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I look up in confusion. Jason sighs and comes and takes a seat next to me. "Look Lexi. I know you care for him-"

"He's my best friend! Of course I care for-"

"Shut up for a second." I sigh but stay quite

"Does Grayson know?" I nod. Grayson is my boyfriend, he's 24. Yes he's 5 years older then me but we love each other so.

"What did he say" I sigh and shrug "Wasn't happy. Thought i was endangering myself but after i went behind his back he knew i'd help Damon with or without him knowing so he'd rather he knows whats going on and help me "

"Your my responsibility. Your my sister and I love you more then anything you know that. But this. What your doing for Damon is very dangerous. Not only with the cops but this gang that's after Damon. Them too. What if they come for you huh. Lex. Fine you dont want to tell the cops. Fine. Don't. But from now on you will have no contact with him." Jason stands up and gives me a serious look.

"But Jas-"

"Stop." Jason growls. " I don't give two shits Lex. You will Not be in touch with him anymore. He's been hiding for years, let him do him. I'm not letting you be involved anymore. Your not helping him anyomre, your not going to put yourself in danger. And i swear Lex, if i find out you have. Sister or not. You will have lost all trust from me." Jason walks out the room banging the door on his way out.

I stare at the door, tears in my eyes. Fuck. Jeremy ruined everything.  I knew  I wouldn't be able to do anything now. Jasons trust is everything to me. His love. His trust. His faith. He's my family.  I don't know what to do. What if Damon needs me. What will i do. I never want to loose Jasons trust in me. I head down to the bar and order a drink needing a break from all the thoughts spirling through my head.

"You okay?" I look up and see Dominic. I give him a small smile and nod. He takes a seat next to me and orders some "Gin" 

Out of Michael, Dominc and Luca, i'd say Dominic is the more uptight and quite one.

" Make that two please" I tell the bartender

"No"  I look at Dominic in question.

He shakes his head. "You've already had a drink, your clearly stressed, the drink will make it worse" I scoff " Isn't alcohol supposed to make everything better?" I question

He raises his eyebrow and nods " Not for a 19 year old though"  I think for a minute "That's ageist" I watch as Dominic puts his drink down and turns to me "It's what" 

"Well, theres racist and sexist. So there's also ageist. It's when  your against age."  I reply. Then the most unexpected happens. He laughs. Dominic laughed. Holy shit. 

"Oh god. You really are adorable" He looks at me but there's something in the way he's looking,  no clue how or what. But i know its something

I grin and snatch his glass. "Thanks" I say and quickly drink all of it as Dominic shoots up and snatches the glass back.

"Are you fucking serious" He growls

"What" I giggle " I needed that strong drink.

"How many drinks has she had" I hear him ask. 

"That would be her third glass"

"Are you a fucking idiot! You can see she's a kid and alone yet you still let her drink" Dominic shouts

That last drink really got me. I guess it was stronger then what i've had. Plus i'm a lightweight so i'm drunk already.

"Nik, stop screaming at the poor guy! He's just doing his job" I exclaim

"Keep quite!" I pout and turn away from him. " Your such a meanie Nik. I'm a grown ass woman. I can take care of myseld thank you very much" I snort and try to walk away. I don't get far and before i know it i'm tripping. 

But i don't hit the ground. I can feel someones arms around me and when they turn me towards them i narrow my eyes but squeal when i see its Dominic " Hey Nik! My hero" I gush. He rolls his eyes and mutters a quick "Fuck" 

"Hey Mister. My brothers always being a bitch about language and blah blah. Soooo you shouldn't be swearing either" Dom raises his eyebrows " First, you just swore you lemon. Second. Your a child. You shouldn't swear." 

The second he said that i pushed him away from me and stomped towards the tables and stood on one before turning and pointing a finger at him " EXCUSE ME" I shout. " I AM NOT A CHILD, DON'T TREAT ME LIKE ONE" 

"Lexi get down now!" Dominic commands 

I sit down on top of the table and look down. "Lexi. Whats wrong?" Nik whispers.

"N-Nothing.  I just - I love my brother, but if  i go behind his back i'll loose his trust but if i dont i could loose someone else" I cry.

"Shit. Lex"  Nik wipes my tears with his thumb and wraps his arm around me so i'm sobbing in his shoulder. He pushes me away after a moment looking deep into my eyes. " Tell me what happened."  He softly says.

"I can't. It's a secret." I shush him with my finger  before my eyes slowly shut 

"Wait- Lex-" is the last thing i hear before i enter a slumber 

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