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I wasn't expecting to meet Alexa. My little sister at the bar when i went down. I wasn't expecting her to get drunk either and raise some concerns.

When she said i was being 'ageist' as she put it. I turned towards her and raised my eyebrows. The reply she gave me, i couldn't handle and ended up throwing my head back and cracking up.

She looks so shocked when she see's me laughing. I suppose the times when she's seen me i've had a straight face. I've been like that as long as i can remember.

I stare at her in awe, wanting to spill that she's my little sister. That i want her to come home with us. That i'm her family. But i don't. I can't. Not yet.

She's staring right at me, and when i call her adorable she grins and does the unthinkable. She snaches my glass and before i know it she's drunk it all. "Fuck. Lex" I snatch the glass back

"Are you fucking serious" I growl. She's got the audacity to giggle. But fuck. Her giggle is so cute. "What I needed that strong drink."

"How many drinks has she had"  I ask the bartender

"That would be her third glass"

"Are you a fucking idiot! You can see she's a kid and alone yet you still let her drink" I  shout pissed off.

"Nik, stop screaming at the poor guy! He's just doing his job"  she giggles. Great. She's drunk.

"Keep quite!" I Growl and watch as she pouts and turns away " Your such a meanie Nik. I'm a grown ass woman. I can take care of myself thank you very much"

I'm so wrapped up on how she gave me nickname. Nik. I almost missed how she was going to fall. I quickly ran and wrapped my hands around her waist holding her before slowly turning her around to face me.

She  squeals when she see's me " Hey Nik! My hero" she gushes I  rolls my eyes and mutters a quick "Fuck"  The situation she's in is serious. If i wasnt here she could of been taken advantage of. Just the thought of that make's me want to shoot someone.

"Hey Mister. My brothers always being a bitch about language and blah blah. Soooo you shouldn't be swearing either"

I look back down at the shorty in my arms and raise my eyebrows " First, you just swore you lemon. Second. Your a child. You shouldn't swear."

The second i said that i was pushed away,. I started as she stomped towards the tables and stood on one before turning and pointing a finger at me " EXCUSE ME" she shout. " I AM NOT A CHILD, DON'T TREAT ME LIKE ONE"

Cute. She's throwing a tantrum. Just what i need.

"Lexi get down now!" I command

I sit down on top of the table and look down. "Lexi. Whats wrong?" I whisper. She looks worried. Why. What the fuck. What's going on.

"N-Nothing. I just - I love my brother, but if i go behind his back i'll loose his trust but if i dont i could loose someone else"  she cries.

What. Oh that Jason guy. I scoff mentally. That's not her brother. But i am grateful he's looked after her.

"Shit. Lex" I wipe her tears with my  thumb and wrap my arm around her so she's sobbing in my shoulder. I hate seeing her cry. She's to precious to be crying. And that aswell over the worry of maybe loosing her brothers trust.

I push her  away after a moment looking deep into her eyes. " Tell me what happened." I  softly say. I'm shocked awt how gentle my tone is. But i know that ever since i've met Alexa all i want to do is be gentle and care for her

"I can't. It's a secret." she  shush me by putting her finger on my mouth before her eyes slowly shut "Wait- Lex-"  i try.

Fuck. She's fainted. I don't even know her room!

Actualy, i can take her to our penthouse. That way Michael can take her blood or hair sample for a DNA test plus we can have her with us. I nod and gather her in my arms holding her bridal style making my way to the penthouse. We planned to leave today but now we see Alexa there's no way we're going just yet.

I hold her while we're going up and think back to what she said. I have a feel that cop triggered whatever happeend between her Jason.

The doors open and i walk through.

"Is that Lexi?" Mama shouts.

"Mama. Shh" I whisper

"What happened" Everyone whispers at once.

I put her down on the couch and turn around towards our family. "She's drunk. She fainted."

Papa, Michaels and Luca's eyes shot wide. "What" They all growl. Jaw's clenched. Eyes narrowed. I sigh and go through everything that happened.

" What was she going to do behind her brothers back?" Dad asks

" It must be pretty serious if it would break his trust" Michael adds

"Yes but whos the 'someone else' she's said" Mama question.

"I honestly don't know"  I sigh

"That cop. He's got to be part of it." Luca mumbles. I nod " I think so too"

"Michael. Take her blood or whatever" I remind him.

He nods and does what he needs to do before walking of, no doubt to call the doc.

" Find out whats going on with the cop" Papa demands. I nod and head up to my room to make some calls.

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