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Thursday. It's not quite Friday so you still have to deal with going to school the next day but it's also a signal that you've almost completed your week. It's one of the better days of the week that I consider fillers.

I pack a change of clothes in my bag for the game tonight. It's just some baggy jeans, black cropped tee, and a blue zip-up in case I get cold. It's simple but effective.

"Uh, Niall, I'm gonna be late coming home today. There's a game and my friend invited me to go," I say, standing at the counter to wait for Calum.

"What friend?" Niall asks while making himself some breakfast.

Niall is very picky when it comes to the boys that I hang out with. He knows that I'll hangout with whoever I want but if he doesn't like them then I'll never hear the end of it.

"Calum. I probably should've said that before," I look down at my feet.

"Just be careful. And don't stay out too late, it is a school night," Niall takes a sip of his coffee.

"I will," I say just as Calum horn goes off from outside.

I rush out to the car and hop in. I know Niall will probably ask Calum about the soccer thing to make sure I wasn't lying so I need to update Calum.

"Don't kill me but I kind of told Niall that you were the person that I'm hanging out with at the game," I talk fast to get it over with.

I don't think Calum will be mad at me for saying it him. He always covers for me. But Calum also hates lying.

"Dawn, obviously I'll cover for you. But why didn't you just say it was Louis?" Calum pulls out of the driveway.

"You know how he is about boys. Niall would flip if he thought I was going to be out late with a guy that he didn't know," I sigh.

"Trust me, I know. Pretty sure that he wanted to knock me out the first time he met me," Calum laughs.

The first time that Niall and Calum met was under not so good circumstances. Calum had come over right after school so I could tutor him in math. I hadn't told Niall that he was coming because I thought Niall was coming home late. I was wrong.

Niall came bursting in my room to the sight of Calum and I dying of laughter. Niall was so mad at me for having a guy in my room while I was home alone. Thankfully, he loves Calum now. I'm pretty sure he thinks of Calum like a brother at this point.

"Oh he definitely did. You're lucky that your best friend is a great talker," I giggle.

The school day goes by just fine. I finished up the final draft of Michael and I's poem. Michael didn't come to school today so that was kind of a relief. After the last bell, I went out to Calum's car to change into my outfit that I brought. Calum let me keep my backpack in there for in the morning.

I walk out to the soccer field and I text Louis so he can meet me to give me the pass.

Louis: i'm by the trees xx

I look around to try and see whatever trees he's talking about. I spot Louis standing there on his phone, his leg propped up on a soccer ball. I walk over to him quickly.

"Hey," I say once I'm up to him.

Louis looks up and smiles at me, "You're looking lovely. Come on," He says.

We walk together to the ticket booth. Louis shows them his pass and then points to me. The ladies stamp my hand and I get through.

"Thanks. Good luck tonight," I smile at him.

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