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I run towards the lounge, looking behind me to see if anyone's following. Nope. Thank God.

I take a seat and look at towards the pool. I actually wanna go for a swim but I also don't want to miss Liams reaction. God I'm brilliant.

I chuckle to myself and smirk when I see I've caught the eyes of some old bloke. I twirl my hair around my finger and motion with my finger for him to come to me. I mean, Liam probably won't be up for another hour, might as well have some entertainment.

"Hello." This old man smiles. SMILES with his yellow teeth. I smile back and give him a shy wave
"Saw you looking at me, was wondering if you wanted to join me?" I ask

"A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn't even be alone, why are you?" He raises his eyebrows

Hehe. I'm gonna have a little bit of fun with this Pedo. Just look at him! Like I can't tell he's staring at my chest. Fucking idiot.

"Well, I came here with my brother. He's off getting AIDS, left me all alone here, vulnerable" I innocently say.

The man chuckles. "Mhm, why don't I keep you some company then? I promise I don't have aids" he winks.

I feel like puking when he winks. Doesn't even look freaking attractive. But i keep a smile on my face. I hate it when old people try flirting with people my age - I'm 19 but this guy looks like he's in his 60's. No shame whatsoever. Like I said,

He's a pedophile. And I want to teach him a lesson. See, a couple hours ago I had seen him trying it with a girl about my age. He was tryna force himself on her. She thankfully slapped him and ran. But when I saw him looking at me, I knew it was God telling me I could beat the shit out of him.

"Well, What's the guarantee you'd keep me occupied?"

"Why don't we take a ride in the elevator, I'm sure I can convince you to allow me to be in your company" He smirks and gets up, offering me a hand.

I look down towards his hand and then look up. I smirk and take his hand. If there's anything I despise it's men forcing them self onto women andddd  pedophiles.

I lead him towards the elevator but pull him towards the side. I might be able to fight but I'm not stupid. If he somehow got the upper hand there's the risk he really could harm me.

I push him back onto the wall. Fuck, he stinks! Guy clearly doesn't know what a shower is.

"You know, you didn't tell me your name" I mumble while tracing my finger from his neck downwards.

" Jack" He shuts his eyes when I get near his belt. I smirk and remove his belt.
He lets out a little moan and I haven't even touched him! Way to easy.

"Well Jack. Has nobody ever told you, your a fucking pedophile" I watch as confusion appears on Jacks face and he opens his eyes. Anger flashes through them but just at that moment i pull back my arm and struck him in the face.

Jack falls to the floor and holds his bleeding nose and looks up at me " You bit-" he can't finish his sentence as I pull the belt and whack his leg


I kneel in front of Jack. " Two things. One, never force yourself on anyone again. Second, Your sick. Going after someone who's young enough to be your granddaughter. Sick." I shake my head and get up just as security comes flying in.

"This is him." I tell them and watch as they carry him out by force.

Now, I may be 19. JUST 19. But when it comes to someone being forced sexually, I will interfere and you should too.

I make my way to the cafeteria and make myself a plate. I came to Brazil with my brother Jason, his wife Lucy and 3 year old daughter Amy , cousin Liam, Alaric who is Liams father but also our godfather anddd my aunt Jessy who's Alaric's wife.

My Mum and Dad passed away 3 years ago, I was 16.
From then on my brother Jason became my mother and Father. But alongside him I had Lucy and my Aunt and Uncle who took really good care of me. They spoiled me, cared, loved and didn't let me feel as if my parents were gone.

I mean of course I missed them, but with the company of my family I learned to let go enough so I could enjoy life.

I finish my meal and head on towards the lounge again. That's where I expect Liam to come crashing in creating a scene.

I take a seat and pull out my phone.

But as soon as I pull it out, I hear a loud "ALEXA!"

Fuck. My full name. Whoopss

Hey guys, this is my first story as you may be able to tell! Please do give it a chance though i spent a lot of time working on this story. 

Feel free to message me with feedback and opinions. I would love it actually!

I have always loved reading, i thought i'd give writing a go but not sure if its for me.

I have however finished typing this story so I will finish uploading this story and then decide if i would like to start another book. 

I really enjoyed reading this story and hope you guys will! If theres any mistake or spelling error -Sorrryyy. I will be going back and proof reading soon!

Thanks Lovelies 


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