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I stretch and wipe my eyes before grabbing my phone and answering it

"Hello" I yawn

"Sorry baby, did i wake you"

"Gray! I missed you!" I smile

"Missed you too baby. How was yesterday?"

"Was good actually. Had good chat with them both"

"I'm glad baby. I'm sorry i wasn't there when you came home."

"No its okay, your sister needed you Gray, you can't not be there"

"I know but so did you" He sighs

"Baby i'm fine, it went really well, i'm with Dominic in the morning and Luca in the afternoon"

"That should be fun"

"Yepp. I'll meet you tommorw after i meet Michael. Fill you in more details"

"Okay love, go get ready. I love you"

"Love you too"

"We're leaving in 30. Don't eat breakfast. D"

I roll my eyes at Nik's message. So bloody to the point

I quickly get out of bed and get ready. I wear jeans and a off the shoulder red top.

"Lexi! Dominic's here!" Jason shouts up the stairs

"Coming!" I shout back quickly fixing my hair and grabbing my trainers

"Hey, you look gorgous" Jason gives me a kiss

"Aw thanks" I smile

"You really do" Nik says giving me a smile

"You don't look so bad yourself" I laugh taking his arm as we head towards the door

"So where are we going?" I ask

"I've got breakfast so we're going to head down to the beach."

"Awesome. What's for breakfast, i'm starving"

"See for yourself" He gives me a huge basket. I open it and it's got doughnuts, croissants, pasteries, sandwhiches, chocolate and drinks

"Whoa" I smile "This is awesome thank you"

"No worries" Dominiic smiles

"You should smile more"

"No thanks" He mutters

"Cmon, you have to!" I laugh as i watch him roll his eyes.

Nik was actually really fun to talk to. Well i did most of the talking he mostly added some comments or was hearing stories of my past.

"Wait are we flying to the beach?" I ask as we pull up next to a jet

"Yepp, let's go" Nik says getting out the car

I follow after Nik as we enter the jet. It takes us about 30 minutes to get to the beach. And i took every second of it to heart. I loved it

"Do you like it?"

"I love it, we're so high up!" I laugh. After a while we get there and land.

I take a seat on the blanket Nik's layed out and help put the food on the blanket.

We start eating and its silent

"You used to call me Nik" He finally speaks


"Before you - you got kidnapped. Ironically i was your favourite. I was the only one you had a nickname for. You called me Nik" He laughs " You were a very naughty child, you used to run to me so you don't get in trouble"

"So did you always save me from getting in trouble" I smile

"I did"

"Good to know, i'll always come to you whenever i get myself into trouble which is a lot by the way" I laugh but stop when i see Nik's staring silently

"What" i awkardly cough "You said i'll always save you when your in trouble, it's correct, i will. But you said always"


"I, well I.." I sigh " I'm not going to stop seeing you guys"

"Good" Nik smiles widely

"Good" I smile back

And from then we laugh and chat and before I know it Lucas on a camel coming towards us

"Oh my god" I laugh

"Typical Luca" Nik rolls his eyes before getting up and grabbing my hands pulling me up

"Gee thanks!" I sarcastically say

"No probs, cmon" he pushes me onto the camel in front of Luca

"Hey Lex"

"Luca, this is amazing!"

"Wait till it starts walking. Bye Nik"

We leave Nik behind and continue sitting on the camel it taking us further away. It takes us 30 minutes to get to the nearest hill

"How did you like the Camel ride?" Luca asks

"Absolutely loved it!" I cheer

"Glad you loved it"

We look out to the view and I see a rope hanging to get to the forest on the other side

"Hope you have good balance"

My eyes widen when i realise what we're doing.

"I dont know, never done it" I excitley say

"Frist time for everything"

Luca shows me how to handle my balance and we slowly hand onto the rope and get to the other side

"Do you know where the forest leads us?"

"Yepp, follow me"

We walk through the forest with Luca filling me in on more stories from the boys past

"Thats so funny" i laugh "Michael must of been fuming!"

"He was" Luca laughs "Oh god." He stops and next thing im crashing into a hug "Aww" I coo

"It was different for you. You didn't know you had a twin, but i did. For me it was like i lost a piece of myself" Luca whispers

"I never ever thought the Russo men are so cute" I coo hugging Luca again

"I'm so happy your my twin" I confess.

"You are?"

"I am"

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