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I watch as she freezes and slowly turns around.

* The night before*
We enter home and take a seat

"I'm still in shock. She heard, my daughter heard the guys kill someone, heard that they're the Mafia, fucking hell.


"I'm okay" I nod "how are we gonna make this better?"

" I could talk to her, I'm her twin after all, fine she doesn't know it but im sure she feels some connection the way she's always acting"

"I think Mum should talk to her first. A chat; female to female." Michael suggests taking a sip of whisky.

I nod "Totally"

"and have Luca ss back up, like he said, he's her twin, granted she doesn't know but it could make a difference"

"Are we telling her she's our blood?" Dominic asks

"No" Roberto answers "Not till this Mafia shits over."


She turns to look me. And the look in her eye hurts my soul.


"Can we talk?" I ask softly

She shakes her head "About what? Are you going to feed me more lies?"

I take a step forward "No. Absolutely not. I have never lied to you. Yes, we kept it hidden but please, let me explain"

I watch as she thinks. She nods "Park or coffe shop?"

I smile widely and walk in line with her "Park sounds awesome"

We silently make our way to the park and take a seat

"When I met Roberto I was 17, he was 20. He was cold and heartless. But when he was with me he was different. Good different. He treated me like every woman wants to be treated.

I knew he was involved with the Mafia, hell everyone in Italy knew. We fell in love, and got married, I didn't care he was the Mafia. I didn't care for his money or title, I just wanted him. At the time he wasn't Capo. I knew he would be one day, taking over his father's position. He was more then ready for it. But he didn't want it"

"He didn't?" She questions

I shake my head "He was a leader yes. But he wanted to live a peaceful life with me, but his dads unexpected death and last wish made him change his mind. After that it just became a normal thing. You see he was born into this life, if he wanted he could of left. But he chose to stay. Because he knew them being in the Mafia meant you had enemies. enemies that could come after us and after our children. We would never be safe."

"But you still kill people!" she cries

"Not innocent ones. Only those who have betrayed or have tried to kill us, it's a be killed or kill them lifestyle"

"By-but that day." She stutters " they said they were gonna make an example of him, even though he admit he did it to protect his family, surely Roberto could relate to that"

I sigh "I know you wouldn't believe me, which is why I saved these docs and videos on my phone. They show he was lying. The guys gay. He doesn't have kids, he lives his life in secret with his boyfriend, even though it's nothing to be embarrassed on he wants it hidden. The point is, he's got no wife or kids, he was trying to save him self"

I hand over the proof and keep a eye on her reaction

"Wow" she whispers

"Darling, I know us being the Mafia has changed everything, but we all do really care for you" I whisper


I raise my eyebrows

"Why do you care for me?" She asks

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