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"They're all coming?" 

I jump at the sudden sound and turn around holding my heart.

"You scared me" I glare at Michael who looks a bit too amused for my liking

"Scardy cat" He chuckles "Luckily i made extras"

"You were eavesdropping" I accuse 

"Didn't mean to" he shrugs " I finished and was coming back to you" He smiles softly but i could see the stress

"Everything okay?" I hesitantly ask 

He nods running a hand through his hair "It's fine" he dismisses

"They're already in Italy. They should be here soon, do you want to freshen up?" 

I agree and follow as he takes my up the stair but hesitates but quickly shakes his head

"What?" I ask

" I didn't show you your room in the tour. It's still the same as before you were taken. I was going to ask if you wanted to see it but maybe you shouldn't today. Your head hurt seeing the mansion. Maybe wait till tomorrow" He answers 

"I want to see it today" 

"Lexi"  He sighs " I don't think so. Don't put too much pressure on your brain, your headache just went"

"I'm fine. Come on Micheyy please. I really want to see" I try pulling the puppy face mand literally have to struggle to not laugh as Michael tries looking away scrunching up his face "Lexi don't do that." 

"But Micheyy please"

"Lexi. I said No" he says a bit sternly

"Fine" I pout crossing my arms looking away

"Lexi" He sighs pulling my arms so they uncross " Please stop. I promise i'll show you first thing in the morning yeah. I just don't want the headache to retun. It's your first day here i want you to enjoy it without problems." 

I sigh and nod "First thing tomorrow?" 

"First thing tomorrow" He promises before taking me into a guest room

"I'll be downstairs Lex" he squeezes my hand before walking out. I quickly shower and get changed. By the time I finally get back to the kitchen I see everyones already here

"Lexi" Everyone cheers

I smile and wave "Hey guys"

"Real smooth" Nik snorts. i glare at him and make my way towards Laura... Mum. 

"Hey honey, you look gorgous" She gives me a hug before pulling back and kissing my forehead.

"I want a hug" Dad pouts. I shake my head and chuckle before giving him a quick one

"We made Lasange" Michael comes into the room

"We?" Dad raises his eyebrows

"Thought Lexi couldnt cook" Nik snorts

"She did pretty good actually" Michael smirks " Better then you anyways" 

"Prick" Nick mutters

"Language" Mum scolds

We all head into the dining area and take our seats

"How'd you like the house Lex?" Luca asks

"It's beautiful" I smile

We ate and talked. Laughed and caught up. I felt like i belonged no matter how cheesy that sounds. 

At the end of the night we had shed some tears too. Everyone being so happy I accept them as family

"What are your thoughts now.. On the Mafia?" Luca asks. Silence 

Everyone awaiting my answer.

I take a deep breath before answering

"I - I mean i'm okay with it. I want you all in my life. I accept this lifestyle. Bu-but what about Jason, Amy. Everyone else. Will we be safe?"

"Lexi" Dad grabs my hands "I promise you, you will always be protected. We are literally the biggest and strongest Mafia there is. Nobody could harm you or Jason and everyone else. There will always be someone guarding you even if you can't see them. Things aren't like before. Anyone who tries harming you will have to go through us" 

At his little speech theres tears in my eyes. "Okay" I wipe a tear " I'm so in" 

Before i can even finish what i was going to say i'm pulled into a hug and swung in circles

"Luca" I giggle finally getting onto my feet.

"What" He shrugs

"Group hug" Mama yells. 

"GROUP HUG" We all yell

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