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I don't believe it.
Is this real? Is this a dream?

I wanted to cry right now.

I step into the elevator with Michael and Dominic. Nobody says a word.

" She's it. She's my twin. Lo so. (I know It)" I breathe

" She does look like you" Dominic says

" She has the tattoo. " Michael adds.

12 years ago was when we lost our sister. My twin. Alexa.
We were both 7. She was taken from us. We never could find her again. I'd be lying if I said we never gave up, but even after we gave up we never stopped searching.

Alexa was the only sister we all had. My parents had 3 sons and 1 daughter. Michael being the eldest, then Dominic , then me and Alexa.

Dominic had created a design when we were kids. It was a sibling tattoo, nobody knew about it. But that girl Alexa she had it. It was the same tattoo I had, our brothers had.

"Mum and dads gonna be so happy" Dominic mumbles. I look up and see tears in Dominic and Michaels eyes. Its difficult to show weakness in our line of works, we keep it in unless we're with our family but here we all are, just moments after seeing our girl, with tears in our eyes. But only because we're alone. Otherwise we'd be keeping our emotions bottled up.

After all, they- we are the Mafia.

But now things are different, we have our little Mafia princess back. We've found our missing sister. Everything will be better.

" I know she's our sister. But, I, I think we should still do a DNA test" Michael says wiping his eyes

I look at him confused "When you know she's our sister. My Twin. Why?"

" Mike, she's got resemblance, she's got Lucas eyes, she looks like Mum even! And she's got our tattoo, and her names Alexa. She was 7 when she was kidnapped, She knew her name and obviously kept it, I thinks it's obvious she's our sister." Dominic grumbles

Michael sighs " You think I don't know that, I do. Trust me I do. But we are the Mafia boys. We need to make sure we have no doubts in the future before we tell her, claim her and take her with us."

Dominic and I nod before I asked a question
"We are telling Mum and Dad though right." I ask worried

"Si, of course" Michael replies rubbing his hand over his face.

We get off at the top floor. Our penthouse. We came to Brazil for two reasons, One being Mum wanted us to have time away from work, and Second, Business deals. Non- Mafia related of course.

"Who was that Liam guy though. They looked pretty close" Dominic mentions.

I clench my jaw thinking it's her boyfriend. Alexa is younger then me and even if she wasn't I'd still be very protective of her.

Michael clearly is thinking the same thing " Hopefully not her boyfriend. But even if he is, it's not like we can do much at the moment. We haven't even spoken to her, only introduced ourselves"

"She's too young to have a boyfriend." I add

Dominic turns and raises his eyebrow "She's the same age as you doofus"

"So?  Men only want one thing, andddd I think Lexi should stay away" I nod

"Oh soo (oh god) only a few minutes in and we're already protective. She's gonna have us wrapped around her finger just you watch"

"You know the way she whined, the way she got Alaric in trouble, when we all know he was with us so there's no way he actually helped her and everything, I've got a feeling she's a little brat" Dominic smirks.

"For sure" Michael and I say at the same time.

We stop outside the door. We all take a deep breath before entering

"Ciao mamma, papa" we all say

Mum and dad look up and smile


"How was the meeting!" Papa asks

"Was great, it's a good deal."

"se ne vanno tutti" Michael dismisses the guards
(Everyone leave)

I take a seat and watch Mum and Dad sit back down

"Is everything okay?" Mama asks

"Si Mama, in fact it's good news" Michael answers

" We found Alexa" I blurt out

Michael glares at me, but then softens

"Wh-what?" Mama whispers

" Son, what are you saying" Dad hugs Mama from behind

Michael sighs and repeats everything that happened today.

By the end of it, everyone's in tears.

" I want to see her. I want to see my babygirl" Mama cries

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