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Ever since i told Michael i want them he's been smiling non-stop. I absolutly love it

"Your boyfriends calling" He says dropping his smile

"Don't tell me you've got a problem with Gray"

"I- I want to say Yes. Your to young for a boyfriend. But i see the way he looks at you. And i know he genuinely loves you so i allow it"

I raise my eyebrow " You allow it?"

He nods and smirks "Yes, so i won't kill him"

I roll my eyes "Just because im okay with it all now doesn't mean you can opnely threaten people"

"So i can do it behind your back?" I glare at him as i take my phone

"Lex you said opnely" He shrugs

"Ass" I Mumble walking out the room

" I heard that" he shouts back

I snort and answer the phone

"Baby" Gray speaks first

"Hey love" I reply

"How's Italy?" He asks

I smile thinking of my home and fill Gray in.
I walk back and see Michael getting the ingredients ready

"You know" I start " didn't think the big Mafia boss would know how to cook"

He raises an eyebrow "Just because I am doesn't mean I don't know how to do basic stuff"

"Huh not a spoilt child then" I chuckle

"You thought I'd be spoilt?" He asks

I nod slowly "to be fair I thought you all would be, you know having everyone at your fingertips and all"

"We have maids and all and they do everything but mama wanted to teach us how to cook. Come on get up"

"Mickyyyy I swear I can't cook" I whine But stop when I notice him smiling softly


"You called me Micky" he whispers

I quickly shut my mouth. Oops.

"It's okay I like it" he quickly says

I give him a small smile before getting up and washing my hands

"Don't blame me if i burn down your kitchen" I chuckle

" I'll teach you come on" He pulls me over and from then on we work together to cook lasagne. 

"No way" I laugh as I apply the meat in between the sheets

"It was hilarious! Mama was fuming!"

"So your the bossy one, Nik is the boring cold one, and Luca is a clown"

"And your the prankster, but the one and only princess so" He bows down dramatically making me burst out laughing

"Capo" A buff man comes into the kitchen. I watch as Michael stands tall and drops his smile. His face going cold and eyes harden before he turns around

"Che cos'è?" Michael questions
("What is it?)

"C'è stato un problema con la spedizione?"

(There was an issue with the shipment)

I see Michaels shoulders tense as he turns around meeting my eyes. I smile as his eyes soften 

"I'll be right back"

I nod slowly and lean back " Yeah sure, take your time"

He nods before leaving with the guy right behind him. I sigh and take a seat on the stool leaning on my hand. I sit up as i realise even though i knew the problem was Mafia related. I wasn't scared of it i was scared of something happening to someone from the Russo family. My family.

I jump as my phone rings. I look down and smile 

"Hey Jas" 

"Hey, you okay?"

I smile and nod "Yepp just made lasagne with Michael" 


"Have you burnt anything yet?" 

"Oh shut up" I laugh " Michael is a very good cook actually"

"Are you happy Lex?" Jason asks after a moment

I smile softly " I am. It doesn't feel like i've been gone you know."

"I get that" I can feel Jason smiling softly

"I love you Jason. Your always my brother even if i have found my bio's" I whisper

"I know Lex. You deserve this happiness."

"Jas. i've decided to give them a chance. But promise me, promise me you'll still be my brother. You won't distant yourself from me"

"Never Lex, don;'t be silly. Your my little sister. Bio's or not. They will have to have me too" He laughs

"Hell yeah" I laugh.

Another phone rings and i look up and see its Michaels. I quickly get up still talking to Jason and see the caller. Its mum.

"Jas, i'll call you back" I say before quickly picking up the phone

"Michael, is she okay?" 

"I'm absolutely fine" I laugh

"Aw Alexa. Hi Honey, sorry i was just checking up on you, i know it's been a hard few day adjusting and all"

"I think i adjusted right in" I smile softly

"You did" She says laughing lightly 

"So i'm at our home. In Italy. It's beautiful" I smile

"It is isn;t it" 

I don't even hesitate before i say "You should come" 

"What?" she asks soflty, as if she can't believe her ears.

I sigh before continuing "Why don't you all join us for dinner. I'd really love that. Especially because its my first time here, and to be here with you all, creating those memories would mean a lot to me"

 "You've decided to stay with us?" She whispers

"Your my family. Of course i have"

"We're on our way" She cries 

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