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"Russo" Michael growls out

I look at the receptionist who looks scared out her mind

"Michael calm down" I whisper putting a hand on his arm. He tenses up for a second before I feel him relax

"She's still in surgery. Floor 4." She stutters

We make our way to the floor and I see Dad and Nik waiting outside.

"Papa" Michael addresses


"What's the update?"

I await our fathers answer as he takes a big sigh

"They're doing surgery. The doc-" Hes interrupted by the doc

"Lucinda" Michael calls

"Capo" she hurried over

"How's my wife?" Dad asks

"We need blood urgently."

"She's a o-negative isn't she" Dad asks

"Si, I've sent someone to check if we've got it. If we have no o-negative blood then-"

"I'm o-negative" I speak up And give a small smile as everyone looks at me

"Don't waste any time looking for it. Take my blood" I order

She looks at Michael in question as Michael looks at me

"Micky please, don't waste any time" I plead

I feel a pull to my arm and see Dad smiling softly
"Thank you Alexa"

I squeeze his arm "She's my mother" I justify

Dad smiles wiping his eye " I'm happy to hear that from your mouth Tesoro" (Darling)

I give him a soft nod before going with Lucinda

"Take a seat" She points to a seat

"So.." I say to start conversation

"So?" She smiles

"You and my brother ey"

Lucinda looks my way eyes widen choking on her water "Wh-what"

I smirk "I'm 19. Not stupid"

"I- I, N-no you-"

"Relax. I'm not gonna tell anyone"

She visibly relaxes "I - I love him" She whispers getting the equipment ready

" I noticed." I take a beat before adding "I can tell he loves you too"

She looks at me scanning my face to see if i'm lying

"I- i mean i know he likes me. I don't think it's love though" She chuckles sadly

"No. I know that look. It's the same look Gray gives me. Michael loves you Lucinda. Even if he hasn't told you"

"I wish he did. We aren't even together though so" she says as she starts taking my blood

"So you have a thing going on?" I ask

"Yes i guess so"

"He's an idiot" I sigh

"That he is" she giggles "So Gray, you two together?"

"Yepp, Have been for 2 years."

"Aw, how'd your brothers take that" she wiggles her eyebrows

"They aren't happy but they haven't threatened him yet so"

"There all done, stay here and relax. I'm going to start the next stage." Lucinda gets up and walks to the door before turning back "And Lexi. Your mum will be just fine"

I smile and nod before she leaves.

I grab my phone and dial Gray

"Baby" Gray sighs "I've missed you"

"Gray" I whisper

"Lexi. Baby. What's wrong!" Gray panics

"It's mum. She got shot."

"What. Oh my god" He whispers

"Here in Italy. In front of me" I sob silently

"Oh shit. Baby are you okay? Wait stupid question. I'm coming. Send me the address. I'm on my way" He rushes out

"Okay I love you"

"I love you too" I reply cutting the call

"Hey" I look up and see Luca

"Hey Luc"

"You okay?"

"I guess" I sigh

"She'll be okay." He says tensed

"It just feels like loosing my parents all over again" I whisper

"Oh Lexi" He whispers coming over and cuddling me

"I just can't believe how quick the twists happened i just-"

"Lexi. Breathe. I know how your feeling. I get it. But we have the best workers operating on our mother. She will be fine." He whispers playing with my hair

I smile sadly and nod "She'll be fine"

We sit in silence for a moment before i ask him a question

"How did it feel?" I ask

"When i fell from heaven?" He jokes

"More like hell" I chuckle "I mean knowing you were or are a twin. When i wasnt here. You lost me knowing you had me. I didn't even know i had a twin. But now i have you i can't imagine loosing you" I confess

" It felt like no matter what happiness i got. It wasn't enough, there was always a part of it missing. It felt like I lost a part of me" He replies honestly

"I can't believe you went through that. I'm so sorry" I whisper

"Don't be silly. I have you now. Your not going anywhere."

"Not going anywhere" I say softly as i shut my eyes.

"Wake her up. She'll be relieved to know Mama is fine" A voice whispers.

I stay asleep but as the words register i shoot up from my seat

"Ow Lex" i look behind and see Gray

"Gray!" I smile

"Baby" He sofly says putting a hair piece behind my ear

"Lexi, you okay Tesoro" Dad asks

I look at him and nod before I give him a shocked look

"You- who said mums fine. Is she really fine?"

"Si Tesoro. I'm absolutely fine" a voice says

I look behind dad and see Mum laying in bed. My eyes widen before i rush over to her

"Mum" I cry hugging her close

"Figlia. I'm fine. I'm alive. " She laughs "In fact i've never been better. Thats three times you've called me mum."

I chuckle sadly "Three times" I look at dad and notice him frowning slighly but covers it with a smile when he sees me looking

"How are you feeling, was the operation okay?"

"I'm okay darling. Little sore but okay"

"Dad. Is she really?" I face dad and hide a smile when i notice how the term made his face bright up.

"Si, si she's fine" He laughs "Say it again"

"What?" I feign confusion

He rolls his eyes "You know what Missy"

"Yes Dad. Sorry Dad" I tease.

I watch as he's got a satisfied look on his face before he looks down at his wife.

"We're okay. We're all okay" He whispers.

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