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"Pass the sauce"

" Say it nicely D" 


"Pass the sauce."

"No. Say it nicely."

"Don't worry" Lucy smiles at Laura "These immature brats are always like this"

"Lucy he has no manners!" I moan 

" Lucy he has no manners" Damon mocks

I smirk and kick his leg hard

"Ow fuck. Le"

"Ow fuck Le. I thought you were Gay-"

"Lex leave him alone" Gray scolds

"Yeahh Le Listen to your boyfriend"

I stuck my tongue out"Atleast I have a boyfriend"

Damon gasps "Low blow Le Low blow"

"So how old are they again?" Amused, Roberto asks.

"Mentally 3". Jason answers

"Too high" Gray mumbles

"You then do realise your dating a minor"

" Your not physically 3 so"

"How did you guys meet?" Laura asks

I can see this perked the interest of all the Russo men.

"I accidentally spray painted the wrong car and got chased" I start

"Wait what" Michael asks

"Yeahh some loser cheated on one of my close friends so I decided to spray paint his car" I shrug

"Your awesome!" Luca laughs

"But you did it on someone else's car?"

"It was a security guy. I freaked and ran"

"She ran into me and dropped my coffee and then it turned out she was the sisterinlaw of my friends sister. So Lucy. And that's where our story started"

"Aww. How long have you been dating?" Laura asks

"2years" I reply

"Cute" Dominic mutters

"So how long are you in Scotland?" Lucy changes the subject

"Well, we're going back tomorrow night but will be back in a few days" Laura answers

"We have business here plus Laura loves Scotland so we make family visits instead" Roberto adds

"Aww" I coo

"It's lovely here" Laura gushes

I turn towards Michael "So what is it that you guys do?"

Michael uses the napkin to wipe his mouth before answering
"Well we own several hotel and restaurant chains, I am also the CEO of  A.R Constructions.

I raise my eyebrows impressed "that's so cool"

"I'm more of a chef so I control the restaurants" Laura tells us

"You should teach me" I say "I can't cook to save my life"

"She's right about that" Jason, Gray and Damon say at the same time

"Rude" I scoff "I've just not had a very good teacher"

"I'll teach you honey, oh it'll be so much fun" Laura claps her hands

"Make sure she doesn't burn the kitchen"Gray mumbles

"Gray" I whine whacking his arm

"Baby I love you but you did burn my kitchen"

Luca starts choking on his water laughing hard "You what"

I roll my eyes "it really wasn't my fault, and I didn't burn his kitchen. Just some of it."

"Don't you worry honey, I'll be with you so you won't be burning anything" Laura chuckles.

"Aw thanks Laura"

"Its good weather for a bonfire no." Lucy asks
"sounds wonderful" Roberto and Laura answer

"I'll get the marshmallows, Lucy you take them outside"

I stand and with the help of Gray and Damon clear the table

"Oh Laura, go sit. We'lol manage"

"It's no problem darling"

I smile and go into the kitchen. I bend down to empty the plate and as I stand normally I bump into something, I turn back and see Dominic.




"Um, can I help you with something-"

"Arr you okay now?" He interrupts

Bloody hell what is it with the Russo men interrupting everything.

"Yeah course" I hesitate before adding "Listen uh. I don't remember much from the night I got drunk but thanks for keeping me safe, not letting anything happen to me. I appreciate it"

Dominic gives a small nod "it's alright." He hesitates for a moment "Just dont go getting drunk on your own, anything could of happened if i weren't there"


"Good thing my superhero was there then" I say

He looks at me. I look at him. And then we both start laughing.

"So I have a question" he starts

I raise my eyebrows and motion for him to continue

"Is Damon seeing someone? I mean I've seen the news and know he's just come back and all but he's not into anyone is he?"

I smirk and shake my head "Nope he's all yours"

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