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The next day comes quick.

Mum joins us all for breakfast. Michael and Nik aren't here.

"Have you spoken to Jason Lex?" Gray asks putting a toast in my place. I swat at his hand rolling my eyes.

"Yh spoke to him this morning. I didn't go much into detail just said you got hurt" I look at Mum.

She gives me a small smile and leans back.

"I've decided We're going to tell Jason about the Mafia."

My eyes widen in surprise and I can see so does Luca

"Mama are you sure?" Luca questions

"Si. They mean a lot to Lexi. They're part of her family. So they're part of us too."

"Amore. This is a big deal" Papa reassures "I agree with you. That way they can keep an eye out for any danger and we don't need to keep making excuses. Lexi we want to do this the right way. Your our daughter. The Mafia princess and i won't let anyone get in the way to that."

"And you think Jason will just let you take Lexi?"

"Of course"

"This is too much" I sigh

"Lexi?" Mum grabs my hand

"I-i didnt think of living arrangements. I mean i kinda assume as the Mafia princess i'll be in danger some. Kinda like the other day. But my life is in Scotland. I - my studies. Jason everyone's there. "

"We can move Jasons family to London too" Dad offers

"But why should they have to leave their home down and come live there just because we want them too"

"Because I want too" A voice says behind me.

I freeze in shock and looking over to Gray for confirmation. A small smile and nod is enouh for me to turn around and jump into Jasons arms.

"I missed you so so much" I cry

"I missed you too Lex" Jason laughs holding me tighter

" Move. Let me hug her" I feel someone tug me

"LUCY" I squeal

"LEXI" She squeals back giving me a big hug

"Hey bro" I hear Luca near me

I pull away and squeal "How are you here?"

"Well when you called and said Laura had gotten hurt we though we'd come over. And we were missing you" Lucy blows me a kiss

"Aww i missed you too" I laugh

"Jason. Lucy." Dad welcomes

"Hello everyone." Jason waves and within 5 minutes we were all sitting at the table continuing with breakfast.

"Jason." I hear Nik say. I look behind and see Nik and Michael.

They walk over and welcome Jason and Lucy

"No little one?"

"Nope" Lucy chuckles "Left her with my mum"

Michael nods and excuses himself. So does Nik

"They had to pull a all nighter with work. They just got home" Mum explains

"Ahh okay" Lucy nods

We all chatter and catch up and before we know it Michael and Nik come back.

"Right." Dad claps his thighs giving a look to Micky

I look between everyone and realise this is the time they're going to spill

"I know you said you want to move to London." Dad starts.

" Im not going to make Lexi choose between us. She's my sister just as much she's your daughter. Ironically I found a job. Higher salary, senior post. I want to go for it. and I would if Lexi decided to stay in London"

"Wait Jas. a job in London? Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"Lex I didn't want to say anything till I spoke to you but then I heard you didn't wanna make us move"

"My darling we would move anywhere for you" Lucy agrees

I take a deep breath and look around the room


"I'll be with you more then a couple of days my love" he grabs my hand " I;l work remote. I would need to be back in Scotland atleast two days a week"

I nod and turn towards the rest of the room

"Okay done. And I can do uni stuff online and just go in for exams"

"Awesome" Michael smiles

"Next point. The truth about us" Dad sits up straighter.

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