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I look over to the door and see Roberto and Laura hand in hand.

When Laura sees I'm tied she runs over

"You idiots! Why is she tied up!" Laura quickly unties me and I quickly stand up

"Mama" Michael sighs

"Don't Mama me boy."

"Amore. It doesn't matter. She's here now"

"It so matters, they drugged me! What if I become an addict"

"You what" Laura shouts

"She kept struggling"

"Well if you told me you wanted to talk I wouldn't have"  I cross my arms

"Would you have willingly come with us?" Michael raises his eyebrows

I stay silent and shrug "Fine fair enough"

"Let's take this to Michaels office. I don't want this to be the environment when we speaking, come Alexa" Roberto pulls me towards him

"We'lol be right there Amore, the boys and I need to have a talk on how to treat a lady"

I smirk and turn around


She turns around and smiles "Yes Honey?"

"I didn't wanna tell you this, but since your having a chat with the boys, maybe tell them to not hurt a lady too, they pulled my hair really harshly" I say looking down

"What the fuck" the boys all shout

I look back up and see Laura giving them the death stare

"You boys did what"

"I wasn't there! I sent Dominic and Luca!" Michael backs away

"Lexi why you lying? When did we do that!" Luca asks wide eyed

I smirk behind Laura's back and mouth "Shame"

They both narrow their eyes

I smirk as Laura grabs their ears and demands for them to apologise to me

I cross my arms and wait

They look at each other and then at me

"You win this time, Ow ow ow" Luca shouts stopping him foot

"Mum cmon" Nik mutters

"Apologise. Now" she growls. I smirk.

"Sorry Lexi."

"For what?"

"Don't stretch it" Nik growls

"Well how do I know what your apologising for? It could be the kidnap, the drugging or tying me up!"

"She's got a point" Roberto backs me

"We're sorry for everything" they both mutter

I smirk and nod "Cool." And follow Roberto to the door.

"Don't think I didn't notice your evil smirks Sorella"
Michael whispers from behind me as we leave the room

"No clue what your talking about" I shrug

He rolls his eyes "Your lucky I like you"

"Lexi come"  we enter Robertos office and I'm impressed.

"This is my old office, don't really have one anymore, I've retired"

"Really you don't look that old"

Roberto slowly turns around and narrows his eyes "I'm not old"

"But your retired" I smirk

"Cause Michael took over when he was of Age"

"So you grew old, gotcha" I smirk

Roberto shakes his head and smiles "You say you don't know how to act around us cause we're in the Mafia yet you still act normal. Like you know we wouldn't hurt you"

"Yeah well I believe you wouldn't hurt me, doesn't mean I have to like the fact you kill people" I take a seat opposite Roberto

"Si. That's your personal opinion. But Alexa, you have to believe when we say we have morals. We know right and wrong. We wouldn't do something against that."

"He's right love" Laura comes in with Nik and Luca behind her.

I sigh

"So why am I here? Laura and I already spoke"

"Because, there's something you need to know" Roberto answers

"And you aren't being told this as manipulation or to get you to still be in touch"

Okay then.

"The guys wanted to wait" Laura grabs my hand "But I knew that you'd keep thinking of that guy dying, and I know you don't like that side of us, but we've never done anything to put you or your family at risk"

"I get that I do. But I just don't know how to move on from that" I sigh

"That's why we want to tell you this secret we've been hiding."

"What secret?"

"The real reason why we've bonded with you, why we care about you, well we'd care regardless your an amazing woman. Why we've been holding onto you"

"And why is that?" I ask as I lean forward

"Alexa." Laura takes a deep breath

"Your our daughter"

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