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I didn't like lying to my family. I called Brad. My older cousin, he lives an hour away from us. Told him it was a emergency and I'd tell him later, that I was gonna tell everyone he's in the hospital and he's not well

He could get away with that, he's a doctor after all.

So we all made our to the hospital. Nobody could get in touch with Brad cause I told him to turn his phone off but they knew it wasn't too bad. They just wanted to get to him fast.

I heard a man die. And I didn't do anything. Where did my strength go?

We're the fucking Mafia. And we've got to make a example of you, to show others not to mess with us

The words Michael uttered still play in my head. The Mafia. After what happened to Damon, I want to stay as far as way as possible.

But I'm not stupid, I know how it works. If I say something a member of my family could be hurt.

"What room is he in Lex?" Jason asks

"208 he said"

"Brad my baby!" Aunt Jess whisper screams

"Aunty, I'm no longer a baby, I'm 30!" He grumbles

"Oh shut up boy! Your still my little man" she pulls his cheeks

"Jess honey, stop" Rick grabs Jess and pulls her back

"What happened man" Rick asks

"I had a really strong migraine, fainted cause of it but also had a nose bleed, they weren't linked just really bad timing I guess, I'm fine, it really isn't a big deal but you know Lexi. When one of us gets hurt she goes a bit much"

I roll my eyes "Well duh, that's what caring about someone is"

We all laugh and catch up before it's time to go "Actually Lex, can I chat to you real quick"

I nod as everyone leaves the room

"Baby, I'll wait outside, Everyone else go home" Gray commands.

Gray knows somethings up. After all he does know me inside out. He's been worried and concerned the whole flight but I just don't know what to tell him.

I smile and get up to kiss his cheek before he leaves

I turn around and my smile drops. Brads sitting up straight, arms crossed and eyebrows raised

"Want to tell me why the fuck I've just had to pretend I'm unwell?"

"I.. well you see" I stutter

"Lexi?" He asks concerned before tapping the bed. I take a seat and sigh

"I don't want to go into it. But I overheard something, something horrible and it made me sick, I just wanted to leave"

He nods "Okay, it must have been really bad if you felt like that"

I nod " I was horrible I I can't unhear it but I just don't feel safe I can't go back to acting normal with them I don't wanna be friends I don't wanna talk and act like nothings happened like fair enough that's their life, it's personal but I don't want anything to do with people like that if I had told our family like Jason and Rick of what had happened and what I heard god knows what they'd do. They'd want to leave anyways but it would cause drama"

"And you can't tell me what you heard why?"

"I don't want to. I don't want to repeat. It's finishEd, there's nothing more to it, end of drama, we are here now, so we can move on, Jus don't repeat it to anyone"

"I won't"

"Thanks Brad; for everything" we hug before I get up to leave

"You working the night shift"

"Yepp" he laughs

"Cool see ya"

I leave the room and bump into Gray who looks really concerned but quickly wipes that reaction away and smiles

"You ready to go home?"

"Yes, I'm so tired"

We get into the lift and make our way to the carpark

"Everyone's gone home, it's just us, I've ordered a Uber" he looks at his phone.

"I forgot, what about our luggage?" i ask

"It's been delivered home, oh look there's our uber"

I follow Gray into the car but turn so i'm facing him.

"What do you mean delivered?"

"Well, Mr Russo - not sure who it is thats what i was told, ordered some guys to send it home"

At that i freeze

"Lexi? Whats wrong?"


He sighs and puts his phone away "I heard what you said to Brad."

Well Fuck.

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