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I fix my hair in the mirror when i head a grunt and a "Beautiful" being whispered. I look towards the door and see Gray there looking hot as hell.

"Have i told you, your the most gorgeous woman in the world"

"Mhm I think not" I hum

"Well darling, you absolutely are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen" he leans in for a kiss and I wrap my arms around him

"And I gotta admit you are the most handsome man I've ever seen" I whisper

"If your flirting is finished, let's go" Damon interrupts

Gray shuts his eyes and whispers "Please let me kill him"

I laugh

"Hey rude much"

"No not really"


"Sorry D, you cockblocked, it's your own fault" I smirk walking towards the door

"Your my bestie" he pouts

"And my girlfriend so fuck off" Gray brings me closer to him

"Idiots" I mutter "ow" I rub my butt narrowing my eyes at Gray

"I love you baby" he smirks. I roll my eyes but smile as I see Roberto standing near the Limos door

"The Limos big enough for us all, get in"

We all take a seat and chatter

*Time skip*

"Let's go, we're all going through the main entrance" Michael nods towards the doors.

The building looks so elegant. So posh. I like it.

We all head inside and all goes quiet. People staring at us with curious looks, some with shock, some with jealousy.  We go past all of them and head for our table

"Don't you dare roll your eyes Lex" Gray warns

"I wasn't gonna" I scoff

"Liar" He mutters

I really was gonna roll them but i stopped myself. Today is about Roberto and Laura.

"Gray let's get drinks" I whisper

I drag Gray to the bar as our family takes a seat at the table

Roberto and Laura take the spotlight. Roberto silencing everyone

"Thank you all for coming today" Roberto starts

"It means a lot to us and our family. Today is our wedding anniversay and i'm so happy to be celebrating with our loved ones" Laura continues. Roberto gives a little speech on family and loyalty which was cute before ending it with a little "Heres to us"

We all cheers and drink the champange

"Never took you for the Champagane kinda girl" Luca comes up from behind us

I turn and smirk "What can i say, i can be posh sometimes"

"She's also a light weight, so Lexi be careful" Gray voices

"Yes boss" I chuckle

We stand around chatting, dancing and just having fun. Before we know it dinners been served.

"Okay, we need to get a hold of Laura and seriously ask her who the chef is, the food was amazing" Liam mumbles

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" 

"Dont act so disgusted Jason" Liam smirks

"Ew" we all say

"I need to go toilet, I will be right back" I say getting up

"Want me to come with you?" Lucy asks

"Nope. It's alright" I smile

Looking around i see Laura talking to some other ladies but the Russo men are missing. Weird. It's their party

"You alright Hun" Laura comes up to me

"Yeah, wheres the bathroom do you know?"

"It's just up the stairs, go all the way down the corridor on the left, you know what i'll come with"

"No, No Laura it's fine, i'll be quick, thanks!"

I quickly go up the stairs and go down the corridor she said

"NO" I hear someone scream. What the hell

"Beg all you want. Your not getting out of this" a voice growls

Hold on. I know that voice.

That's Nik. Dominic Russo.

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