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Michael's POV

     "Michael, wake up!" My mom yells from the kitchen. A groan leaves my mouth as I get out of bed.

     I rub my hands through my hair before stretching the last bit of tired out of me. I hate waking up this early, or waking up early in general. Anyone who willingly gets up before ten is probably crazy.

     I take a clean uniform out of my closet. Khakis, and a button up definitely aren't my style at all. There isn't much that I can do to spice it up. Luke has his flannel to pair with it but I don't think any of mine would match up with the outfit.

     An idea comes across my mind.

     Should I text Dawn?

     I know yesterday was bad for her. I just want to check up on her, make sure she's fine this morning. But, I honestly can't fathom the idea that she wants to talk to me.

     I've been a dickhead to her in the past. We spent years only talking to each other when provoked. I'm trying to be nice now to make up for it all. Would she think I'm weird for trying to be friends now?

     Or more than friends? If Dawn would like that.

     I've already admitted to Luke that I'm starting to like the girl. It happened on Monday when he was at my house. I was so pissed after what I saw in the hallway. Luke was trying to calm me down but I wasn't having it. I remember him asking me why does it upset me so much. Besides the obvious fact that Louis was going to assault her if we hadn't stopped him.

    "Because I like her, Luke. I like Dawn."

     The words slipped out of my mouth. I didn't even realize that I said it out loud until Luke's face had a big smile on it. I basically had to beg him not to tell his friend Calum. Apparently, the two of them already knew this would happen. That it was only a matter of time before one of us confessed.

     Luke tried talking me into telling her straight up how I feel but I can't bring myself to do it. I've been rejected plenty of times before but something tells me it would hurt worse from her.

     How did this even happen? I went from absolutely hating this girl and then suddenly finding myself infatuated with her. It's like something finally clicked. All the teasing, secret glances, accidental run ins. I think the moment that sunk it all in was when I was looking at her that day I made a comment about her mom. She looked so hurt and I actually felt bed for her. That never happens. I contemplated on it for the rest of that day into the next morning.

     I've always found Dawn beautiful. I've thought that since the day I met her. The way her hair frames her face perfectly, her smile is one that many wishes they had, her eyes have the most adorable shine to them. Her laugh is the cutest thing to watch. Dawn reaches over and does a tiny tap on the arm of whoever made her laugh. She'll bring her hand up to cover her face while she laughs to avoid showing her smile.

     And her personality? It isn't even bad. I've picked up little details from overhearing conversation or glancing over at her during lunch. She doesn't seem that different than I am.

     I type out a message: good morning

     Should I add a pet name?

     I remember calling her one of those for the first time. It was sweetheart, I think. I've always called people little nicknames. And if I found a girl cute, and I didn't know her, I'd have one on deck for her. I'd only call the girl that during our introduction but it stuck with Dawn. I just kept calling her little pet names beyond our first meet.

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