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When i get home its around 6pm

"Lexi, that you?"

"Jason" I whisper

"Lexi, is everything okay?" he comes to the door giving me a hug

"Mhm" I hug him back tighter "I love you"

"I love you too baby sis"

We seperate from the hug

"Wheres Lucy and Amy?"

"They've gone out. I just got home from work."

I release a breath "We need to talk"

"Of course, what's up?"

We take a seat in the main room and I dive right in "I found my biologicals"

"Oh my god. You knew." I get up

"Lexi listen to me before you switch"

I sigh and signal for him to carry on

"Michael and Roberto came to office a month ago. I knew. I'm so so sorry Lexi but I didn't want to ruin your chance at bonding with your biologicals, it wasn't their fault an-and I wasn't going to be selfish, not with you. I told them they could tell you at their own speed. Lexi I'm so sorry I didn't tell you"

I jump at Jason and give him a hug "I'm not mad, you'll always be my brother Jason. That's never gonna change."

"Never" he squeezes me hard "how'd you find out"

"They told me. I was at theirs"
"About time"

"I'm gonna be spending a day with each of them. Should be fun."

Time flew as I bonded with Jason. Blood or not but Jason will always be my family, my priority.

I wake up the next morning and call Laura. I mean my mother.

"Hey Lexi, you alright?"

"Hey, yeah I just wanted to check and see what we're doing? I don't know what to wear" I'm sheepish but oh well.

"Oh darling it's okay" she laughs "I booked a really good Italian restaurant, thought we'd go there for breakfast and then a walk in the park"

"Sounds good, thanks"

"I'll pick you up in a hour"

"See you then."

I quickly change into a maxi off the shoulders dress and apply some light makeup, and before I know it Laura, mums ringing the doorbell.

I'm nervous honestly.

"Hey Lex, you look gorgeous m" Laura smiles giving me a hug

"Aww thank you, so do you"

"Hi Jason"

"Hi Laura" Jason comes and gives her a hug "I'm so so happy for you, congratulations"

I smile as Laura puts her hand on Jason's cheek "thank you child. Thank you for always being there for her. You'll always be her brother"

"Lexis crying" Jason laughs

"Am not" I quickly say wiping a tear

"Aw come here" Laura grabs us both for a hug.

"Go before you get late now" Jason shoos after a while "Have fun Lexi" Jason gives me a kiss.

As we get into the car Laura asks her first question "You and Jason are really close huh"

"Of course. He's taken care of me my whole life. After our parents died he literally became my parents"

"I don't find it awkward, if anything I don't know how we could ever repay him."

I smile "Hes amazing. Can't believe I got 4 brothers now! Like one wasn't bad enough"

We both laugh and have a full blown conversation on likes and disklikes

We have some nice Italian breakfast while we talk and laugh. It felt like home. I missed not having a mother. I liked this.

"So your not really Mexican I guess your Italian"

"That's so weird. My whole life I thought i was one and turned out to be the other. I know a little Italian not much"

"Oh wow do you?"

"Conosco un po d'italiano"
(I know Italian)

As we make a round around the park we laugh, we translate and get along really well.

"Amore" I stop laughing and see Roberto. My father.
He kisses Laura and comes over to give me a hug

"My turn"

"Have fun darlings"

And just like that it's me and Roberto.

"Where are we going?" I ask


"Oh yay, I love the arcade"

"I thought you might, it is a teenage thing"

"The boys don't seem the type to go arcade"

"That's cause they don't, I asked a maid where her daughter likes to go" Roberto sheepishly smiles

"Aww" I coo "thats literally the cutest."

I had fun with Roberto. We played lots of Games, me winning most of them, well I think Roberto was letting me win. Or it could be he's just horrible at it. 

"Thats not fair" He pouts "First time playing these games how that fair"

"Aw you big baby" I laugh throwing my head back

I stop laughing when i see Roberto just standing there smiling. 

I smile back at him and give him a hug when he opens his arms wanting one

"Thank you Lexi" He whispers kissing the top of my head

"What for?" I whisper back confused

"For giving us a chance. i Know you question whether you can move on from the whole killing thing. But please, we love you so much. It's hard being in the Mafia. We're so used to being this sterotype, a cold ruthless monster. And we are that. When it comes to protecting the ones we love. " He takes a seat on the railing opposite the car. " When we had you, it was so differnet. You were out first girl, we already felt the love, we knew we'd protect you with our lives and we couldnt." 

He looks up at me, tears in his eyes, it makes tears come to mine to " Please, get to know us. Don't let the Mafia define us. Give us another chance to protect you. To love you."

I swallow taking in his words

"Believe me, all of us have changed in the months we've had you. You being kidnapped changed us a lot. You think i'd be here, tears in my eyes for anyone."

"Cause Mafia men don't show weakness" I whisper wiping a tear away

"Exactly" He nods

Wow! Long chapeter phew

Hey guys so so sorry for not posting eek! It's just been so so busy, but i will get to posting some more chapters soon! Want to finish this story before i go on holiday on Friday! 

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