out to the fields, my duffel bag over my shoulder. Billie is going to give me the update while we wait for practice to actually begin. I figure it'll be as I expect. Dawn is hanging with Harry and Michael is starting to like Billie.

    I'm tying up my cleats as Billie walks up to me. I look up to her, "What's up?"

     "Michael and Dawn are dating. Since yesterday," She says.

     Wasn't expecting that one.

     Dating? That doesn't make any sense. I guess they liked each other more than I thought.

     "What do you mean they're "dating"? I thought you said you were doing your job?" I ask Billie. I'm a little annoyed at the girl. I gave her one task and she failed it.

     "I mean they are boyfriend and girlfriend. And I was doing my job but I guess your plan just didn't work. That's not my fault," Billie shrugs, rolling her eyes at me.

     "Well, if you would've just been better at your job then it would've worked," I hiss, crossing my arms. We're bickering like some old couple.

      "Or if you weren't so damn obsessed with them then maybe you wouldn't even be worried about it at all," Billie crosses her arms back.

"I'm not obsessed. I just want to mess with them. I dunno what's so hard to understand about that," I say.

"Whatever. Are you over this "ruin Dawn and Michael" thing now or do you have anything else in mind?" She asks, clearly looking like she's over the whole situation.

I try to think up something, anything. I remember something Billie told me. Then an idea sparks.

"Didn't you say you kissed Michael on the cheek? Well, you go talk to Luke about Michael and Dawn so you can bring that up. But you need to imply it as you two kissed, on the lips," I explain, "Then if you can get Michael alone in a place Dawn would see, you test him. See how loyal he's gonna be."

     My reasoning for this plan is quite simple: Luke will take the information about Billie and Michael "kissing" and tell Calum. I know this because I've seen him and Calum hanging out around school. Calum will then tell Dawn about the kiss, as her best friend he'd try to look out for her.

     If Billie gets Michael alone and Dawn catches them, Billie would make it seem like Michael's cheating or whatever. Dawn will take that plus the stuff she knows about this kiss and they'll argue. And  potentially there'd be a breakup. If there is one, I don't see them being very friendly to each other after that.

     They were enemies after all. Something like that could crumble their whole relationship back to what it was before.

Billie thinks it over, contemplating my idea. "What's in it for me?" She asks.

Of course she wants something.

"You ride the bus, don't you? How about I give you a ride to school for like two weeks? And you can have the aux the entire time," I offer up. I don't really have much else to give.

"Hm," She gives it a minute, "Deal."

Great. Now that the plan is settled, I've got some of my own scheming to do.

A side plan that I thought of was to start going to that church thing with Zayn. I know Zayn wanted to talk to Dawn about her being distant from him. Poor guy doesn't even know what happened between Dawn and I besides what happened at my house.

Anyway, I'm sure if I started going to church with Zayn then that'll get a rise out of them. Who knows? I might bring Billie along with me.

I'm sure it shouldn't take much for this second plan to work out. They spent years hating each other. It can't be that hard to break whatever bond they've seemed to form.

At least, I hope it won't be that hard.

authors note
ugh louis 🙄

so, do we think this new plan will work?

i did a little in advance writing & im excited but also nervous for the coming chapters 🏃🏻‍♀️

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