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"I was jus-"

"Dom, it's all good" I  wink "you've got my blessing, totally go for it" I laugh

"Gee thanks" Dominic grumbles

I think Of something and smirk "Alex" Dominic asks

"What?" I innocently say
"Whatevers going through your mind no."

"Whatevs" I mutter and make my way outside.

" So let's play a game" I clap my hands rolling my eyes at everyone's unamused expressions

"Look you guys have eaten a lot it's time to digest that no?" I ask

"Lex" Jason laughs "Since when are you into digesting you eat like a hobo"

I narrow my eyes "Takes one to know one anyways guys come on. We gonna do some races so everyone will get into pairs and ones gonna basically walk on their hands and the other has to hold their legs and face across the garden, capiche"

"Oh come on Lex I'm wearing a dress" Lucy complains

" So when Jason holds you, he'll hold the dress to your legs done"

"I think it sounds great let's do it" Luca smirks

"Teams are. Roberto and Laura, Jason and Lucy, me and Gray, Damon and.. huh Damon can go with Dominic so there's just Luca and Michael left"

I try to not stare are the look Dominic was giving

"Michael and I will keep watch" Luca smiles

"Cool" I shrug

I turn my back on everyone and catch Dominics eye, I wiggle my eyebrows and laugh when he narrows his eyes.

He's gonna thank me later.

"Let's go"

One by one we all line up at start waiting for Luca to whistle.

" Your trying to set Dominic and Damon up aren't you" Gray whispers getting into position

"Was it that obvious?"

"Nope i just know you very well" He laughs

"GO!" Luca shouts

We all speed walk towards the end trying to beat one another

I look to the side and see Dominic gripping Damons ankles whispering something to him

"Aww" I gush looking ahead and to the side again "Aren't they cute"

" They are actually"

"If they get tougether they'll be double D" As soon as i say that I feel like im falling onto the ground but before i can hit the floor Gray grabs me " Baby i could of died" I pout

"Lexi and Grayson are out!" Luca shouts

"Shame!" Damon laughs

" Drama queen" Gray smiles as he leans to give me a kiss

"I would never let you fall and if I did i'd always catch you."

I look up into Graysons eyes and lean up to kiss his forehead closing my eyes as i do. " I love you" I whisper

"And i love you" He whispers. I open my eyes and see Michael looking directly at us with a frown on his face. As soon as he meets my eyes his reaction changes and he smiles and wavves.

Bipolar much.

"Come on lets go to the side"

"Carry me!" I demand throwing my arms around his neck, Gray leans down and throws me over his shoulder

"Gray" I laugh " I meant my legs around your waist and hands around your neck kinda carrying"

"Same thing" he shrugs taking us to the side, he sits down and settles me into his lap as we watch the game together.

"Dom and Damon are the winners" Luca shouts And everyone starts cheering

"You guys are a great team" I cheer smirking at the look they individually give me

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