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I shut my eyes in annoyance and reopen them when i turn around. " You know, i'm starting to think you've got a flipping tracker in me!"

"Alexa, Who's this, is everything okay?" Luca asks. i can see from the corner of my eyes his and Dominics jaws are clenched.

"I'm Detective Jeremy. Alexa, a word." He raises his eyebrows waiting for me to argue. Fucking prick. I stomp my feet and walk off, heading inside towards the sitting room which is empty.

"Your in some serious shit." He smirks. I turn back and narrow my eyes. "For someone who says he didn't agree with whatshisface's tactics you sure are doing the same." I retort.

He puts up a confused face as i roll my eyes. "Stalking me! I mean seriously. Grow up!" Jeremy chuckles darkly now making me confused

"I had to. I got strict orders to get you and bring you back to Scotland."


" You know where a missing person is?" I scoff "What missing person?" He scoffs " You know who i'm talking about. Damon. Where is he" I raise my eyebrows at this.

"Have you got some sort of obsession with Damon and I and our friends? I mean first your after us and then you go for Damon? He's dead. YOUR departmnet did an autopsy report, that dead body was Damons. He's dead for gods sake! Why are you so obsessed!"

Jeremy comes closer to me and leans down "We know he's alive and we know you know"

I push him back frustrated " What the hell's your problem. Stop chasing ghosts. He's dead. I dont know where you've got your information from but DAMON IS DEAD!" I raise my voice. I'm pissed. I'm very pissed.

" You need to come back home. You've got a court order." Jeremy nods. "Fine" i agree " I'll cut my vacation short and go home. Ask me whatever questions you want, but my answer is the same."

"What? That he's dead to you or that you don't know where he is?" Jeremy just loves to push me.

"Listen you fucktard. Damon was my best friend, he's not dead TO ME, he is dead. And you know what even if he was, i would never tell you where he is." I replied

"I'll see you back in Scotland" Jeremy says " I'll be waiting for you at the airport at 9am in the morning. If you aren't there your face will be in the news. This isn't me. It's orders from above."

I watch as Jeremy walks off. "Fuck" I whisper.

Just at that time my phone rings and i see its Jason. I quickly pick up. "Jace, Detective Jeremey was here. I have to go back to Scotland. Court orders apparently" I continue talking to Jeremy updating him of what happened as i walk to my room to pack.

Once i've packed everything i start pacing the room. For fucks sake. Who the hell told the cops Damon was alive. I needed to get in touch with him but how. I left the burner phone i use to talk to him at home. Fuck. I pull at my hair frustrated.

I get up to open the door when theres a knock and step back as everyone enters.

"I'm only going to ask you this once Lex. Is Damon alive?" Jason growls. " Jas-"
"The truth Lex"

I sigh and look around the room. "You can't lie if you dont know"

"Dammit Lexi"

"What the fuck"

" Holy shit he's alive"

"He's a murderer Lexi!"

"ENOUGH" I shout. " i'll tell you everything. But not here. Once we get home alright. Please."

"Everybody out" Jason commands. Fuck.

He sits down and leans back. "Lex. Why didn't you tell me Damon was alive. I'm your brother for Gods sake.

" Jason. I wanted to tell you I swear. But it wasn't safe"

"What do you mean it wasn't safe? Are you in danger?" Jason quickly stands up "Lex?"

"No Jason I'm not. I - Ugh. Ok look. Damon had to leave because his life was in Danger. Someone was after him. It went deep. He was sent his ex's head. Her head Jason."

I look up and see Jason staring in shock "what the fuck"

"There's more. I didn't know Damon had faked his death. Especially when they found a body. I really thought he was dead. My grief was real. It turns out the guy who we thought was Damon was actually the guy Damon killed. Apparently this guy has killed his parents."

"Carry on"

I sigh and sit back and continue with the story
"  Do you remember Damon's dad. A complete dickhead"

"Language" Jason sternly says. I roll my eyes and continue

" He was in a gang. He'd betrayed them. These people weren't to be messed with. They killed his mother but when they saw he wasn't affected they  went for him putting him in a coma. They knew Jason had worked out who they were so they started playing some sick game.

The guy in Damon's grave was a guy who nearly killed Damon. It was self defence"

"The cops thought it was Damon because his blood was on the body" Jason whispers

I hesitate but nod but nothing ever gets past Jason.
"No secrets. What is it"

" Damons uncle was the doctor. He changed the reports to make it look like it was Damon's body."

"What the fuck. Are you serious!?"

I nod " Damon's been in hiding for the past two years, but now the Cops are behind him, he's in when more risk then before. These people are after him. If they find him. He's dead.

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